Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community celebrating live music on Hive. Each week is a new event, encouraging musicians to share songs with an international audience.
One day I woke up and heard this song, sung ultra-slow, somehow appearing with the distant sounds of street traffic. For me, it's a message that all is well. It rings true for me: A higher power is beating my heart and breathing my lungs, even without my awareness.
What is more awe-inspiring, more awesome, more full of awe? What is more easeful, more peaceful, more comforting? Surely there must be a higher power who has it all under control, holding all of us in a loving embrace. Surely we can rest assured, trusting we are worthy of love, harmony, truth, and justice.
This song is my selection for this week's Hive Open Mic theme: "Healing Songs." To me, there is deep meaning, and rich medicine in this song's message and the melody. In the recording process, I felt myself soothed by some handsome sounds that seemed to flow naturally through the instruments, played at a nice slow tempo.
Compared to the song I shared last week, this one was smooth sailing. I made a few adjustments to simplify my equipment setup, and then performed it live with a looping station. Visually, I think the double exposure video does a fair job of showing essentially what is happening sonically. I'm grateful for what feels like a creative breakthrough.
Wail Away
A new song, presented as a multitrack recording
Heart beating I am aware of my blood in flow
Heart listening to this harmony imagining
With open roads and open arms to hold me
With steady steps I steadily up-level
I honor myself and all my brothers and sisters
I honor the earth and all in it that is sacred
Hive Open Mic - Week 62 is underway right now, with the current theme: “Healing Song.” We introduce new themes every Sunday, inviting musicians to share a common current. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment. There is still time to jump in and enjoy this week's Hive Open Mic event!
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About Me
I am a star child, ultra-fly and down-to-earth. I am an artist, making films with Arise and songs with Cosmic Butterflies. My latest launch is a Rock album called "Colors Flying," to be released this Summer. My greatest achievement is my role as a rad daddy to three incredible kids.
I think it is perfect this way, as you simplified the setup from the last week. It feels more relaxed probably for you too. For me it is a beautiful healing song came in right moment!
Thank you. Yes, this one was so much more comfortable. Still room for improvement in many aspects, and all is well. Happy to see and hear signs of progress.
Of course, there is always room for improvement, that is for sure. We all have to do it from week to week, but every step is like a new achievement in that path :)
Heey bro! What a good sound! Totally healing. Amazing those ghost visuals really nice effect, just perfect!
Thank you. This one felt much more natural than my recent attempts. Thinking I'm finding my voice. Next, I'd like to figure out a way to get some more rhythm in there. Maybe a djembe.
Wow super fantástico performance!
Thanks brother. Feels great to hear a compliment from such a talented musician. You inspire me with every song you share.
This is really wonderful boss @cabelindsay. I really like the instrumentation, hope to see more of you
Thanks so much for your note. I sure appreciate your encouragement.
This is beautiful I liked the lyrics and your set up! Great job
Thank you. The setup is shifting every week, it seems, and I'm sure it will continue to evolve. I appreciate you for noticing, and offering your encouraging words.
Beautiful performance buddy; regards from Venezuela.
Happy to hear from you. Thanks amigo.
Simply perfect 💚, as always impeccable interpretation and with this beautiful original theme that manages to become a healer for the soul.✨
What a wonderful comment. Thank you. I'm so happy to carry these healing songs, and be carried by them.
I really admire the work you do a lot, you put a lot of heart into it, the edits of your videos are magical. By the way, here in my country today is Father's Day! So my congratulations to you and a big hug !! ✨🤗
This song is beautiful and its lyrics are of total harmony, an excellent musical production, I congratulate you my brother, you are great to give the hope that we sometimes need, this song is a unique emerald in the universe, thank you for this beautiful gift
Your comment touches my heart, brother, thank you so much. I highly admire your artistic way of being in the world.
It is a very gratifying song, very relaxing, excellent for these moments that we live. Thanks and congratulations!!
Aw, I sure appreciate you. Thank you for your sweetness.
Woooow que nivel! Me encantó esta performance!!!! Awesome I'm amazed
Blessings Brother
I am feeling the blessings you bring, brother, thank you. Happy the awesomeness lives in you and I alike.
Yessss I am really glad and happy this week. The healing vibe was a total sucess. I have a Big smile cause I can create with an idea, an entire week of heal and q Lot of good vibes and ritual Songs comes around. And that for me is a blessing!
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Curador: @Zorajr
Aw, thank you for noticing spiritual growth in me. Yes, I feel things are flowing in a positive direction now, after some challenging transitions. I am so grateful to be here, singing with you, recognizing the blessings music brings us as we express and connect on the levels of mind and heart.
Oh, gracias por notar el crecimiento espiritual en mí. Sí, siento que las cosas fluyen en una dirección positiva ahora, después de algunas transiciones desafiantes. Estoy muy agradecido de estar aquí, cantando con ustedes, reconociendo las bendiciones que nos brinda la música a medida que nos expresamos y nos conectamos en los niveles de la mente y el corazón.
Tu performance, tu melodía, tu letra y tu esencia es verdaderamente sublime @cabelindsay . Saludos :) Your performance, your melody, your lyrics and your essence is truly sublime @cabelindsay. Greetings :)
Thank you, sister. It is a pleasure being here and participating in this event that brings you and I together as song carriers, and family members, and friends.
Gracias hermana. Es un placer estar aquí y participar en este evento que nos une a usted y a mí como portadores de canciones, familiares y amigos.
This is a really beautiful and healing song. The mellow melody instills a wash of calm over me as I listen to it and your choice of instruments complements the vocals perfectly. There is something very meditative about this and I absolutely love it!
Some of the best music ever written has come to those subconsciously. It is an inner connection with the universe and the vibrational frequencies. Your song this week certainly holds that power within it.
Much love to you dear @cabelindsay 🤗💚😍🙏
Feeling the love, thank you so much. Knowing you are stepping into a new job and all, I sure appreciate you for carving out some time in your new schedule for this community of ours. Your presence here is such a blessing, and in my life personally I cherish our friendship and kinship.
You're most welcome and thank you, it is a joy to be part of the hive open mic community/ family. I am super grateful for our friendship too.🤗🙏💚