🎵 Hive Open Mic 83 - Worldwide Live Music Event

in Hive Open Mic3 years ago

Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community celebrating live music on Hive. Each week is a new event, encouraging musicians to share songs with an international audience.

Hive Open Mic 83

November 7-13, 2021


Global harmony is our mission. World peace is our vision. Our community's open mic event attracts 100+ musicians and thousands of listeners each week. We provide a haven for creative expression and genuine connection. All are welcome. Every contributor can be proud of the fact we are building a live music movement, sharing songs with an international audience.

Each week, our community shares the gifts of musical performance and generous listening. We celebrate songs of every style, and we make real relationships with music lovers worldwide. Our virtual song circle reaches globally, while upholding the classic pattern of a traditional open mic event.

For the 83rd week of Hive Open Mic, we will explore the following theme: "Reason for Living." This theme is selected by Spotlight Artist: @elmusiquito, who brings excellent musicianship to this community, along with his brotherhood. Everyone is encouraged to share the collective current as we express and connect through: Reason for Living.


“Reason for Living”


This week's Hive Open Mic theme is: “Reason for Living.” This is a pressure-free invitation, encouraging us to explore new territory together as artists and share a common ground as a community. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment. Here's a timeline, for anyone wishing to look back, be present, or prepare future entries.

82: Stories of the Night ---> 83: Reason for Living ---> 84: En Honor Y Amor A Ellas

How To Play

1. Produce - Introduce your video by saying the words, “Hive Open Mic Week [1],” including your name. Perform a song.
2. Present - Post your video in the Hive Open Mic
3. Promote - Share your link in the comments section of Sunday's open mic invitation in order to ensure your entry is heard.
4. Prosper - Build relationships by engaging with fellow music lovers through uplifting comments. community. Include the tag #openmic.


Hold On (Cover)
Feel (Original)
Soaring (Original)
Gaviota / Seagull (Cover)
Son Mis Deseos / It's My Wishes (Cóver)
Con los Brazos al Cielo / With Arms to Heaven (Original)
Cuando Llega La Marea / When The Tide Comes (Original)
Be United As One (Original)
Mi Fe / My Faith (Original)
Heavily (Original) by @mipiano by @holisticmom by @joshuabbey by @davidcentenor by @zorajr and @armandolnrs by @lecumberre by @adreini by @rezasofyan by @jhoxiris by @cabelindsay


Show your support by engaging with the musicians. The greatest gift you can give to an artist is your attention. For this reason, we humbly ask that you offer some friendly words. You can reward musicians by offering applause as if we're in a pub, a coffee shop, or concert hall. Your comment might be a vital voice that gives a musician the wings to fly, or the gills to dive deep!


In the Hive Open Mic community, every week is an inspiring musical journey. Here, talented musicians bring their gifts to the virtual stage, reaching around the world. Listeners gain human connection on levels of heart and mind, including people of various cultures and languages. This is the harmonizing power of music.

Gratitude goes to the originators of Hive, who planted the seeds for us to grow and flourish here. Gratitude goes to the @OCD Incubation Program and other community cultivators, allowing newcomers to find their niches, and comfort zones. Gratitude goes to all the people who share their energy here, helping each other to thrive.


Join in. Enjoy!

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This week I'm challenging myself with a couple of songs that I would have previously thought were out my comfort zone. Last night I came up with this medley which I have been having fun singing all day today.

You have a real talent for mash-ups, and I encourage you to keep cruising in that direction. It is great fun what you're doing, blending songs together uniquely.

Thanks for the encouragement Cabe :),I love doing things like this.These 2 songs are pretty challenging to sing,they are iconic power ballads,its always fun to try and push my limits.

Yeah, dude, I totally get that. Your subdued way gives them a different energetic feeling, more folksy, of course. Still it is rockin!

What's the title of the song if I may ask. I need songs which I can do to make me leave my comfort zone

Its a mix of 2 songs the first one is "Holding on for a hero" by Bonnie Tyler and the second is "I would do anything for love" by Meat loaf

Now I got with to do now after seeing this. I will tag you in my video wen I play it

Just watching you sing this so well, I am inspired to try out a medley mashup in the future.
Plus your voice sounds so soothing and calm.
Awesome entry @celticheartbeat.

There is something so comforting with how you both play the strings of the guitar and the sound blend of both instruments together is a whole other vibe. It is always exciting watching you two play @lynnm.

Hay algo tan reconfortante en la forma en que ambos tocan las cuerdas de la guitarra y la mezcla de sonido de ambos instrumentos juntos es una vibración totalmente diferente. Siempre es emocionante veros tocar a los dos @lynnm.

Ah, your collaborations are always a treat. Thank you.

Ah, tus colaboraciones siempre son un placer. Gracias.

Hello @cabelindsay! Here's my entry for this week.


Thank you for this community! :)

The lyrics of this song have always resonated with me and it has been a long while since I listened to it.
Thank you for bringing back those nostalgic memories.
Plus your sound is so pure and sweet.
Lovely post @me2selah

Thank you so much! :)

It is always a beautiful thing to see a mix of musical instruments performed simultaneously to enrich the performance and I applaud you for adding this to your performance.
Nice post @jesusmedit.

Siempre es bonito ver una mezcla de instrumentos musicales interpretados simultáneamente para enriquecer la actuación y te aplaudo por añadir esto a tu actuación.
Buen post @jesusmedit.

I recorded this song for a friend/former client of mine as he and his wife lost her mother this past week.
A small gift while they grieve - the song they requested.

A good reminder to live a life worth remembering and honouring!

Beautiful! Such well balanced singing.

Do I really need to tell you how beautiful you sound and how amazingly gifted your voice is?

Oh dear @kayclarity, your voice is exceptional, your singing is stellar, and your whole performance gave me a rush of emotions just listening to you. Wow. This made my day.

Plus we both have acapella singing in common.

Beautiful post. This is by far one of my top entries for this week's #openmic.

Hermosa voz ! Me encanta!

I am super thrilled to engage with the entries of a lot of great musically talented artists in this beautiful community, especially with this lovely theme by @elmusiquito and promoted by the exceptional @cabelindsay.

Here is my entry: https://peakd.com/hive-105786/@peaq/xclbgxrv

I hope you enjoy it and it resonates with you as it did for me. Thank you.

Thank you for all of the lovely comments I see you're offering. You are so kind. And your high level of kindness runs right in parallel with your exceedingly awesome musical gifts.

I live to put out kindness into the universe because I am aware everyone is going through something.You are always welcome @cabelindsay

I want to keep encouraging people to forge ahead regardless of the challenges and look beyond for better days ahead.

Thank you for your ever-sweet words of encouragement.

Sin duda,esa razón fundamental es Dios.

Muy buen tema, siempre tenemos una razón para seguir adelante y con la ayuda de DIOS más rápido. Felicitaciones por escojer este tema @elmusiquito Dios les bendiga y mucho éxito esta semana. Bendiciones 😇🙏🏻

Gracias!!! Amen!! Dios es mi verdadera razon para Vivir!!! Dios te bendiga!

Excelente tema para esta semana, ya preparando mi participación , 😃 éxitos para todos

Que buen tema

Un tema muy lindo para esta semana, Dios nos da todos los días una razón para vivir 💜

Asi es, Dios es la genuina Razon para Vivir!!! Dtb

amen y gracias por escoger este tema muy hetmoso

Ufffs execelente elección, me encantó 😍 felicito a @elmusiquito, espero mañana traer mi interpretación bendiciones para todos. ✌️

 3 years ago (edited) 

A beautiful topic and beautiful illustration, Cabe!!!

Every week you surprise us more with your illustrations, I congratulate you on your commitment, you are unique, Cabe, thank you for being there. 💜 I love this week's theme, I hope I can share it soon

Oh, Joy, you suit your name so well. Thank you for being such a bright ray of light.

Lindo tema el de esta semana. De seguro existiran muchas razones para vivir. Todos conectados. Éxitos.

Reason for living. A nice one to use this week

Hola!! Tengo el inmenso placer de compartir por segunda vez en esta. Comunidad. Aquí mi entrada de la semana.

There is just something about how your voice blends in with the sound produced by the guitar.
Listening to this was an absolute pleasure.
The sound of the guitar stole the show.
Amazing post @ronymaffi.

Hay algo en la forma en que su voz se funde con el sonido producido por la guitarra.
Escuchar esto fue un placer absoluto.
El sonido de la guitarra se robó el show.
Increíble post @ronymaffi.

Hey Guys :).
I am back this week with the song "Lovin' You" by Minnie Riperton.

I can't even remember the last time I heard this song.
Thank you for bringing it back and even more thanks for killing this rendition through this brilliant performance.@chaste-music, your voice is so powerful and I enjoyed your song choice.

Cerré los ojos al escucharte tocar ese teclado y es realmente la paz y la calma que el sonido trajo.
Podría escuchar este sonido todo el año.
Eres un instrumentista verdaderamente dotado.
Sigue brillando @daniel2001.

I closed my eyes listening to you play that keyboard and It is really the peace and calm the sound brought.
I could listen to this sound all year round.
You are a truly gifted instrumentalist.
Keep shinning @daniel2001.

oops - I forgot to drop my link here! hahahaha

Here is my submission for this week!

Eyes on the Deep. I'm yours. You're mine.

There is a lot in this video to applaud you for.

First, I will start with your undisputed beautiful voice- I hope you know how gifted you are.
Second, your awesome video editing skills- I need to come for tutorials on them because you are always killing it with every new content
Third, your song choice is in line with the theme- This is one of my favorite songs of all time and one of my best Hillsong's music. The lyrics are so deep and reflective.
Finally, the whole performance was a great vibe.

Thank you for sharing your talent @dreemsteem and this is one of my top entries for this week's #openmic.

Hive Openmic Week 83 Razón de vivir ( La única razón) @colorcareer Hola amigo... https://peakd.com/hive-105786/@colorcareer/hive-openmic-week-83-razon-de-vivir--la-unica-razon-colorcareer

Esta es mi entrada de la semana espero que les guste

There is no denying that the energy and strength of this performance are on a whole different level.
Also, you both made great music with the blend of your instruments so beautifully.
Nice post @colorcareer and @jesusmedit

No se puede negar que la energía y la fuerza de esta actuación están a otro nivel.
Además, los dos hicieron una gran música con la mezcla de sus instrumentos tan bonita.
Buen post @colorcareer y @jesusmedit

Hola queridos amigos de hive.
Por acá les dejo mi participación en la semana #83 de Hive Open Mic, espero les guste. MUCHAS GRACIAS.

Hello dear hive friends.
Here I leave my participation in week # 83 of Hive Open Mic, I hope you like it. THANK YOU SO MUCH.


Estuve bailando en mi habitación mientras escuchaba su actuación.
Es tan enérgica y me hizo bailar.
He disfrutado mucho bailando con tu actuación.
Sigue así y sigue tocando la guitarra como la estrella que eres @yonniel24.

I was dancing around my room while listening to your performance.
It is so energetic and moved me to dance.
I totally enjoyed dancing to your performance.
Keep it coming and keep playing that guitar like the star you are @yonniel24.

Bendecido día amigos, aquí les entrego mi entrada para esta semana

Blessed day friends, here is my ticket for this week


Esther 83.jpg

Tu voz es tan angelical y conmovedora.
Vaya. Eres un pájaro cantor.
Sonaste tan agradable a mis oídos.
Gran entrada @lasembradora

Your voice is so angelic and soulful.
Wow. You are a songbird.
You sounded so pleasing to my ears.
Great entry @lasembradora

Bendito día, aquí mi participación para esta semana.

Blessed day, here is my participation for this week.


Iris 83.jpg

El vibrato de tu voz es realmente clásico.
Suenas muy sereno y dulce.
También me ha gustado el instrumental que acompaña a tu dulce voz.
Precioso post @irissol

The vibrato in your voice is truly classical.
You sound so serene and sweet.
I also enjoyed the instrumental accompanying your sweet voice.
Lovely post @irissol

Me ha gustado cómo has cantado esta canción, me ha llevado a una canción similar que me ha traído recuerdos de mi infancia.
Esta fue una actuación realmente agradable @adrianalara

I enjoyed how you sang this song, it took me back to a similar song that brought memories of my growing up.
This was a really pleasant performance @adrianalara

Hola, @peaq muchas gracias que bueno que te haya gustado, gracias por pasar por aquí 😊😘

The lyrics of this song are so deep.
Your background and the total vibe of the video added spice to your performance.
Your voice is quite unique and bodies the lyrics so well.
Keep shining in this community @lk666

Hi there!!! Here is my very first participation to Hive Open Mic Week 83.


This is one of my favorite songs as it makes me appreciate the awesomeness of God and your voice was so pleasing, to say the least.
The lyrics of this song is also in line with the theme.
I enjoyed the whole performance @godlovermel25

Oh, thank you very much. 😇

You are welcome

How are you all.. This my presentation for this week https://hive.blog/hive-105786/@donirosayandi/ocxkiyoc

I totally enjoyed the introduction of diverse languages to this performance.
Also, I like the fact that you smile each time you sing.
It makes the whole performance exciting.
Well done on this post @donirosayandi.

thank you for liking the perfomance I gave, I will always smile to make everyone happy, thank you @peaq

Wow I love the theme of this week! I hope to join it 😊🙏

Yay, I look forward to listening!

Hola a todos. Espero estén bien y puedan seguir siendo felices esta semana y todos las siguientes...
Por acá mi entrada...


Sólo escuchar el sentimiento solemne en tu voz y la destreza con la que tocas la guitarra es increíble.
La música mexicana tiene esta vibra seductora y esto fue definitivamente capturado en tu interpretación.
Hermoso post @danieldedosd2

Just listening to the solemn feel in your voice and how much dexterity with which you play the guitar is amazing.
Mexican music has this alluring vibe to it and this was definitely captured in your performance.
Beautiful post @danieldedosd2

Good morning everyone in this awesome community. I love you, guys!


Awesome song choice.
You sound so beautiful as well.
I enjoyed how you flowed with the song lyrics from the beginning to the end.
Nice post @olivia08

Hola queridos amigos, les presento mi entrada para ésta semana:


Admiro la pasión con la que rasga esas cuerdas de la guitarra. Es sencillamente magnífico.
Tu voz también es tranquilizadora y fresca.
Me han gustado esos tonos y falsetes que haces de vez en cuando. Demostraron el talento que tienes.
Actuación estelar sin duda @melor9

I admire the passion with which you strum those strings on the guitar. It is simply magnificent.
Your voice is also calming and cool.
I liked those pitches and falsetto's you hit from time to time. They showed how much of a talented artist you are.

¡Que más motor o razón para vivir que el amor! Dedicada para todos ustedes en esta semana 83. / ¡What more engine or reason to live than love! Dedicated to all of you this week 83.


Tienes que verme ahora mismo.
Realmente estoy asintiendo con la cabeza y moviendo mi cuerpo al ritmo de esas cuerdas.
¡Maldita sea! Esto es súper emocionante para bailar.
Tu voz me devuelve a los viejos tiempos con la colección de música de mi padre.
Una actuación sencillamente genial @ylich

You need to see me right now.
I am really nodding my head and moving my body to the strumming of those strings.
Damn! This is super exciting to jive to.
Your voice throws me back to the good old days with my dad's music collection.
Simply terrific performance @ylich

Hi Open Mic Week 83!
This topic seemed to have touched the deepest corner of my music soul so I decided to play my most favorite song of all time 😊
Here is my entry. I'll see you around! Really excited to see other performances as well 💚
Hive Open Mic Week 83 | In My Life | The Beatles Live Cover

First, your voice is so precious.
Second, the lyrics of this song is so cozy and reassuring.
Third, your guitar-playing sound production is pretty awesome.
Super dope performance @littlebeatle

👋👋👋Como siempre: excelente 👋👋👋

Me complace ver que realmente disfrutaste cantando y tocando la guitarra.
Definitivamente esto se me pegó también al pasar al rasgueo de las cuerdas.
Buena actuación @betzaelcorvo.

I am pleased to see that you really enjoyed yourself singing and playing the guitar.
This definitely rubbed off on me as well as I moved to the strumming of the strings.
Nice performance @betzaelcorvo.

Buenas noches a todos . Saludos. Esta es mi entrada para la semana 83.

Les deseo suerte a todos los participantes.

Hola amigos, por aquí les dejo mi entrada "Razón de Vivir": https://hive.blog/hive-105786/@esteliopadilla/smmxlwqv

Saludos mis amados amigos, aquí les presento mi entrada para la semana #83, le deseo éxito a todos.


Hello there, nice to meet you guys again on Hive Open Mic Week #83 Challenge ^_^... Here is my newest entry for the contest by the way:

Hope you guys enjoy it and having a good day~

Siempre es un placer escucharte amigo mío.
Me emocioné mucho al ver tu entrada y no puedo dejar pasar esta bendita voz hoy.
Suenas tan hermosa como siempre y me gustó la moderación que hiciste.
Sigue siendo una estrella.
Otra actuación encantadora, una vez más, de tu parte @cochanet.

It is always such a delight listening to you my friend.
I was so excited to see your entry and I cannot pass on this blessed voice today.
You sound so beautiful as ever and I liked the moderation you did.
Keep being a star.
Another lovely performance yet again from you @cochanet.

Hola comunidad HIVE. Excelente el tema de esta semana. Son muchas las razones para querer la vida, para querer seguir viviendo, con todo y los tropiezos que puedan aparecer en el camino. Felicitaciones por este maravilloso tema. Aquí les dejo mi participación, con esta canción compuesta para esta semana.


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