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RE: Esp/Eng Hive Open Mic 112 Popurrí Venezolano

in Hive Open Mic3 years ago (edited)

Wow, that energy! Brilliant! 👏 Reliving your childhood! haha
And that guitar is lovely, I've never seen that sort of shape before.. It's called "Cuatro", or is that a name you gave it? It loves the outing, I'm sure!
Love your performances! 👍 😀


Hello dear friend, what a pleasure that you are here, this instrument is typical of our Venezuelan musical culture, most of the cuatros have an ovoid shape, but this one is very atypical, it caught my attention when I saw it, I played it and I fell in love. I'm glad you like my presentation, receive a big hug!

The pleasure was all mine!! 😃

The pleasure was all mine!! 😃