Hive Open Mic Week #244 // Cover An Indonesian Song "KEMESRAAN" or "INTIMACY" By IWAN FALS

in Hive Open Mic3 months ago

Hello Everyone!

Happy to be able to participate again in the @hiveopenmic music community which is held regularly every week. The community that carries a global mission of harmony and has a vision of world peace. Both vision and mission that we must instill in our minds and hearts.

What makes me return to being active in this weekly music community, in this community we are given the freedom to perform songs from our respective countries, both original songs and works from musicians who have entered the music industry.

KEMESRAAN or INTIMACY in English translation. This a duet song actually, Iwan Fals and Rafika Duri were in duet to sing this song. This Song also covered by many musicians in Indonesia.The theme given to be explore for this @openmic is "TOGETHER", such a great theme in music exploration. I am trying my best to adjust the theme through the I cover, it is from legend musician in my country Iwan Fals with his million people song tittle

The song "KEMESRAAN" by Iwan Fals also talks about the meaning of togetherness with loved ones, whether family or friends. The song describes how someone feels heavy if they have to be separated from those they love. This could be because the time spent together is so beautiful and not easily forgotten. Could it be that you are feeling the same way?

Enjoy my video performance. Check it out!!!

Here is the lyrics and the song translation
Suatu hari
Di kala kita duduk di tepi pantai
Dan memandang ombak di lautan yang kian menepi

One day
When we sit on the beach
And look at the waves in the ocean that are getting closer

Burung camar terbang
Bermain di derunya air
Suara alam ini
Hangatkan jiwa kita

Seagulls fly
Playing in the roar of the water
The sound of nature
Warms our souls

Sementara sinar surya perlahan mulai tenggelam
Suara gitarmu mengalunkan melodi tentang cinta
Ada hati membara erat bersatu
Getar seluruh jiwa tercurah saat itu

While the sun slowly begins to set
The sound of your guitar plays a melody about love
There are hearts burning tightly united
The vibrations of the whole soul poured out at that time

Kemesraan ini... Janganlah cepat berlalu
Kemesraan ini…Ingin kukenang selalu
Hatiku damai..Jiwaku tenteram di sampingmu
Hatiku damai..Jiwaku tenteram bersamamu

This intimacy...Don't let it pass quickly
This intimacy...I want to remember it always
My heart is at peace...My soul is at peace beside you
My heart is at peace...My soul is at peace with you

WhatsApp Image 2024-12-12 at 19.06.18_7f4766a6.jpg


wow,iwan fals aku sangat menyukainya abangku,bravo🔥

Hehehe... thank you brother. Good to know you like it.

Wow es simplemente muy bonita su interpretación, relajante! 🤍🎶🎶🎶

Muchas gracias..