Wow. I'd say "High Spirits" is evident in every single one of the songs you spotlight here. I'm so happy to see and hear these musicians - many who are new to me - shining through the music they bring. I find myself connecting with kindred spirits I didn't even know existed until just now.
Guau. Yo diría que "High Spirits" es evidente en cada una de las canciones que destacas aquí. Estoy muy feliz de ver y escuchar a estos músicos, muchos de los cuales son nuevos para mí, brillar a través de la música que traen. Me encuentro conectándome con espíritus afines que ni siquiera sabía que existían hasta ahora.
Yes, it was a very good week, the topic was spot on and the entries too! Shout out for the new members, to those that came back after a break and for all those that participate week by week!! 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶