Glad you're here, friend. Thanks for expressing yourself. This cartoon is entirely new to me. Is it a fun one? When I was a kid, I loved cartoons and wanted to be an animator when I grew up. I do a little of that, but it's a lot of work! It's cool you appreciate the animation art form. Peace.

and yes, One Piece can be said to be one of the best cartoons from Japan, I have been following the series since I was a child until now... this one is very complete, there are funny, tense, even sad moments too.. .
Oh wow!! we have the same childhood ideals my friend, that was really great... and yeah, being an animator is not easy indeed, they're the best... much respect for all of animators around the world👊🏻
😊 have a wonderful day man~thank you @cabelindsay, I really appreciate that 😊