🎵 Hive Open Mic 44 - “Four Directions” (Original Song)

in Hive Open Mic4 years ago

Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community celebrating live music on Hive. Each week is a new event, inviting creative expression and genuine connection.


Here's a song for the 44th Hive Open Mic, where the theme is "Four Directions." In my interpretation, the four directions align with the four sacred elements as symbols of nature's cycles. When I contemplate the four directions, I bring awareness to the flow of life, and the transitions between seasons, witnessing changes.

Right now at home in Austin, Texas, we're experiencing a major cold spell that is making the roadways icy and slippery. I tried to go to a photography gig this morning but had to cancel because the entire highway system was closed down due to auto collisions. It's the middle of winter, which means cold weather, slow movement, and a time for introspection–seeking inward.

What do I see when I search inside? I see a whole person, who is learning to equally embrace the four roles I play in life: the father, the mother, the son, and the spirit. This is an exciting time in my life, when I have a chance to re-invent myself, in a way, and re-invest my energy into my various places of choosing. Feeling freedom in ways I never knew. Feeling new.

One interesting aspect of the song I'm sharing here is that this one continues to crystallize over time, as I try new things and feel it out. This time, I tried whistling a melodic solo for the intro and outro, which feels fitting for this song's subject matter. Plus, most importantly, it was fun!

Four Directions

A song about the cycles of life.

I call the spirit East
I am the wind
Meadowlark whistling
Cottonwood whispering

I call the spirit South
I am the fire
Lava stone sparkling
Rosebud spiraling

I call the spirit West
I am the water
Rainstorm drizzling
Black bear dreaming

I call the spirit North
I am the earth
Sweetgrass smoldering
White cloud snowing

I call the spirit Above
I am the Infinite
Guiding light brightening
Open space widening

I call the spirit Below
I am the Innermost
Warmth radiating
Sound resonating




Hive Open Mic - Week 44 is underway right now, with the current theme: “Four.” We introduce new themes every Sunday, encouraging us to share a common ground with the community. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment. There is still time to jump in and enjoy this week's Hive Open Mic event! Look and listen for the highlights to be released on Tuesday.

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About Me

I am a star child, ultra-fly and down-to-earth. I make movies with Arise and music with Butterflies. My work includes films: Voices of the Grandmothers, Wild Family... books: Brave Spirit, Be Well Bee, WYLD, Big Idea Patterns... and songs: Brave Spirit, Home, Colors Flying... My greatest achievement is my role as a rad daddy to three incredible kids.


Que bien acompañas a esta hermosa poesía con esta música que nos hace viajar en circulos de paz. Gracias por compartir esta canción.

English: Kind of you to offer such a sweet compliment. I feel heard, supported, and encouraged. Thank you so much.

Spanish: Fue muy amable por su parte ofrecer un cumplido tan dulce. Me siento escuchado, apoyado y animado. Muchas gracias.

This is really wonderful boss... @cabelindsay

Thank you, brother. I am grateful for your presence in my life, for the gifts of your songs and your friendship.

This beautiful on many levels: the message, lyrics, as well as your whistling, singing and guitar playing. Loved it. You got yourself a new fan ;<)

I also send you some sun and warmth from Portugal, where the Spring has started at full force this weekend.

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

Aw, what a sweet comment. Thank you. Happy to hear your spring season is stirring there in Portugal. Once I fell in love with a girl from Portugal and almost moved there. Since then I've learned to speak a bit of Portuguese, and I really enjoy your language.

You're welcome. I'm actually a Dutchman, who moved to Portugal. My twin sister has a Portuguese partner and they decided to move here, with my sweet little niece and nephew, in 2018.

I decided to try and do the same. In fact, I even left before them. Their plans, as well as other reasons ( more sun, more nature, cheaper living ) brought me here. I'm still somewhat torn between Portugal and The Netherlands, where I have friends, two siblings and my parents but I don't regret my decision.

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

This beautiful on many levels:

i Agree, in some many levels.

Hearing the echo (reverb) I sit in a room with a guitarist giving a concert on a stage and the whole audience is with their hands up, holding a lighter. The crowd sings the song at the same time, at the end we all clap.

Fun comment, thank you for sharing this beautiful vision. I cherish it. Thanks again, brother. I greatly appreciate your encouragement to me, and also other members of our Hive Open Mic community. Means a lot to me. You are a leader among us, my friend.

when the activity grows more and requires another moderator. I'll be waiting here bro

Right on! Yes, you will be great at that. You already are handling it so well. Thank you, I will be in touch about it soon and in the meantime I hope you will continue doing what you're doing. You're already a mighty good leader.