Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community celebrating live music on Hive. Each week is a new event, inviting creative expression and genuine connection.
Hive Open Mic - Highlights
Week 48: January 31 - February 6, 2021
This week's Hive Open Mic theme is: "Happiness," chosen by our community's recent "Spotlight Artist": @mipiano. We received a spectrum of songs, ranging from vocal solos to elaborate multi-track recordings, with various styles of folk songs, instrumentals, and karaoke sing-alongs. We had more music than ever before, and more diversity. Viva variety!
Our community continues to grow and blossom, building friendships through various languages and cultures. Today's epic "Highlights" list honors a truly deserving Spotlight Artist. The curation continues with an introduction to some exciting newcomers, followed by a selection of songs that speak to the subject of "Happiness." Let's have a listen.
The Spotlight Artist
Feel (Original) by @holisticmom
It is only on a very rare occasion that a newcomer arrives with such a delight that deserves to be spotlighted here. Among the ~50 tremendous musicians we heard this week, this artist brings a breath of fresh air. Her original song is a sweet arrival. I admire her voice, her guitar, and and her beautiful words, giving the gift of a happy heart.
I am pleased to acknowledge this musician as this week's Spotlight Artist. As a token of appreciation, I'm happy to invite her to choose our community's Hive Open Mic theme for our upcoming week 51. @holisticmom, please choose a theme that will inspire and enliven us as we explore new territory as artists. Just name it in the comments below, and we're good to go!
A Warm Welcome
Abhi Mujh Mein Kahin / (As If) The Body Burning Down In The Sun
View the Original Post (Cover) by @arunimabiju
Another newcomer whose music felt like a refreshing breeze to me is this artist, offering a song of the Hindi faith. To me, this is a truly wonderful listening experience. I feel joyful just hearing her sing, while also feeling touched by the divine as I follow the words she translated for us, imagining the imagery in the lyrics.
En Busca De La Felicidad / Looking For Happiness
View the Original Post (Original) by @franciscodesousa
English: I appreciate this artist's originality. He offers an awesome original song, with a cool composition, including his own keyboard track recorded in advance of the live music. His versatile artistry on multiple instruments is impressive, wow. I enjoy the harmonics sounds he finds with his guitar, and I like the improvisational instrumental work near the end.
Spanish: Agradezco la originalidad de este artista. Ofrece una canción original increíble, con una composición genial, que incluye su propia pista de teclado grabada antes de la música en vivo. Su arte versátil en múltiples instrumentos es impresionante, guau. Disfruto de los sonidos armónicos que encuentra con su guitarra, y me gusta el trabajo instrumental de improvisación cerca del final.
La Guitarra / The Guitar (Cover) by @gaborockstar feat @gabrielinho
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English: Here's our community's introduction to @gaborockstar, who excels elsewhere on the HIVE blockchain. I am in awe of his musicianship, and I feel fortunate to hear his music here in the Hive Open Mic event. The second artist, @gabrielinho, is also relatively new to me, and the two of these dudes sound rocking awesome together. I feel delighted, hearing this music they're making, with all the artistry in it.
Spanish: Aquí está la introducción de nuestra comunidad a @gaborockstar, que sobresale en otros lugares de la cadena de bloques HIVE. Estoy asombrado por su maestría musical y me siento afortunado de escuchar su música aquí en el evento Hive Open Mic. El segundo artista, @gabrielinho, también es relativamente nuevo para mí, y los dos tipos suenan genial juntos. Me siento encantado al escuchar esta música que están haciendo, con todo su arte.
Blueberry Eyes (Cover) by @RicardoPercusion
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English: Here's something exciting to me. It's a percussion enhancement, featuring this artist's drumming, overlaid onto an existing song, and presented in a captivating way. I think it is abundantly clear that this artist is a rising star to watch for in the future sky.
Spanish: Aquí hay algo emocionante para mí. Es una mejora de la percusión, que presenta la batería de este artista, superpuesta a una canción existente y presentada de una manera cautivadora. Creo que está muy claro que este artista es una estrella en ascenso a tener en cuenta en el cielo futuro.
I Gotta Feeling (Cover) by @stickupboys
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This character is full of pleasant surprises. Here, he turns a Hip-Hop Pop anthem into a peachy Folk song. Amazing the way he transforms it into something substantially different, making the music his own and expressing a smooth, steady acoustic energy. Song by Black Eyed Peas, of the USA.
Esta Noche Vida / This Night Life (Cover) by @oscarcede
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English: This artist entered our community recently. This is a terrific performance, featuring his singing and stringed accompaniment, along with some strong, steady, drumming. I love the way this additional element of drumming boosts this artist's music with a pulse, and an energy I can really feel with my feet on the ground.
Spanish: Este artista ingresó a nuestra comunidad recientemente. Esta es una actuación excelente, con su canto y acompañamiento de cuerdas, junto con algunos tambores fuertes y constantes. Me encanta la forma en que este elemento adicional de la batería impulsa la música de este artista con un pulso y una energía que realmente puedo sentir con los pies en el suelo.
More Highlights
Decisión / Decision (Original) by @ylich
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English: This artist is a rock solid performer and a steady presence of inspiration for other artists too. He is one of our community's most esteemed musicians, often surprising me with his advanced understanding of music history, while constantly stretching into new territory as a futurist. His creative spirit is awesome to me. Here, he dedicates a song to another beloved community member, @mipiano, with a song suited perfectly for her "Happiness" theme this week. How appropriate. I admire @ylich for his musicianship too, of course. This song is original, complete with trombone, layered with joyful vocals.
Spanish: Este artista es un intérprete sólido como una roca y una presencia constante de inspiración también para otros artistas. Es uno de los músicos más estimados de nuestra comunidad, y a menudo me sorprende con su avanzada comprensión de la historia de la música, mientras se extiende constantemente hacia nuevos territorios como futurista. Su espíritu creativo me impresiona. Aquí, dedica una canción a otro miembro querido de la comunidad, @mipiano, con una canción que se adapta perfectamente a su tema "Happiness" esta semana. Qué apropiado. También admiro a @ylich por su maestría musical, por supuesto. Esta canción es original, completa con trombón, superpuesta con voces alegres.
A Lo Largo Del Camino / Along The Path (Original) by @juliopalomo
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English: This artist demonstrates next-level singing and songwriting here. Impressive! To me, this is a good example of a musician who is leaping upwards and onwards in his star qualities here. He carries this original song with some real style and stage presence. I especially enjoy his storytelling through these high lyrical lines, sad, but not defeated, scared, but brave, like a soundtrack for a warrior of the light.
Spanish: Este artista demuestra el canto y la composición del siguiente nivel aquí. ¡Impresionante! Para mí, este es un buen ejemplo de un músico que está saltando hacia arriba y hacia adelante en sus cualidades de estrella aquí. Lleva esta canción original con cierto estilo y presencia escénica. Disfruto especialmente su narración a través de estas líneas líricas altas, tristes, pero no derrotados, asustados, pero valientes, como la banda sonora de un guerrero de la luz.
Free Fallin' (Cover) by @andrewmusic
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English: This is a song I know and love, and it pleases me to listen. I respect this artist's talents on the guitar and his gifts behind the microphone. I enjoy the simple, comfortable delivery of words and guitar work. Most of all, I like the space he gives for the spoken words he offers, like poetry or a prayer, with the guitar behind him. Song by Tom Petty, of the USA.
Spanish: Esta es una canción que conozco y amo, y me complace escucharla. Respeto el talento de este artista en la guitarra y sus dotes detrás del micrófono. Disfruto de la forma sencilla y cómoda de pronunciar las palabras y el trabajo de guitarra. Sobre todo, me gusta el espacio que da a las palabras que ofrece, como poesía o una oración, con la guitarra a sus espaldas. Canción de Tom Petty, de USA.
The Happiness (Original) by @lecumberre
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English: I am very pleased to hear this original song, feeling the richness in it. Yes and I appreciate the friendly words of his article, mentioning the importance of these values we celebrate here in the Hive Open Mic community. To me, this is a royal celebration of our divine virtues. I feel it is highly rewarding when we value these fruits of the spirit as the focus of our lives, as we learn joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control, all developed through music.
Spanish: Me alegra mucho escuchar esta canción original, sintiendo su riqueza. Sí, y agradezco las amables palabras de su artículo, mencionando la importancia de estos valores que celebramos aquí en la comunidad de Hive Open Mic. Para mí, esta es una celebración real de nuestras divinas virtudes. Siento que es muy gratificante cuando valoramos estos frutos del espíritu como el centro de nuestras vidas, mientras aprendemos gozo, paz, tolerancia, bondad, bondad, fe, mansedumbre y dominio propio, todo desarrollado a través de la música.
Voy A Tí / I Go To You (Original) by @adreini
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English: Woo, what a treat! I think length of this song is perfect as is, short and sweet. It sounds like pure joy to me - a bright and cheerful musical expression.
Spanish: ¡Guau, qué delicia! Creo que la duración de esta canción es perfecta, corta y dulce. Me suena a pura alegría, una expresión musical brillante y alegre.
Te Ví Venir (Cover) b7 @adreini
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English: This artist's singing leaves a good impression on me, as I resonate with the music moving through her. I'm grateful to listen. I feel she reveals a sweetness in her soul through her voice. She tells me this is a song about love and heartbreak, specifically describing a new love and the fears it may not turn out as expected. Song by Sin Bandera.
Spanish: El canto de esta artista me deja una buena impresión, ya que resueno con la música que se mueve a través de ella. Estoy agradecido de escuchar. Siento que revela una dulzura en su alma a través de su voz. Ella me dice que esta es una canción sobre el amor y la angustia, que describe específicamente un nuevo amor y los temores de que no resulte como se esperaba. Canción de Sin Bandera.
Que Seas Feliz / Be Happy (Cover) by @danieldedosd2
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English: It is with tremendous talent and great spirit that the music moves through this song carrier, blessing us. I am thankfully touched by the lyrics, appreciating the idea of wishing a loved one well, even in departure. Song by Carlos Javier Beltrán, of Argentina.
Spanish: Es con tremendo talento y gran espíritu que la música se mueve a través de este portador de canciones, bendiciéndonos. Estoy afortunadamente conmovida por la letra, apreciando la idea de desearle lo mejor a un ser querido, incluso en la partida. Canción de Carlos Javier Beltrán, de Argentina.
Happier (Cover) by @mipiano
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English: It's a wonderful sound this artist achieves, each and every week. This song is a terrific selection for the "Happiness" theme she selected this round. And a terrific performance! I feel so glad for our community's enthusiastic response to this post, with numerous upvotes and comments already, revealing the level of love and respect this community exchanges with each other.
Spanish: Es un sonido maravilloso que logra este artista, todas y cada una de las semanas. Esta canción es una excelente selección para el tema "Happiness" que seleccionó en esta ronda. ¡Y una actuación estupenda! Me siento muy contento por la respuesta entusiasta de nuestra comunidad a esta publicación, con numerosos votos a favor y comentarios, que revelan el nivel de amor y respeto que esta comunidad intercambia entre sí.
Tú, Quien Me Hace Feliz / You, Who Make Me Happy
View the Original Post (Original) by @jhoxiris
English: Here is another precious original song from this artist, who shows deep talents for songwriting and singing. I can imagine her producing an album one day. She sure has the potential of a family band to accompany her. This song is a gratitude expression, honoring the man she walks with, and the love they share.
Spanish: Aquí hay otra preciosa canción original de este artista, que muestra un profundo talento para escribir canciones y cantar. Me la imagino produciendo un álbum algún día. Seguro que tiene el potencial de una banda familiar para acompañarla. Esta canción es una expresión de gratitud, en honor al hombre con el que camina y el amor que comparten.
Kemesraan / The Intimacy (Cover) by @rezasofyan
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This artist offers one of his best performances yet. Listening, I am filled with peace, admiring the lyrics that capture the enjoyment of a moment by the seaside. I totally relate with that feeling, and it is such good medicine for me, going to that place in my mind, feeling free, being present with these good feelings. Song by Iwan Fals, composed by Johny and Franky Sahilatua, of Indonesia.
Mi Cacharrito (Cover) by @gabrielinho.
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English: I definitely feel the happiness through this song, with the sounds of laughter written into the lyrics. I appreciate the excellent energy and artistry shared here. Song by Roberto Carlos, of Brazil.
Spanish: Definitivamente siento la felicidad a través de esta canción, con los sonidos de la risa escritos en la letra. Agradezco la excelente energía y el arte compartidos aquí. Canción de Roberto Carlos, de Brasil.
Mientes / You Lie (Original) by @edwardstobia
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English: Here is an original song filled with passion, rich with meaning.
Spanish: Aquí hay una canción original llena de pasión, rica en significado.
Mientes / You Lie (Cover) by @davidsuarezms
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English: I'm glad to get to know you this artist by recognizing the way he expresses himself through music. His singing voice is distinctly firm, crisp, and handsome, right on pitch. Inspiring!
Spanish: Me alegro de conocerte este artista al reconocer la forma en que se expresa a través de la música. Su voz de canto es claramente firme, nítida y hermosa, justo en el tono. ¡Inspirador!
Desequilibrio Químico / Chemical Imbalance (Original) by @ricardomello
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English: Here's a unique expression of a desire for happiness, and a certain strategy for getting there. I know just what the artist means. It is original, well-written and well-recited.
Spanish: Aquí hay una expresión única de un deseo de felicidad y una cierta estrategia para llegar allí. Sé exactamente lo que quiere decir el artista. Es original, bien escrito y bien recitado.
La Felicidad Es Un Collage / Happiness Is A Collage (Original) by @cbuendia57 feat @juliopalomo
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English: It brings me great joy to see this mother-son duet smiling, singing together. This is a co-creation of incredible beauty and brilliance. So good of them to share their happiness with us.
Spanish: Me da una gran alegría ver a este dúo madre-hijo sonriendo y cantando juntos. Esta es una co-creación de increíble belleza y brillo. Muy buenos de su parte por compartir su felicidad con nosotros.
En El Mar / At Sea (Cover) by @armandolnrs
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English: I find myself smiling, listening to this song. I think it is this artist's delightful singing that pleases me most of all. To me, the lyrics are adorable. Song by Osvaldo Farres, of Cuba.
Spanish: Me encuentro sonriendo, escuchando esta canción. Creo que es el delicioso canto de este artista lo que más me agrada. Para mí, las letras son adorables. Canción de Osvaldo Farres, de Cuba.
Felicidad / Happiness (Cover) by @alinares ft @armandolnrs
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English: Listening, I sway, feeling the good energy as I almost hear the percussion with these artists. It makes me want to dance. The choruses are great, with this father-son combo singing together.
Spanish: Al escuchar, me balanceo, sintiendo la buena energía mientras casi escucho la percusión con estos artistas. Me dan ganas de bailar. Los coros son geniales, con este combo de padre e hijo cantando juntos.
La Felicidad / The Happiness (Cover) by @zorajr
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English: I appreciate the laughter this artist brings through singing these lines. Such a joyful expression. Song by Palito Ortega, of Chile.
Spanish: Aprecio la risa que trae este artista al cantar estas líneas. Qué expresión tan alegre. Canción de Palito Ortega, de Chile.
Soy Tan Feliz / I Am So Happy (Cover) by @yrmaleza
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English: I appreciate this artist for marking the occasion of International Women's Day. Her singing feels especially fine and refined here, revealing the jewels she hold in your voice. Song by Armando Manzanero.
Spanish: Agradezco a esta artista por marcar la ocasión del Día Internacional de la Mujer. Su canto se siente especialmente fino y refinado aquí, revelando las joyas que tiene en tu voz. Canción de Armando Manzanero.
Sabor A Mi / Taste Of Me (Cover) by @melor9
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English: Here is a song of romance, carried in a handsome way, through this artist's golden voice and gorgeous instrumentation. Song by Álvaro Carrillo.
Spanish: Aquí hay una canción de romance, transmitida de una manera hermosa, a través de la voz dorada y la hermosa instrumentación de este artista. Canción de Álvaro Carrillo.
Happiness (Original) by @romirspc63
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This song makes a wonderful statement of this artist's intention to bring joy into the world. It is an original song. I like the way he sees the sun as a beautiful smiling symbol of happiness. I am grateful that we have the pleasure of witnessing this gift in our world every day.
La Felicidad / The Happiness (Cover) by @josesalazar200
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English: I like this song and the way it includes laughter in the chorus lines. In my experience, it can be a great practice to exercise the laugh muscles, making it easier to go to that happy place of laughter - an expression of joy and a coping mechanism for stress. Song by Ramon Bautista Ortega, of Argentina.
Spanish: Me gusta esta canción y la forma en que incluye risas en las líneas del coro. En mi experiencia, puede ser una gran práctica ejercitar los músculos de la risa, lo que hace que sea más fácil ir a ese lugar feliz de la risa, una expresión de alegría y un mecanismo de afrontamiento del estrés. Canción de Ramón Bautista Ortega, de Argentina.
Felicidad / Happiness (Cover) by @cochanet with @alinares and @armandolnrs
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English: I really enjoy the collaborative efforts this family brings to our community. I feel gladness hearing these voices harmonize, with beautiful instrumental accompaniment.
Spanish: Realmente disfruto de los esfuerzos de colaboración que esta familia aporta a nuestra comunidad. Siento alegría al escuchar estas voces armonizar, con un hermoso acompañamiento instrumental.
Down Town (Cover) by @celticheartbeat
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646 upvotes shows how much our community appreciates this artist, who is one of the most prolific musicians in all of Hive. I'm so grateful to hear him here.
You Got A Friend (Cover) by @isabelpena
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English: I love the way this artist sings this song, by Carol King, of the USA.
Spanish: Me encanta la forma en que este artista canta esta canción, de Carol King, de USA.
Fortunato Chelleri, Fuga 5 (Cover) by @partitura
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It feels great to see and hear our friend who was with us in the very beginning of Hive Open Mic, playing these pretty notes. I am thankful.
Good Morning Sun (Original) by @cabelindsay
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My entry this week is a gratitude song celebrating the sun. To me, the sun's arrival is a delightful part of daily life, inviting me to rise and shine.

Hive Open Mic showcases live music on Hive. I honor and appreciate all of the musicians for expressing themselves in a way that creates connection. To me, we all benefit through the camaraderie between musicians and listeners, sharing a musical community. Please join me in extending our gratitude through claps, finger snaps, comments, upvotes, and tips to the individual artists.
Here's a talented busker named Lionor Grero, delivering a mash-up of Bobby McFerrin's "Don't Worry Be Happy" with 4 Non Blondes' "What's Up". I've always loved these songs, and it feels just right to hear them side-by-side in a singular chord progression. It's just a simple performance, but there's something special about it. The man has pizzazz! His facial expressions show real charisma. His smile and his body movement show plenty of personality. I like the guy, and I like his talents too. He whistles and sings with a good amount of joy, and I enjoy it. I'm happy to see the open guitar case, accepting coins. If I was there, I would empty my pockets.
I am grateful for the various ways this event stretches me as a music maker, generous listener, and patron of the arts. I enjoy the surprises, discovering songs that inspire me. I get the impression we're all making progress, sharing our art with the world, making steady steps toward global harmony. And our unique way of honoring artists is centered around live music. What a blast!

Hive Open Mic - Week 49 is underway now.
This week's invitation is: “Friendship.”
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Another newcomer whose music felt like a refreshing breeze to me is this artist, offering a song of the Hindi faith. To me, this is a truly wonderful listening experience. I feel joyful just hearing her sing, while also feeling touched by the divine as I follow the words she translated for us, imagining the imagery in the lyrics.
En Busca De La Felicidad / Looking For Happiness
View the Original Post (Original) by @franciscodesousa
English: I appreciate this artist's originality. He offers an awesome original song, with a cool composition, including his own keyboard track recorded in advance of the live music. His versatile artistry on multiple instruments is impressive, wow. I enjoy the harmonics sounds he finds with his guitar, and I like the improvisational instrumental work near the end.
Spanish: Agradezco la originalidad de este artista. Ofrece una canción original increíble, con una composición genial, que incluye su propia pista de teclado grabada antes de la música en vivo. Su arte versátil en múltiples instrumentos es impresionante, guau. Disfruto de los sonidos armónicos que encuentra con su guitarra, y me gusta el trabajo instrumental de improvisación cerca del final.
La Guitarra / The Guitar (Cover) by @gaborockstar feat @gabrielinho
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English: Here's our community's introduction to @gaborockstar, who excels elsewhere on the HIVE blockchain. I am in awe of his musicianship, and I feel fortunate to hear his music here in the Hive Open Mic event. The second artist, @gabrielinho, is also relatively new to me, and the two of these dudes sound rocking awesome together. I feel delighted, hearing this music they're making, with all the artistry in it.
Spanish: Aquí está la introducción de nuestra comunidad a @gaborockstar, que sobresale en otros lugares de la cadena de bloques HIVE. Estoy asombrado por su maestría musical y me siento afortunado de escuchar su música aquí en el evento Hive Open Mic. El segundo artista, @gabrielinho, también es relativamente nuevo para mí, y los dos tipos suenan genial juntos. Me siento encantado al escuchar esta música que están haciendo, con todo su arte.
Blueberry Eyes (Cover) by @RicardoPercusion
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English: Here's something exciting to me. It's a percussion enhancement, featuring this artist's drumming, overlaid onto an existing song, and presented in a captivating way. I think it is abundantly clear that this artist is a rising star to watch for in the future sky.
Spanish: Aquí hay algo emocionante para mí. Es una mejora de la percusión, que presenta la batería de este artista, superpuesta a una canción existente y presentada de una manera cautivadora. Creo que está muy claro que este artista es una estrella en ascenso a tener en cuenta en el cielo futuro.
I Gotta Feeling (Cover) by @stickupboys
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This character is full of pleasant surprises. Here, he turns a Hip-Hop Pop anthem into a peachy Folk song. Amazing the way he transforms it into something substantially different, making the music his own and expressing a smooth, steady acoustic energy. Song by Black Eyed Peas, of the USA.
Esta Noche Vida / This Night Life (Cover) by @oscarcede
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English: This artist entered our community recently. This is a terrific performance, featuring his singing and stringed accompaniment, along with some strong, steady, drumming. I love the way this additional element of drumming boosts this artist's music with a pulse, and an energy I can really feel with my feet on the ground.
Spanish: Este artista ingresó a nuestra comunidad recientemente. Esta es una actuación excelente, con su canto y acompañamiento de cuerdas, junto con algunos tambores fuertes y constantes. Me encanta la forma en que este elemento adicional de la batería impulsa la música de este artista con un pulso y una energía que realmente puedo sentir con los pies en el suelo.
More Highlights
Decisión / Decision (Original) by @ylich
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English: This artist is a rock solid performer and a steady presence of inspiration for other artists too. He is one of our community's most esteemed musicians, often surprising me with his advanced understanding of music history, while constantly stretching into new territory as a futurist. His creative spirit is awesome to me. Here, he dedicates a song to another beloved community member, @mipiano, with a song suited perfectly for her "Happiness" theme this week. How appropriate. I admire @ylich for his musicianship too, of course. This song is original, complete with trombone, layered with joyful vocals.
Spanish: Este artista es un intérprete sólido como una roca y una presencia constante de inspiración también para otros artistas. Es uno de los músicos más estimados de nuestra comunidad, y a menudo me sorprende con su avanzada comprensión de la historia de la música, mientras se extiende constantemente hacia nuevos territorios como futurista. Su espíritu creativo me impresiona. Aquí, dedica una canción a otro miembro querido de la comunidad, @mipiano, con una canción que se adapta perfectamente a su tema "Happiness" esta semana. Qué apropiado. También admiro a @ylich por su maestría musical, por supuesto. Esta canción es original, completa con trombón, superpuesta con voces alegres.
A Lo Largo Del Camino / Along The Path (Original) by @juliopalomo
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English: This artist demonstrates next-level singing and songwriting here. Impressive! To me, this is a good example of a musician who is leaping upwards and onwards in his star qualities here. He carries this original song with some real style and stage presence. I especially enjoy his storytelling through these high lyrical lines, sad, but not defeated, scared, but brave, like a soundtrack for a warrior of the light.
Spanish: Este artista demuestra el canto y la composición del siguiente nivel aquí. ¡Impresionante! Para mí, este es un buen ejemplo de un músico que está saltando hacia arriba y hacia adelante en sus cualidades de estrella aquí. Lleva esta canción original con cierto estilo y presencia escénica. Disfruto especialmente su narración a través de estas líneas líricas altas, tristes, pero no derrotados, asustados, pero valientes, como la banda sonora de un guerrero de la luz.
Free Fallin' (Cover) by @andrewmusic
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English: This is a song I know and love, and it pleases me to listen. I respect this artist's talents on the guitar and his gifts behind the microphone. I enjoy the simple, comfortable delivery of words and guitar work. Most of all, I like the space he gives for the spoken words he offers, like poetry or a prayer, with the guitar behind him. Song by Tom Petty, of the USA.
Spanish: Esta es una canción que conozco y amo, y me complace escucharla. Respeto el talento de este artista en la guitarra y sus dotes detrás del micrófono. Disfruto de la forma sencilla y cómoda de pronunciar las palabras y el trabajo de guitarra. Sobre todo, me gusta el espacio que da a las palabras que ofrece, como poesía o una oración, con la guitarra a sus espaldas. Canción de Tom Petty, de USA.
The Happiness (Original) by @lecumberre
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English: I am very pleased to hear this original song, feeling the richness in it. Yes and I appreciate the friendly words of his article, mentioning the importance of these values we celebrate here in the Hive Open Mic community. To me, this is a royal celebration of our divine virtues. I feel it is highly rewarding when we value these fruits of the spirit as the focus of our lives, as we learn joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control, all developed through music.
Spanish: Me alegra mucho escuchar esta canción original, sintiendo su riqueza. Sí, y agradezco las amables palabras de su artículo, mencionando la importancia de estos valores que celebramos aquí en la comunidad de Hive Open Mic. Para mí, esta es una celebración real de nuestras divinas virtudes. Siento que es muy gratificante cuando valoramos estos frutos del espíritu como el centro de nuestras vidas, mientras aprendemos gozo, paz, tolerancia, bondad, bondad, fe, mansedumbre y dominio propio, todo desarrollado a través de la música.
Voy A Tí / I Go To You (Original) by @adreini
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English: Woo, what a treat! I think length of this song is perfect as is, short and sweet. It sounds like pure joy to me - a bright and cheerful musical expression.
Spanish: ¡Guau, qué delicia! Creo que la duración de esta canción es perfecta, corta y dulce. Me suena a pura alegría, una expresión musical brillante y alegre.
Te Ví Venir (Cover) b7 @adreini
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English: This artist's singing leaves a good impression on me, as I resonate with the music moving through her. I'm grateful to listen. I feel she reveals a sweetness in her soul through her voice. She tells me this is a song about love and heartbreak, specifically describing a new love and the fears it may not turn out as expected. Song by Sin Bandera.
Spanish: El canto de esta artista me deja una buena impresión, ya que resueno con la música que se mueve a través de ella. Estoy agradecido de escuchar. Siento que revela una dulzura en su alma a través de su voz. Ella me dice que esta es una canción sobre el amor y la angustia, que describe específicamente un nuevo amor y los temores de que no resulte como se esperaba. Canción de Sin Bandera.
Que Seas Feliz / Be Happy (Cover) by @danieldedosd2
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English: It is with tremendous talent and great spirit that the music moves through this song carrier, blessing us. I am thankfully touched by the lyrics, appreciating the idea of wishing a loved one well, even in departure. Song by Carlos Javier Beltrán, of Argentina.
Spanish: Es con tremendo talento y gran espíritu que la música se mueve a través de este portador de canciones, bendiciéndonos. Estoy afortunadamente conmovida por la letra, apreciando la idea de desearle lo mejor a un ser querido, incluso en la partida. Canción de Carlos Javier Beltrán, de Argentina.
Happier (Cover) by @mipiano
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English: It's a wonderful sound this artist achieves, each and every week. This song is a terrific selection for the "Happiness" theme she selected this round. And a terrific performance! I feel so glad for our community's enthusiastic response to this post, with numerous upvotes and comments already, revealing the level of love and respect this community exchanges with each other.
Spanish: Es un sonido maravilloso que logra este artista, todas y cada una de las semanas. Esta canción es una excelente selección para el tema "Happiness" que seleccionó en esta ronda. ¡Y una actuación estupenda! Me siento muy contento por la respuesta entusiasta de nuestra comunidad a esta publicación, con numerosos votos a favor y comentarios, que revelan el nivel de amor y respeto que esta comunidad intercambia entre sí.
Tú, Quien Me Hace Feliz / You, Who Make Me Happy
View the Original Post (Original) by @jhoxiris
English: Here is another precious original song from this artist, who shows deep talents for songwriting and singing. I can imagine her producing an album one day. She sure has the potential of a family band to accompany her. This song is a gratitude expression, honoring the man she walks with, and the love they share.
Spanish: Aquí hay otra preciosa canción original de este artista, que muestra un profundo talento para escribir canciones y cantar. Me la imagino produciendo un álbum algún día. Seguro que tiene el potencial de una banda familiar para acompañarla. Esta canción es una expresión de gratitud, en honor al hombre con el que camina y el amor que comparten.
Kemesraan / The Intimacy (Cover) by @rezasofyan
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This artist offers one of his best performances yet. Listening, I am filled with peace, admiring the lyrics that capture the enjoyment of a moment by the seaside. I totally relate with that feeling, and it is such good medicine for me, going to that place in my mind, feeling free, being present with these good feelings. Song by Iwan Fals, composed by Johny and Franky Sahilatua, of Indonesia.
Mi Cacharrito (Cover) by @gabrielinho.
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English: I definitely feel the happiness through this song, with the sounds of laughter written into the lyrics. I appreciate the excellent energy and artistry shared here. Song by Roberto Carlos, of Brazil.
Spanish: Definitivamente siento la felicidad a través de esta canción, con los sonidos de la risa escritos en la letra. Agradezco la excelente energía y el arte compartidos aquí. Canción de Roberto Carlos, de Brasil.
Mientes / You Lie (Original) by @edwardstobia
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English: Here is an original song filled with passion, rich with meaning.
Spanish: Aquí hay una canción original llena de pasión, rica en significado.
Mientes / You Lie (Cover) by @davidsuarezms
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English: I'm glad to get to know you this artist by recognizing the way he expresses himself through music. His singing voice is distinctly firm, crisp, and handsome, right on pitch. Inspiring!
Spanish: Me alegro de conocerte este artista al reconocer la forma en que se expresa a través de la música. Su voz de canto es claramente firme, nítida y hermosa, justo en el tono. ¡Inspirador!
Desequilibrio Químico / Chemical Imbalance (Original) by @ricardomello
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English: Here's a unique expression of a desire for happiness, and a certain strategy for getting there. I know just what the artist means. It is original, well-written and well-recited.
Spanish: Aquí hay una expresión única de un deseo de felicidad y una cierta estrategia para llegar allí. Sé exactamente lo que quiere decir el artista. Es original, bien escrito y bien recitado.
La Felicidad Es Un Collage / Happiness Is A Collage (Original) by @cbuendia57 feat @juliopalomo
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English: It brings me great joy to see this mother-son duet smiling, singing together. This is a co-creation of incredible beauty and brilliance. So good of them to share their happiness with us.
Spanish: Me da una gran alegría ver a este dúo madre-hijo sonriendo y cantando juntos. Esta es una co-creación de increíble belleza y brillo. Muy buenos de su parte por compartir su felicidad con nosotros.
En El Mar / At Sea (Cover) by @armandolnrs
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English: I find myself smiling, listening to this song. I think it is this artist's delightful singing that pleases me most of all. To me, the lyrics are adorable. Song by Osvaldo Farres, of Cuba.
Spanish: Me encuentro sonriendo, escuchando esta canción. Creo que es el delicioso canto de este artista lo que más me agrada. Para mí, las letras son adorables. Canción de Osvaldo Farres, de Cuba.
Felicidad / Happiness (Cover) by @alinares ft @armandolnrs
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English: Listening, I sway, feeling the good energy as I almost hear the percussion with these artists. It makes me want to dance. The choruses are great, with this father-son combo singing together.
Spanish: Al escuchar, me balanceo, sintiendo la buena energía mientras casi escucho la percusión con estos artistas. Me dan ganas de bailar. Los coros son geniales, con este combo de padre e hijo cantando juntos.
La Felicidad / The Happiness (Cover) by @zorajr
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English: I appreciate the laughter this artist brings through singing these lines. Such a joyful expression. Song by Palito Ortega, of Chile.
Spanish: Aprecio la risa que trae este artista al cantar estas líneas. Qué expresión tan alegre. Canción de Palito Ortega, de Chile.
Soy Tan Feliz / I Am So Happy (Cover) by @yrmaleza
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English: I appreciate this artist for marking the occasion of International Women's Day. Her singing feels especially fine and refined here, revealing the jewels she hold in your voice. Song by Armando Manzanero.
Spanish: Agradezco a esta artista por marcar la ocasión del Día Internacional de la Mujer. Su canto se siente especialmente fino y refinado aquí, revelando las joyas que tiene en tu voz. Canción de Armando Manzanero.
Sabor A Mi / Taste Of Me (Cover) by @melor9
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English: Here is a song of romance, carried in a handsome way, through this artist's golden voice and gorgeous instrumentation. Song by Álvaro Carrillo.
Spanish: Aquí hay una canción de romance, transmitida de una manera hermosa, a través de la voz dorada y la hermosa instrumentación de este artista. Canción de Álvaro Carrillo.
Happiness (Original) by @romirspc63
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This song makes a wonderful statement of this artist's intention to bring joy into the world. It is an original song. I like the way he sees the sun as a beautiful smiling symbol of happiness. I am grateful that we have the pleasure of witnessing this gift in our world every day.
La Felicidad / The Happiness (Cover) by @josesalazar200
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English: I like this song and the way it includes laughter in the chorus lines. In my experience, it can be a great practice to exercise the laugh muscles, making it easier to go to that happy place of laughter - an expression of joy and a coping mechanism for stress. Song by Ramon Bautista Ortega, of Argentina.
Spanish: Me gusta esta canción y la forma en que incluye risas en las líneas del coro. En mi experiencia, puede ser una gran práctica ejercitar los músculos de la risa, lo que hace que sea más fácil ir a ese lugar feliz de la risa, una expresión de alegría y un mecanismo de afrontamiento del estrés. Canción de Ramón Bautista Ortega, de Argentina.
Felicidad / Happiness (Cover) by @cochanet with @alinares and @armandolnrs
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English: I really enjoy the collaborative efforts this family brings to our community. I feel gladness hearing these voices harmonize, with beautiful instrumental accompaniment.
Spanish: Realmente disfruto de los esfuerzos de colaboración que esta familia aporta a nuestra comunidad. Siento alegría al escuchar estas voces armonizar, con un hermoso acompañamiento instrumental.
Down Town (Cover) by @celticheartbeat
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646 upvotes shows how much our community appreciates this artist, who is one of the most prolific musicians in all of Hive. I'm so grateful to hear him here.
You Got A Friend (Cover) by @isabelpena
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English: I love the way this artist sings this song, by Carol King, of the USA.
Spanish: Me encanta la forma en que este artista canta esta canción, de Carol King, de USA.
Fortunato Chelleri, Fuga 5 (Cover) by @partitura
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It feels great to see and hear our friend who was with us in the very beginning of Hive Open Mic, playing these pretty notes. I am thankful.
Good Morning Sun (Original) by @cabelindsay
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My entry this week is a gratitude song celebrating the sun. To me, the sun's arrival is a delightful part of daily life, inviting me to rise and shine.

Hive Open Mic showcases live music on Hive. I honor and appreciate all of the musicians for expressing themselves in a way that creates connection. To me, we all benefit through the camaraderie between musicians and listeners, sharing a musical community. Please join me in extending our gratitude through claps, finger snaps, comments, upvotes, and tips to the individual artists.
Here's a talented busker named Lionor Grero, delivering a mash-up of Bobby McFerrin's "Don't Worry Be Happy" with 4 Non Blondes' "What's Up". I've always loved these songs, and it feels just right to hear them side-by-side in a singular chord progression. It's just a simple performance, but there's something special about it. The man has pizzazz! His facial expressions show real charisma. His smile and his body movement show plenty of personality. I like the guy, and I like his talents too. He whistles and sings with a good amount of joy, and I enjoy it. I'm happy to see the open guitar case, accepting coins. If I was there, I would empty my pockets.
I am grateful for the various ways this event stretches me as a music maker, generous listener, and patron of the arts. I enjoy the surprises, discovering songs that inspire me. I get the impression we're all making progress, sharing our art with the world, making steady steps toward global harmony. And our unique way of honoring artists is centered around live music. What a blast!

Hive Open Mic - Week 49 is underway now.
This week's invitation is: “Friendship.”
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English: I appreciate this artist's originality. He offers an awesome original song, with a cool composition, including his own keyboard track recorded in advance of the live music. His versatile artistry on multiple instruments is impressive, wow. I enjoy the harmonics sounds he finds with his guitar, and I like the improvisational instrumental work near the end.
Spanish: Agradezco la originalidad de este artista. Ofrece una canción original increíble, con una composición genial, que incluye su propia pista de teclado grabada antes de la música en vivo. Su arte versátil en múltiples instrumentos es impresionante, guau. Disfruto de los sonidos armónicos que encuentra con su guitarra, y me gusta el trabajo instrumental de improvisación cerca del final.
La Guitarra / The Guitar (Cover) by @gaborockstar feat @gabrielinho
English: Here's our community's introduction to @gaborockstar, who excels elsewhere on the HIVE blockchain. I am in awe of his musicianship, and I feel fortunate to hear his music here in the Hive Open Mic event. The second artist, @gabrielinho, is also relatively new to me, and the two of these dudes sound rocking awesome together. I feel delighted, hearing this music they're making, with all the artistry in it.
Spanish: Aquí está la introducción de nuestra comunidad a @gaborockstar, que sobresale en otros lugares de la cadena de bloques HIVE. Estoy asombrado por su maestría musical y me siento afortunado de escuchar su música aquí en el evento Hive Open Mic. El segundo artista, @gabrielinho, también es relativamente nuevo para mí, y los dos tipos suenan genial juntos. Me siento encantado al escuchar esta música que están haciendo, con todo su arte.
Blueberry Eyes (Cover) by @RicardoPercusion
English: Here's something exciting to me. It's a percussion enhancement, featuring this artist's drumming, overlaid onto an existing song, and presented in a captivating way. I think it is abundantly clear that this artist is a rising star to watch for in the future sky.
Spanish: Aquí hay algo emocionante para mí. Es una mejora de la percusión, que presenta la batería de este artista, superpuesta a una canción existente y presentada de una manera cautivadora. Creo que está muy claro que este artista es una estrella en ascenso a tener en cuenta en el cielo futuro.
I Gotta Feeling (Cover) by @stickupboys
This character is full of pleasant surprises. Here, he turns a Hip-Hop Pop anthem into a peachy Folk song. Amazing the way he transforms it into something substantially different, making the music his own and expressing a smooth, steady acoustic energy. Song by Black Eyed Peas, of the USA.
Esta Noche Vida / This Night Life (Cover) by @oscarcede
English: This artist entered our community recently. This is a terrific performance, featuring his singing and stringed accompaniment, along with some strong, steady, drumming. I love the way this additional element of drumming boosts this artist's music with a pulse, and an energy I can really feel with my feet on the ground.
Spanish: Este artista ingresó a nuestra comunidad recientemente. Esta es una actuación excelente, con su canto y acompañamiento de cuerdas, junto con algunos tambores fuertes y constantes. Me encanta la forma en que este elemento adicional de la batería impulsa la música de este artista con un pulso y una energía que realmente puedo sentir con los pies en el suelo.
More Highlights
Decisión / Decision (Original) by @ylich
English: This artist is a rock solid performer and a steady presence of inspiration for other artists too. He is one of our community's most esteemed musicians, often surprising me with his advanced understanding of music history, while constantly stretching into new territory as a futurist. His creative spirit is awesome to me. Here, he dedicates a song to another beloved community member, @mipiano, with a song suited perfectly for her "Happiness" theme this week. How appropriate. I admire @ylich for his musicianship too, of course. This song is original, complete with trombone, layered with joyful vocals.
Spanish: Este artista es un intérprete sólido como una roca y una presencia constante de inspiración también para otros artistas. Es uno de los músicos más estimados de nuestra comunidad, y a menudo me sorprende con su avanzada comprensión de la historia de la música, mientras se extiende constantemente hacia nuevos territorios como futurista. Su espíritu creativo me impresiona. Aquí, dedica una canción a otro miembro querido de la comunidad, @mipiano, con una canción que se adapta perfectamente a su tema "Happiness" esta semana. Qué apropiado. También admiro a @ylich por su maestría musical, por supuesto. Esta canción es original, completa con trombón, superpuesta con voces alegres.
A Lo Largo Del Camino / Along The Path (Original) by @juliopalomo
English: This artist demonstrates next-level singing and songwriting here. Impressive! To me, this is a good example of a musician who is leaping upwards and onwards in his star qualities here. He carries this original song with some real style and stage presence. I especially enjoy his storytelling through these high lyrical lines, sad, but not defeated, scared, but brave, like a soundtrack for a warrior of the light.
Spanish: Este artista demuestra el canto y la composición del siguiente nivel aquí. ¡Impresionante! Para mí, este es un buen ejemplo de un músico que está saltando hacia arriba y hacia adelante en sus cualidades de estrella aquí. Lleva esta canción original con cierto estilo y presencia escénica. Disfruto especialmente su narración a través de estas líneas líricas altas, tristes, pero no derrotados, asustados, pero valientes, como la banda sonora de un guerrero de la luz.
Free Fallin' (Cover) by @andrewmusic
English: This is a song I know and love, and it pleases me to listen. I respect this artist's talents on the guitar and his gifts behind the microphone. I enjoy the simple, comfortable delivery of words and guitar work. Most of all, I like the space he gives for the spoken words he offers, like poetry or a prayer, with the guitar behind him. Song by Tom Petty, of the USA.
Spanish: Esta es una canción que conozco y amo, y me complace escucharla. Respeto el talento de este artista en la guitarra y sus dotes detrás del micrófono. Disfruto de la forma sencilla y cómoda de pronunciar las palabras y el trabajo de guitarra. Sobre todo, me gusta el espacio que da a las palabras que ofrece, como poesía o una oración, con la guitarra a sus espaldas. Canción de Tom Petty, de USA.
The Happiness (Original) by @lecumberre
English: I am very pleased to hear this original song, feeling the richness in it. Yes and I appreciate the friendly words of his article, mentioning the importance of these values we celebrate here in the Hive Open Mic community. To me, this is a royal celebration of our divine virtues. I feel it is highly rewarding when we value these fruits of the spirit as the focus of our lives, as we learn joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control, all developed through music.
Spanish: Me alegra mucho escuchar esta canción original, sintiendo su riqueza. Sí, y agradezco las amables palabras de su artículo, mencionando la importancia de estos valores que celebramos aquí en la comunidad de Hive Open Mic. Para mí, esta es una celebración real de nuestras divinas virtudes. Siento que es muy gratificante cuando valoramos estos frutos del espíritu como el centro de nuestras vidas, mientras aprendemos gozo, paz, tolerancia, bondad, bondad, fe, mansedumbre y dominio propio, todo desarrollado a través de la música.
Voy A Tí / I Go To You (Original) by @adreini
English: Woo, what a treat! I think length of this song is perfect as is, short and sweet. It sounds like pure joy to me - a bright and cheerful musical expression.
Spanish: ¡Guau, qué delicia! Creo que la duración de esta canción es perfecta, corta y dulce. Me suena a pura alegría, una expresión musical brillante y alegre.
Te Ví Venir (Cover) b7 @adreini
English: This artist's singing leaves a good impression on me, as I resonate with the music moving through her. I'm grateful to listen. I feel she reveals a sweetness in her soul through her voice. She tells me this is a song about love and heartbreak, specifically describing a new love and the fears it may not turn out as expected. Song by Sin Bandera.
Spanish: El canto de esta artista me deja una buena impresión, ya que resueno con la música que se mueve a través de ella. Estoy agradecido de escuchar. Siento que revela una dulzura en su alma a través de su voz. Ella me dice que esta es una canción sobre el amor y la angustia, que describe específicamente un nuevo amor y los temores de que no resulte como se esperaba. Canción de Sin Bandera.
Que Seas Feliz / Be Happy (Cover) by @danieldedosd2
English: It is with tremendous talent and great spirit that the music moves through this song carrier, blessing us. I am thankfully touched by the lyrics, appreciating the idea of wishing a loved one well, even in departure. Song by Carlos Javier Beltrán, of Argentina.
Spanish: Es con tremendo talento y gran espíritu que la música se mueve a través de este portador de canciones, bendiciéndonos. Estoy afortunadamente conmovida por la letra, apreciando la idea de desearle lo mejor a un ser querido, incluso en la partida. Canción de Carlos Javier Beltrán, de Argentina.
Happier (Cover) by @mipiano
English: It's a wonderful sound this artist achieves, each and every week. This song is a terrific selection for the "Happiness" theme she selected this round. And a terrific performance! I feel so glad for our community's enthusiastic response to this post, with numerous upvotes and comments already, revealing the level of love and respect this community exchanges with each other.
Spanish: Es un sonido maravilloso que logra este artista, todas y cada una de las semanas. Esta canción es una excelente selección para el tema "Happiness" que seleccionó en esta ronda. ¡Y una actuación estupenda! Me siento muy contento por la respuesta entusiasta de nuestra comunidad a esta publicación, con numerosos votos a favor y comentarios, que revelan el nivel de amor y respeto que esta comunidad intercambia entre sí.
Tú, Quien Me Hace Feliz / You, Who Make Me Happy
View the Original Post (Original) by @jhoxiris
English: Here is another precious original song from this artist, who shows deep talents for songwriting and singing. I can imagine her producing an album one day. She sure has the potential of a family band to accompany her. This song is a gratitude expression, honoring the man she walks with, and the love they share.
Spanish: Aquí hay otra preciosa canción original de este artista, que muestra un profundo talento para escribir canciones y cantar. Me la imagino produciendo un álbum algún día. Seguro que tiene el potencial de una banda familiar para acompañarla. Esta canción es una expresión de gratitud, en honor al hombre con el que camina y el amor que comparten.
Kemesraan / The Intimacy (Cover) by @rezasofyan
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This artist offers one of his best performances yet. Listening, I am filled with peace, admiring the lyrics that capture the enjoyment of a moment by the seaside. I totally relate with that feeling, and it is such good medicine for me, going to that place in my mind, feeling free, being present with these good feelings. Song by Iwan Fals, composed by Johny and Franky Sahilatua, of Indonesia.
Mi Cacharrito (Cover) by @gabrielinho.
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English: I definitely feel the happiness through this song, with the sounds of laughter written into the lyrics. I appreciate the excellent energy and artistry shared here. Song by Roberto Carlos, of Brazil.
Spanish: Definitivamente siento la felicidad a través de esta canción, con los sonidos de la risa escritos en la letra. Agradezco la excelente energía y el arte compartidos aquí. Canción de Roberto Carlos, de Brasil.
Mientes / You Lie (Original) by @edwardstobia
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English: Here is an original song filled with passion, rich with meaning.
Spanish: Aquí hay una canción original llena de pasión, rica en significado.
Mientes / You Lie (Cover) by @davidsuarezms
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English: I'm glad to get to know you this artist by recognizing the way he expresses himself through music. His singing voice is distinctly firm, crisp, and handsome, right on pitch. Inspiring!
Spanish: Me alegro de conocerte este artista al reconocer la forma en que se expresa a través de la música. Su voz de canto es claramente firme, nítida y hermosa, justo en el tono. ¡Inspirador!
Desequilibrio Químico / Chemical Imbalance (Original) by @ricardomello
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English: Here's a unique expression of a desire for happiness, and a certain strategy for getting there. I know just what the artist means. It is original, well-written and well-recited.
Spanish: Aquí hay una expresión única de un deseo de felicidad y una cierta estrategia para llegar allí. Sé exactamente lo que quiere decir el artista. Es original, bien escrito y bien recitado.
La Felicidad Es Un Collage / Happiness Is A Collage (Original) by @cbuendia57 feat @juliopalomo
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English: It brings me great joy to see this mother-son duet smiling, singing together. This is a co-creation of incredible beauty and brilliance. So good of them to share their happiness with us.
Spanish: Me da una gran alegría ver a este dúo madre-hijo sonriendo y cantando juntos. Esta es una co-creación de increíble belleza y brillo. Muy buenos de su parte por compartir su felicidad con nosotros.
En El Mar / At Sea (Cover) by @armandolnrs
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English: I find myself smiling, listening to this song. I think it is this artist's delightful singing that pleases me most of all. To me, the lyrics are adorable. Song by Osvaldo Farres, of Cuba.
Spanish: Me encuentro sonriendo, escuchando esta canción. Creo que es el delicioso canto de este artista lo que más me agrada. Para mí, las letras son adorables. Canción de Osvaldo Farres, de Cuba.
Felicidad / Happiness (Cover) by @alinares ft @armandolnrs
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English: Listening, I sway, feeling the good energy as I almost hear the percussion with these artists. It makes me want to dance. The choruses are great, with this father-son combo singing together.
Spanish: Al escuchar, me balanceo, sintiendo la buena energía mientras casi escucho la percusión con estos artistas. Me dan ganas de bailar. Los coros son geniales, con este combo de padre e hijo cantando juntos.
La Felicidad / The Happiness (Cover) by @zorajr
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English: I appreciate the laughter this artist brings through singing these lines. Such a joyful expression. Song by Palito Ortega, of Chile.
Spanish: Aprecio la risa que trae este artista al cantar estas líneas. Qué expresión tan alegre. Canción de Palito Ortega, de Chile.
Soy Tan Feliz / I Am So Happy (Cover) by @yrmaleza
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English: I appreciate this artist for marking the occasion of International Women's Day. Her singing feels especially fine and refined here, revealing the jewels she hold in your voice. Song by Armando Manzanero.
Spanish: Agradezco a esta artista por marcar la ocasión del Día Internacional de la Mujer. Su canto se siente especialmente fino y refinado aquí, revelando las joyas que tiene en tu voz. Canción de Armando Manzanero.
Sabor A Mi / Taste Of Me (Cover) by @melor9
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English: Here is a song of romance, carried in a handsome way, through this artist's golden voice and gorgeous instrumentation. Song by Álvaro Carrillo.
Spanish: Aquí hay una canción de romance, transmitida de una manera hermosa, a través de la voz dorada y la hermosa instrumentación de este artista. Canción de Álvaro Carrillo.
Happiness (Original) by @romirspc63
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This song makes a wonderful statement of this artist's intention to bring joy into the world. It is an original song. I like the way he sees the sun as a beautiful smiling symbol of happiness. I am grateful that we have the pleasure of witnessing this gift in our world every day.
La Felicidad / The Happiness (Cover) by @josesalazar200
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English: I like this song and the way it includes laughter in the chorus lines. In my experience, it can be a great practice to exercise the laugh muscles, making it easier to go to that happy place of laughter - an expression of joy and a coping mechanism for stress. Song by Ramon Bautista Ortega, of Argentina.
Spanish: Me gusta esta canción y la forma en que incluye risas en las líneas del coro. En mi experiencia, puede ser una gran práctica ejercitar los músculos de la risa, lo que hace que sea más fácil ir a ese lugar feliz de la risa, una expresión de alegría y un mecanismo de afrontamiento del estrés. Canción de Ramón Bautista Ortega, de Argentina.
Felicidad / Happiness (Cover) by @cochanet with @alinares and @armandolnrs
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English: I really enjoy the collaborative efforts this family brings to our community. I feel gladness hearing these voices harmonize, with beautiful instrumental accompaniment.
Spanish: Realmente disfruto de los esfuerzos de colaboración que esta familia aporta a nuestra comunidad. Siento alegría al escuchar estas voces armonizar, con un hermoso acompañamiento instrumental.
Down Town (Cover) by @celticheartbeat
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646 upvotes shows how much our community appreciates this artist, who is one of the most prolific musicians in all of Hive. I'm so grateful to hear him here.
You Got A Friend (Cover) by @isabelpena
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English: I love the way this artist sings this song, by Carol King, of the USA.
Spanish: Me encanta la forma en que este artista canta esta canción, de Carol King, de USA.
Fortunato Chelleri, Fuga 5 (Cover) by @partitura
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It feels great to see and hear our friend who was with us in the very beginning of Hive Open Mic, playing these pretty notes. I am thankful.
Good Morning Sun (Original) by @cabelindsay
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My entry this week is a gratitude song celebrating the sun. To me, the sun's arrival is a delightful part of daily life, inviting me to rise and shine.

Hive Open Mic showcases live music on Hive. I honor and appreciate all of the musicians for expressing themselves in a way that creates connection. To me, we all benefit through the camaraderie between musicians and listeners, sharing a musical community. Please join me in extending our gratitude through claps, finger snaps, comments, upvotes, and tips to the individual artists.
Here's a talented busker named Lionor Grero, delivering a mash-up of Bobby McFerrin's "Don't Worry Be Happy" with 4 Non Blondes' "What's Up". I've always loved these songs, and it feels just right to hear them side-by-side in a singular chord progression. It's just a simple performance, but there's something special about it. The man has pizzazz! His facial expressions show real charisma. His smile and his body movement show plenty of personality. I like the guy, and I like his talents too. He whistles and sings with a good amount of joy, and I enjoy it. I'm happy to see the open guitar case, accepting coins. If I was there, I would empty my pockets.
I am grateful for the various ways this event stretches me as a music maker, generous listener, and patron of the arts. I enjoy the surprises, discovering songs that inspire me. I get the impression we're all making progress, sharing our art with the world, making steady steps toward global harmony. And our unique way of honoring artists is centered around live music. What a blast!

Hive Open Mic - Week 49 is underway now.
This week's invitation is: “Friendship.”
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Enjoy Live Music? Subscribe to Hive Open Mic.
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English: Here is another precious original song from this artist, who shows deep talents for songwriting and singing. I can imagine her producing an album one day. She sure has the potential of a family band to accompany her. This song is a gratitude expression, honoring the man she walks with, and the love they share.
Spanish: Aquí hay otra preciosa canción original de este artista, que muestra un profundo talento para escribir canciones y cantar. Me la imagino produciendo un álbum algún día. Seguro que tiene el potencial de una banda familiar para acompañarla. Esta canción es una expresión de gratitud, en honor al hombre con el que camina y el amor que comparten.
Kemesraan / The Intimacy (Cover) by @rezasofyan
This artist offers one of his best performances yet. Listening, I am filled with peace, admiring the lyrics that capture the enjoyment of a moment by the seaside. I totally relate with that feeling, and it is such good medicine for me, going to that place in my mind, feeling free, being present with these good feelings. Song by Iwan Fals, composed by Johny and Franky Sahilatua, of Indonesia.
Mi Cacharrito (Cover) by @gabrielinho.
English: I definitely feel the happiness through this song, with the sounds of laughter written into the lyrics. I appreciate the excellent energy and artistry shared here. Song by Roberto Carlos, of Brazil.
Spanish: Definitivamente siento la felicidad a través de esta canción, con los sonidos de la risa escritos en la letra. Agradezco la excelente energía y el arte compartidos aquí. Canción de Roberto Carlos, de Brasil.
Mientes / You Lie (Original) by @edwardstobia
English: Here is an original song filled with passion, rich with meaning.
Spanish: Aquí hay una canción original llena de pasión, rica en significado.
Mientes / You Lie (Cover) by @davidsuarezms
English: I'm glad to get to know you this artist by recognizing the way he expresses himself through music. His singing voice is distinctly firm, crisp, and handsome, right on pitch. Inspiring!
Spanish: Me alegro de conocerte este artista al reconocer la forma en que se expresa a través de la música. Su voz de canto es claramente firme, nítida y hermosa, justo en el tono. ¡Inspirador!
Desequilibrio Químico / Chemical Imbalance (Original) by @ricardomello
English: Here's a unique expression of a desire for happiness, and a certain strategy for getting there. I know just what the artist means. It is original, well-written and well-recited.
Spanish: Aquí hay una expresión única de un deseo de felicidad y una cierta estrategia para llegar allí. Sé exactamente lo que quiere decir el artista. Es original, bien escrito y bien recitado.
La Felicidad Es Un Collage / Happiness Is A Collage (Original) by @cbuendia57 feat @juliopalomo
English: It brings me great joy to see this mother-son duet smiling, singing together. This is a co-creation of incredible beauty and brilliance. So good of them to share their happiness with us.
Spanish: Me da una gran alegría ver a este dúo madre-hijo sonriendo y cantando juntos. Esta es una co-creación de increíble belleza y brillo. Muy buenos de su parte por compartir su felicidad con nosotros.
En El Mar / At Sea (Cover) by @armandolnrs
English: I find myself smiling, listening to this song. I think it is this artist's delightful singing that pleases me most of all. To me, the lyrics are adorable. Song by Osvaldo Farres, of Cuba.
Spanish: Me encuentro sonriendo, escuchando esta canción. Creo que es el delicioso canto de este artista lo que más me agrada. Para mí, las letras son adorables. Canción de Osvaldo Farres, de Cuba.
Felicidad / Happiness (Cover) by @alinares ft @armandolnrs
English: Listening, I sway, feeling the good energy as I almost hear the percussion with these artists. It makes me want to dance. The choruses are great, with this father-son combo singing together.
Spanish: Al escuchar, me balanceo, sintiendo la buena energía mientras casi escucho la percusión con estos artistas. Me dan ganas de bailar. Los coros son geniales, con este combo de padre e hijo cantando juntos.
La Felicidad / The Happiness (Cover) by @zorajr
English: I appreciate the laughter this artist brings through singing these lines. Such a joyful expression. Song by Palito Ortega, of Chile.
Spanish: Aprecio la risa que trae este artista al cantar estas líneas. Qué expresión tan alegre. Canción de Palito Ortega, de Chile.
Soy Tan Feliz / I Am So Happy (Cover) by @yrmaleza
English: I appreciate this artist for marking the occasion of International Women's Day. Her singing feels especially fine and refined here, revealing the jewels she hold in your voice. Song by Armando Manzanero.
Spanish: Agradezco a esta artista por marcar la ocasión del Día Internacional de la Mujer. Su canto se siente especialmente fino y refinado aquí, revelando las joyas que tiene en tu voz. Canción de Armando Manzanero.
Sabor A Mi / Taste Of Me (Cover) by @melor9
English: Here is a song of romance, carried in a handsome way, through this artist's golden voice and gorgeous instrumentation. Song by Álvaro Carrillo.
Spanish: Aquí hay una canción de romance, transmitida de una manera hermosa, a través de la voz dorada y la hermosa instrumentación de este artista. Canción de Álvaro Carrillo.
Happiness (Original) by @romirspc63
This song makes a wonderful statement of this artist's intention to bring joy into the world. It is an original song. I like the way he sees the sun as a beautiful smiling symbol of happiness. I am grateful that we have the pleasure of witnessing this gift in our world every day.
La Felicidad / The Happiness (Cover) by @josesalazar200
English: I like this song and the way it includes laughter in the chorus lines. In my experience, it can be a great practice to exercise the laugh muscles, making it easier to go to that happy place of laughter - an expression of joy and a coping mechanism for stress. Song by Ramon Bautista Ortega, of Argentina.
Spanish: Me gusta esta canción y la forma en que incluye risas en las líneas del coro. En mi experiencia, puede ser una gran práctica ejercitar los músculos de la risa, lo que hace que sea más fácil ir a ese lugar feliz de la risa, una expresión de alegría y un mecanismo de afrontamiento del estrés. Canción de Ramón Bautista Ortega, de Argentina.
Felicidad / Happiness (Cover) by @cochanet with @alinares and @armandolnrs
English: I really enjoy the collaborative efforts this family brings to our community. I feel gladness hearing these voices harmonize, with beautiful instrumental accompaniment.
Spanish: Realmente disfruto de los esfuerzos de colaboración que esta familia aporta a nuestra comunidad. Siento alegría al escuchar estas voces armonizar, con un hermoso acompañamiento instrumental.
Down Town (Cover) by @celticheartbeat
646 upvotes shows how much our community appreciates this artist, who is one of the most prolific musicians in all of Hive. I'm so grateful to hear him here.
You Got A Friend (Cover) by @isabelpena
English: I love the way this artist sings this song, by Carol King, of the USA.
Spanish: Me encanta la forma en que este artista canta esta canción, de Carol King, de USA.
Fortunato Chelleri, Fuga 5 (Cover) by @partitura
It feels great to see and hear our friend who was with us in the very beginning of Hive Open Mic, playing these pretty notes. I am thankful.
Good Morning Sun (Original) by @cabelindsay
My entry this week is a gratitude song celebrating the sun. To me, the sun's arrival is a delightful part of daily life, inviting me to rise and shine.
Hive Open Mic showcases live music on Hive. I honor and appreciate all of the musicians for expressing themselves in a way that creates connection. To me, we all benefit through the camaraderie between musicians and listeners, sharing a musical community. Please join me in extending our gratitude through claps, finger snaps, comments, upvotes, and tips to the individual artists.
Here's a talented busker named Lionor Grero, delivering a mash-up of Bobby McFerrin's "Don't Worry Be Happy" with 4 Non Blondes' "What's Up". I've always loved these songs, and it feels just right to hear them side-by-side in a singular chord progression. It's just a simple performance, but there's something special about it. The man has pizzazz! His facial expressions show real charisma. His smile and his body movement show plenty of personality. I like the guy, and I like his talents too. He whistles and sings with a good amount of joy, and I enjoy it. I'm happy to see the open guitar case, accepting coins. If I was there, I would empty my pockets.
I am grateful for the various ways this event stretches me as a music maker, generous listener, and patron of the arts. I enjoy the surprises, discovering songs that inspire me. I get the impression we're all making progress, sharing our art with the world, making steady steps toward global harmony. And our unique way of honoring artists is centered around live music. What a blast!
Hive Open Mic - Week 49 is underway now.
This week's invitation is: “Friendship.”
💛 🌞 🌜 🌟
Enjoy Live Music? Subscribe to Hive Open Mic.
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This week's invitation is: “Friendship.”
@cabelindsay I am honored that you featured my song this week. It is a pleasure to share my music with all the other talented musicians in this community.
Thank you so much.🙏💚
I feel extremely grateful to be given the opportunity to choose the theme for Week 51. I can't wait to experience the amazing songs that will be submitted.
So... for week 51, I would like to choose, "Unity"
One Love beautiful Hive Open Mic Community. ❤️
This will be a beautiful week 51 with Unity
Well done @holisticmom for the choice 💕
Muchas gracias @mipiano. ¡Muchos abrazos á ti! 🤗🤗💚
Excellent choice. Unity fits perfectly with the primary objective of our community: Global Harmony. Woohoo! Thank you.
Thank you, and you're most welcome. I'm honored to be able to contribute. 💚🤗
Cabe, this is an extraordinary effort made here. So much energy given into this work, highlighting as many as possible. A big THANK YOU from me and I think from the whole community for everything. Everything!
Stay awesome as you are already 💝
I find myself appreciating every single song that's shared here, and it makes it a challenge to select just a few for the Highlights. There's just so much goodness to highlight here. 😊
Yes, exactly. And the week 49 is so awesome 🤩 it will be even more dificult 😁
Thank you @cabelindsay and @hiveopenmic and congratulations to all the participants.
También muy agradecido de participar y mejorar junto a todos ustedes.
también me siento alegre de ver mas y mas talentos.Muchas gracias por la mención en tu post @cabelindsay,
Also very grateful to participate and improve together with all of you.
I am also happy to see more and more talents. regards!!Thank you very much for the mention in your post @cabelindsay,
Cabe i got nothing more to say than: Thank you. Thank you man for keeping up the work and for being the main engine (or maybe the pilot?) of this aeroplane called hive openmic, through your encouragement and motivation, i really appreciate the words and appreciation you give not only to my performances but to all the artists that share their music here, God bless you brother!
*Cabe no tengo nada más que decir que: Gracias. Gracias hombre por mantener el trabajo y por ser el motor principal (¿o quizás el piloto?) De este avión llamado hive openmic, a través de tu aliento y motivación, realmente aprecio las palabras y el aprecio que das no solo a mis actuaciones sino a todos los artistas que comparten su música aquí, ¡Dios te bendiga hermano!
English: Blessings right back at you, brother. It is a real honor to be a passenger on this plane, right alongside you as equals. I'm not sure who the pilot is, but I get the impression it's the Holy Spirit. 😊 Lots of love to you, my friend.
Spanish: Bendiciones para ti, hermano. Es un verdadero honor ser un pasajero en este avión, junto a ustedes como iguales. No estoy seguro de quién es el piloto, pero tengo la impresión de que es el Espíritu Santo. 😊 Mucho amor para ti, amigo.
Muchas gracias por el "baño " de juventud y talento que me hiciste fralquear o rodear. Cabe- En realidad, es un orgullo.
Bendiciones de Dos.
Mucha gracias por la mención mi amigo. Es grandioso ver como cada semana se llena este escenario con grandes artistas y hermosas canciones. Admiro el trabajo de cada uno y en especial el tuyo, que sin duda, hay que reconocer que es hermoso. Sé que no es fácil llevar a cabo esta tarea. La misma lleva mucho trabajo y corazón. En nombre de todos, te agradecemos por todo lo que nos ofreces: Alegría, música, armonía y mucha miel para seguir endulzando nuestra casa. Espero que ya te encuentres mucho mejor y que la tormenta ya haya pasado. Abrazos y que sigan los éxitos para ti xd
English: Sure appreciate your encouragement, and your friendship, along with the music you bring. Thank you for seeing the sweetness. That is my highest desire in life: to enjoy the sweet life.
Spanish: Seguro que aprecio tu aliento y tu amistad, junto con la música que traes. Gracias por ver la dulzura. Ese es mi mayor deseo en la vida: disfrutar la dulce vida.
Felicidades a todos los artistas mencionado aquí y también a los que no, Definitivamente el Open Mic está lleno de grandiosos talentos y me siento feliz de formar parte de esta comunidad. Gracias a todos los participantes por darle vida a este movimiento en especial a @cabelindsay y @mipiano por su continuo esfuerzo y dedicación para apoyarnos
Gracias, gracias, gracias, primeramente a Dios, porque es por él que respiramos, a @cabelindsay por ser el pionero de esta hermosa comunidad, a todos los que participantes que hacemos vida en la misma, me siento como lo dije la semana pasada, feliz, pero esta vez el doble, ya que como dice @mipiano enhorabuena, estoy por segunda vez entre los más destacados. Gracias, gracias, gracias. Dios siga bendiciendo a mi comunidad Hive Open Mic.
Spanish: Me encanta eso. ¡Sí! Es bueno que reconozca y honre lo divino, ante todo.
English: I love that. Yes! Good of you to acknowledge and honor the divine, first and foremost.
I'm still glad I could join once again. The theme was a perfect expression of my personal circumstances in music making.
I hope there'll be another chance to contribute something to Hive Open Mic
Thank you for this warm welcome ☺️
Of course! I'm happy you feel the warmth. I feel you brought a great deal of energy here yourself, through the song you shared, so thank you. I really enjoy your singing.
Thank you 😊.