Hive Open Mic Week Number #128 " Victory " An Original Instrumental Song By: @discouragedones

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"Victory" can be a symbol for realizing the goals of people and nations. like my nation and country, who are now fighting to achieve victory in the streets of my country, protesting against the extreme and cruel Islamic government and government, which for 44 years has made life difficult, exhausting and impossible for the people of my country in all aspects. they endured honestly, i don't know how much you follow Iran's news or how well you know Iran. In the past few days, a 22 years old girl in Tehran was arrested by the police and brutally and mercilessly killed for wearing an inappropriate hijab. the reflection of this horrible tragedy caused the reactions of the international media, which called for the prohibition of violence against women in Iran and condemned this tragedy. the people of my country have been protesting this brutal murder and cruelty of the Islamic government in the streets of all Iranian cities for 5 days and they want the overthrow of this cruel and anti-Iranian government. Iran has a rich and civilized culture and Iranian people want friendly relations with all the countries of the world.

Mahsa Amini is the name of the girl who killed last week and made the Iranian nation mourn. the people of my country are demonstrating every night in the streets of all Iranian cities this week. we need the support of different countries in the world to make our voice of protest heard. Iranian people are peaceful and want friendly relations with all nations and cultures. hoping for the freedom of my country. i made this song for these sad days of my country, i hope you like it.

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My Gear:

▪️ Guitar : Hofner Classical HAC 204 CE BK

▪️Audio Software : Qbase

▪️ Camera : Nikon 850D

▪️Strings : Ernie Ball

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Hi sir, it's a good guitar playing. You are very good at playing guitar tunes.

Thank you so much for your kindness dude 💫💥❤️

Que buena música nos regalas esta semana para Open Mic, el ritmo es muy contagioso.Me ha encantado que tú puedas ser eco de una situación que ha preocupado a todo el mundo, a través de tu música.

Muchas felicidades y mucho ánimo 🌹

Muchas gracias por su amabilidad en la esperanza de paz y libertad para todas las personas del mundo ❤️🌹✌️

Always amazes me every single time

Thank a lot bro😍😍 it's my pleasure 🙏

I have been watching the news in the United Kingdom. It is sickening that any person should be murdered simply because they do not want to conform to something in which they do not believe. Poor girl.

Your guitar playing is incredible and reflects the passion which flows in you for your country.

Thank you very much for expressing your feelings and opinion, my dear friend. Iranian people love all countries of the world and want friendly relations with all nations, cultures and countries. hoping for peace and freedom for all the people of the world. thank you very much for your kindness, my dear brother🌹✌️💫💥❤️🙏🤗

You are amazing guitarist. I like the way you played the guitar

Thank you so much mate!!!

Amazing Bro!. There is no way not to enjoy your music videos, you are a guitar god... Congratulations again!.

Thank's a lot my dear brother 😇💯🍻

 2 years ago (edited) 

My dear Brother, I must start with that sad news, I did know that there were protests but I did not know why, and now that you clarify the situation, that is unfortunate, I do not know where we will end up honestly, the governments want to submit us to their will and make evil reign...

With all my heart I hope that the title of your song is prophetic for all the nations that are now victims of the abuse of power and extreme brutality, I wish the best for Iran, I know that your country is the best, only that its "government" is aligned with evil, to corroborate this, I tell you that they are very friendly with the dictatorship that exists in my country Venezuela, then you can imagine what you face there!!!

You can, be strong, and hopefully you have the support you need to face these people 🙌

My brother another beautiful musical composition that honors the cultural and human wealth that exists in your country, I congratulate you for raising your voice... God with you 🙏💖... You Rockkk!!!

PD: Dear brother, by the way, when you can please go to this link, it is from the post where you were selected as Spotlight Artist, you have the honor of choosing the theme for week 132 of the Hive Open Mic, take your time and when you have thought about it, write it down in the comments of the post of this link

Thank you very much for your kind and dear brother. yes, i completely agree with you. unfortunately, my country is not doing well these days. Hoping for better days for Iran and Venezuela and all countries under the rule of oppression. 🙏✌️❤️

Thank you, my dear brother, i will definitely refer to this link🤗💫🍻🎸🎸🎇✨

That's right my dear brother, the best for all our nations so we can live in peace and global harmony 🙏💖!!!!

A hug Ali, see you this week, I will be watching for your participation dear Brother 🙌😀💛... You Rockkk!!! 👊😎🔥🎙️🎸🎶❤️🌟🍻💥💫💯

Thank's a lot my dear brother 🤗😇💫❤️🌹🎸💯✨

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