Hive Open Mic Week #254 - HAMPA (Cover Song By Ari Lasso)

in Hive Open Mic20 days ago


Hello everyone! Good to see you all who stop by and watching video on my post. As the previous week, today I am back share you the music, with another cover song from my country Indonesia. To be here, in the community with such great mision and vision that are; global harmony and world peace, is something special for me. Every week of @openmic we are given different theme to elaborate into the chosen song.

For this time, I still keep introduce you another song from one of the best soloist in my country, Indonesia, name ARI LASSO. This man was big in 90's with his former band DEWA19. After resigned from the band which raising up his name, due to drug issue, Ari Lasso then made a big decission to comeback on the duet with female singer/songwriter, Melly Goeslaw.

The fenomenal comeback with the song written by Melly Goeslaw, JIKA was the jumping stone for ARI LASSO to reach his triumph with so many songs then. One of them is HAMPA that was released on 2003, on his second solo album, Keseimbangan. This song was written by RICKY FM. Here is my video cover of that song after previously stored it on YouTube.

Check This One Out!!!

Lyrics & English Translation

Kupejamkan mata ini
Mencoba 'tuk melupakan
Segala kenangan indah
Tentang dirimu, tentang mimpiku

I close my eyes
Trying to forget
All the beautiful memories
About you, about my dreams

Semakin aku mencoba
Bayangmu semakin nyata
Merasuk hingga ke jiwa
Tuhan, tolonglah diriku

The more I try
Your shadow becomes more real
Penetrating into my soul
God, help me

Entah di mana dirimu berada
Hampa terasa hidupku tanpa dirimu
Apakah di sana kau rindukan aku?
Seperti diriku yang s'lalu merindukanmu
Selalu merindukanmu

I don't know where you are
My life feels empty without you
Are you missing me there?
Like me who always misses you
Always misses you

Tak bisa aku ingkari
Engkaulah satu-satunya
Yang bisa membuat jiwaku
Yang pernah mati menjadi berarti

I can't deny it
You are the only one
Who can make my soul
Which once died become meaningful

Namun kini kau menghilang
Bagaikan ditelan bumi
Tak pernahkah kau sadari
Arti cintamu untukku?

But now you're gone
As if swallowed by the earth
Have you never realized
The meaning of your love for me?


This is a lovely play. I love the sound of your guitar

Thank you my friend!

You are welcome my friend

I love the strings you played in your entry sir, its indeed a good entry, thanks fir sharing

What a beautiful and amazing performance Sir. I always love your strumming and singing too