Hello fam 💫😍
For this week with a specular theme "Musical Embrace"
I will be doing fragrance , a popular song by one of my favorite artist in Nigeria Dunsin oyekan.
Music is indeed one of the greatest weapons available, if we can embrace it. Whatever we go through we can find a song to help us go through it.
My worship is my weapon that's how I fight and I know that when I praise God it moves from me as fragrance and He responds with Fire.
Have a fulfilling weekend family
Lots of love from me🥰🤩😍
Song lyrics
The fragrance of my worship
Rose up to the Father
Noises thunderings earthquakes
Were the response to my worship
The fragrance of my worship
Rose up to the Father
Noises thunderings lightnings
Were the response to my worship
The fragrance of my worship
Rose up to the Father
Noises, thunderings, earthquakes
Were the response to my worship
The fragrance of my worship
Rose up to the Father
Noises thunderings lightnings
Were the response to my worship
First it was fragrance
Then it turned to fire
My worship is my weapon
This is how I win my battle this is how I win my battle
First it was fragrance
Then it turned to fire
My worship is my weapon
This is how I win my battle this is how I win my battle
This is how I win
The smoke of my worship
Released upon the earth haa ha
This is how I win win win
This is how I win
The smoke of my worship the smoke of my worship
Released upon the earth
First it was fragrance
Then it turned to fire ayayayaya
My worship is my weapon
This is how I win my battle this is how I win my battle
Announce to all those ayaya pariyes lakepasus
Having disarmed principalities and powers He made an open spectacle of them
My worship is my weapon
This is how I win my battle
If I be lifted up I will draw all men to Myself first it was fragrance
Then it turned to fire
Your worship is your weapon
First it was fragrance
Then it turned to fire
I've always loved that precious charisma you share here on #openmic, I'm fascinated!!!. I love how you accompany yourself with that handclap, and that gorgeous voice!!!!! Welcome to this week, sorry I wasn't on the previous ones I suffered some connection problems!!!!
Thanks @nazatpt for your nice words and soryy about the connection problems.. Glad to have you back
Beautiful voice! Beautiful song. You must be an alto singer, I guess though 😅
Nice one!
Keep it coming dear @bernice001
Wow! You guessed right😇.. Thank you dear
Wow!! How did you know
This song has a precious message! You are a precious flower that always makes any song your own👑🌷, proving that when you have a precious voice you stand out even without musical instruments!
Music gives us the opportunity to unite and love each other! united in one spiritual form. Thank you for being an inspirational girl and it's nice to see you always here! Blessings🌟
I really appreciate your sweet words @musicandreview❣... Lots of love from me to you🥰
I love this song so much, I can play it all day. Love your rendition ofcourse.
Thanks friend
Beautiful rendition sis.
This is so beautiful.
We hope to see more of you here.
Thanks @benii for your sweet words
wow 😍😍
The melody in your voice is not anything I want to forget in a hurry. you are such a lovely singer @bernice001, I really hope to see more great stuff from you 👏👏🌹
Thank hou @primestack1.. Nice hearing from you over here😍