Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community celebrating live music on Hive. Each week is a new event, encouraging musicians to share songs with an international audience.
Hive Open Mic 62
June 13-19, 2021
Our community's open mic event attracts ~100 musicians and thousands of listeners each week. We provide a haven for creative expression and genuine connection. All are welcome. Every contributor can be proud of the fact we are building a live music movement, sharing songs with an international audience. Global harmony is our mission. World peace is our vision.
For the 62nd week of Hive Open Mic, we will explore the following theme: "Healing Song." This theme is selected by Spotlight Artist: @nahupuku, who is like a creative fire, brightly shining in an innovative improvisational way of music making that is distinctly his own. The energizing potential in his songs exemplify the medicine that music holds, capable of healing the body, heart, and mind. Everyone is encouraged to share the collective current as we express and connect this week through: Healing Song.
“Healing Song”
This week's Hive Open Mic theme is: “Healing Song.” This is a pressure-free invitation, encouraging us to explore new territory together as artists and share a common ground as a community. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment.
How To Play
1. Produce - Introduce your video with the words: “Hive Open Mic Week [1],” stating your name and performing a song.
2. Present - Post your video in the Hive Open Mic
3. Promote - Share your link in the comments section of Sunday's open mic invitation in order to ensure your entry is heard.
4. Prosper - Enjoy harmony with the Hive community by engaging with musicians and music fans through upvotes and uplifting comments. community. Include the tag #openmic.
Good Examples
Feel (Original)
Soaring (Original)
Be United As One (Original)
La Meccanica del Cuore (Original)
Son Mis Deseos / It's My Wishes (Cóver)
Con los Brazos al Cielo / With Arms to Heaven (Original)
Gaviota / Seagull (Cover)
Mi Fe / My Faith (Original)
Heavily (Original) by @mipiano by @holisticmom by @joshuabbey by @rezasofyan by @lorenzopistolesi by @zorajr and @armandolnrs by @lecumberre by @davidcentenor by @jhoxiris by @cabelindsay
We can all help support Hive Open Mic by acknowledging the creative spirit that is given so abundantly. Let's reward musicians by voting and commenting directly on music posts, showing our applause as if we're listening in a pub, a coffee shop, or concert hall. Tipping is greatly appreciated. These artists enliven Hive through their humming and buzzing!
In the Hive Open Mic community, every week is an inspiring musical journey. Here, talented musicians bring their gifts to the virtual stage, reaching around the world. Listeners gain human connection on levels of heart and mind, including people of various cultures and languages. This is the harmonizing power of music.
Gratitude goes to the originators of Hive, who planted the seeds for us to grow and flourish here. Gratitude goes to the @OCD Incubation Program and specifically @acidyo, along with other community cultivators, allowing newcomers to find their niches, and comfort zones. Gratitude goes to all the people who share their energy here, helping each other to thrive.
Un saludo a los hiveopenmicistas. A ver qué se me ocurre o inspira esta vez.
Me encanta tu palabra hivenopenmicistas ! 🌟
Ocurrencias o ideas,Mipiano.
Excelente! Éxitos para todos por aquí y a hacer el mundo un lugar mejor a través de la música!
Bendiciones y buenas vibras!
Awesome! I wish a Big success to everyone around here and we have to make the world a better place through music!
Blessings and good vibes!
Right on, brother. I'm thankful for your choice of this week's theme. Greatly looking forward to the "Healing Songs" we will hear this week!
Yeah for me Will be amazing this week
Excelente el tema para esta nueva semana... La música es la medicina que cura el alma !!! Un abrazo a todos...
Excellent theme for this new week ... ** Music is the medicine that heals the soul ** !!! A hug to all ...
What a joy, experiencing the health and wellbeing of the whole self, through the songs we carry. You speak the truth.
Qué alegría, experimentar la salud y el bienestar de todo el ser, a través de las canciones que llevamos. Tu hablas la verdad.
Excelente temática la que se aproxima. ¡Gracias por esa relevante selección @nahupuku!. ¡Bendiciones a todos!
Siempre a la orden. Bendiciones ;)
Hola amigos de Hive Open Mic espero disfruten de mi participación junto a mi hermanito querido
Hey! nice theme ☮️ count on me 🍦
Rock on, dude. 🤘✌️
Saludos Amigos musicales, por aquí les dejo mi entrada de esta semana
Saludos amigos, aqui mi presentación
Hola querida comunidad, aquí esta mi entrada en la semana #62. Suerte a todos!
Spanish: Interesante temática de ésta semana, no tengo un tema pero igual hay canciones con un aura muy similar o incluso directa a ésta temática. Pronto les traigo mi entrada para ésta semana del Hive Open Mic
English: Interesting theme of this week, I don't have a theme but there are still songs with a very similar or even direct aura to this theme. Soon I bring you my ticket for this week of the Hive Open Mic
Excelente la temática para esta nueva semana de #openmic, sin duda algo necesario en tiempos difíciles. Me siento inmensamente feliz de poder participar cada semana en esta iniciativa, una iniciativa que conecta a muchos músico y oyentes de todo el mundo.
Un abrazo para todos y a seguir alimentando el alma con buena música.
Aho. And ditto. I'm so glad to be here, participating and witnessing, expressing and connecting. What a joy! Hugs right back at you, friend.
Aho. Y lo mismo. Estoy muy contento de estar aquí, participando y testificando, expresándome y conectándome. ¡Que alegria! Los abrazos de vuelta a ti, amigo.
My submission for week 61 of hive open mic.
Thank you.
Hola! Aquí mi presentación:
Buenos días esta es mi entrada para la semana 62,
Here is my entry...
Hey guys this week I want to sing The Greatest Love Of All
El inicio de una nueva semana para compartir música, y esta vez con un tema hermoso, ya que la música sana cuerpo y alma. Ansiosos por acá de ver sus participaciones.
I am happy seeing your family join forces with this new account of yours, voicing as a singular statement. I've always admired your shares as individuals, and this collaborative effort feels like a good way to rally together as a team. You all seem to understand well the medicine of the music, which is enhanced when it is harmonized and unified between many people.
Me alegra ver a su familia unir fuerzas con esta nueva cuenta suya, expresada como una declaración singular. Siempre he admirado sus acciones como individuos, y este esfuerzo colaborativo se siente como una buena manera de unirse como equipo. Parece que todos ustedes comprenden bien la medicina de la música, que se potencia cuando se armoniza y unifica entre muchas personas.
Saludos @cabelindsay aquí dejo mi entrada
Hi! this is my performance:
My participation:
Bendiciones mis amigos, aquí tienen mi aporte de esta semana, espero lo disfruten y que viva Dios y la música!
realmente hiciste una participación impecable. Lo disfruté muchísimo.
Muchas gracias hermano, eso me alegra mucho!
Saludos amigos aca les dejo mi participacion de esta semana...
naguará hermano que espectacular tu canción, Dios siga dándote inspiración.
Amen hermano gracias!
naguará hermano que espectacular tu canción, Dios siga dándote inspiración.
Hola amigos aca les dejo mi entrada...
Hello, this is my perform in participating on hiveopenmic. Tq very much
Greetings! Here is my entry for this week:
Blessings! Here is our presentation for this week.
hola! esta es mi entrada de esta semana 62 , para #openmic
hi this is my post from this week 62, for #openmic
Quizás quizás quizás... 🙌
Hi, here is my entry for this week, i hope you'll enjoy semana amigos. Esta es mi entrada para la edicion 62.
tremendo vozarrón. Ese ritmo de orquídea es super pegajoso
This week I wrote a blues song for the theme of healing song, because the blues are healing. I hope you like it. Thanks.
Hi! My best wishes for all of you!
Here is my entry for this week!
Hi there!! What a great theme ^^ and this is my newest entry to Hive Open Mic Week #62
Hope you guys love it... have an amazing day!! ^^
Hola amigos de Hive Open Mic, un gusto saludarles en esta maravillosa semana 62, acá les dejo mi entrada espero que la disfruten, un fuerte abrazo a todos. 🤗
Hola HIVE Open mic, por aquí mi participación
Saludos a mis queridos y apreciados amigos de #hiveopenmic. Esta es mi entrada para la semana 62 "Canción Curativa". Greetings to my dear and cherished #hiveopenmic friends. This is my entry for week 62 "Healing Song".
Saludos a todos. Esta es mi entrada de la semana 62 "Canción Curativa"
Greetings to all. This is my entry of the week 62 "Healing Song".
Hello dear friend @cabelindsay thank you for the support you give us every week, here I leave my post. hope to reach your hearts with this song that contains a message of love and healing. ¡Blessings to the entire Hive Open Mic family! :D
Espero llegar con esta canción a sus corazones que contiene un mensaje de amor y de sanación. ¡Bendiciones a toda la familia del Hive Open Mic! :D Hive Open Mic. Excelente reflexión para esta semana, la música hace que nuestra vida sea más "llevadera", nos aligera la carga. Pensemos en el valor real y efectivo del poder de la música. El mundo de hoy es un mundo de vida relacional musical, sin música no hay vida que valga. Aprovecho para dejarles mi entrada y reitero mi agradecimiento por re encontrarnos, una vez más, en este espacio:
Buenos días!! Te comparto
Hola queridos amigos de Hive. Aquí mi entrada: me encantaría que vieran mi entrada de esta semana se las dejo
Espero les guste esta cancion tanto como a mi
Holaa amigos de hive open mic aqui les dejo mi participacion esta semana, espero y la disfruten.....
I've been having problems with my connection, but at last I can post it:
Hola amigos acá mi entrada para la semana número 62.