Hive Open Mic 120 : "Mi Felicidad" | Melly Goeslaw - Ku Bahagia cover by @donirosayandi

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Hi Hivers, how are you all? I'm sure we're all fine. By the way, my name is @donirosayandi, I'm a guitarist. On this occasion I will sing for the 119th week of the Hive Open Mic #openmic contest with theme: "Mi Felicidad." In English, this means: "My Happiness." This theme is chosen by our recent Spotlight Artist: @jorge234nv.

For this week's theme I have prepared a good song, a song yang related to the theme, namely the song called "Ku Bahagia", this song was popularized by "Melly Goeslaw"

"Melly Goeslaw" whose real name is Mellyana Goeslaw Hoed, was born on January 7, 1974. He is one of the most popular singers and songwriters who has produced many singers in Indonesia.

Melly has successfully created many songs, including the song "If where is he" in a duet with the former vocalist of the band Dewa 19, Ari Lasso. Then following his success in creating the song "Counting Days" sung by Krisdayanti and the song "Heart Yang Chosen" by Rossa.

In addition, the songs of musician Anto Hoed's wife have become many film soundtracks, including Ost. What's Up With Love (2002), Ost. Eiffel I'm In Love (2003) and Ost. What It Means to Love (2005). In addition he also released albums titled Intuition (2004) and Mindsoul (2007), some of the songs have a beat faster.

Melly and Anto Hoed are currently more often involved in making movie soundtracks than personal albums. Melly, whose name is included in the ranks of 17 Class Music Heroes, is trusted to handle the soundtrack of the religious film, KETIKA CINTA BERTASBIH. Also on the soundtrack of this film, Melly sings the song When Cinta Bertasbih.
Source :

The song "Ku Bahagia" is included in the album titled "What's With Love" which was released in 2002.

This album contains 12 songs that became the soundtrack of the film "Ada Apa dengan Cinta" (AADC) which was a huge success at that time.

The work on this album was done by Melly Goeslaw and her husband Anto Hoed and became the most successful soundtrack at that time, along with the success of the AADC film.
This Ku Bahagia song tells about a person's happiness when going through the most beautiful times in his life, namely when he was a teenager, when he was still in high school, there were many memorable stories and it could not be repeated.

In this life
Navigate all my beautiful stories
The most beautiful moments of youth
Cannot be repeated

He went through his teenage years with joy and sorrow, all obstacles he went through with love, and was accompanied by his lover, And that made him stronger through obstacles. And in the end he was happy.

I want to enjoy
all the roads in front of me
I will plant love for my love
for me to be happy

I chose this song, because it fits the theme chosen by our recent Spotlight Artist: @lisbeth26. That is "My Happiness."

Here's a list of lyrics

Melly Goeslaw - Ku Bahagia

Di atas bumi ini ku berpijak
pada jiwa yang tenang di hariku
tak pernah ada duka yang terlintas
ku bahagia

ingin ku lukis semua hidup ini
dengan cinta dan cita yang terindah
masa muda yang tak pernah kan mendung
ku bahagia

Dalam hidup ini
arungi semua cerita indah ku
saat-saat remaja yang terindah
tak bisa terulang

ku ingin nikmati
segala jalan yang ada di hadapku
kan ku tanamkan cinta tuk kasihku
agar ku bahagia

Lyric sources :

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Man.. should I confess?
This is so sweet😭🥺❤️❤️❤️✅✅😄😄

Your chords, video quality and your Voice is extremely superb.

I enjoyed watching this man.
Weldon bruh!😭❤️

I'm very flattered that you like my performance, and I'm happy to be able to give the best for this community, good luck to youThank you very much @obaro

What an interesting sound you present in this video, usually the music you present is even lighter, but this is perfect and doesn't lose your essence. Congratulations my friend, this is the first Open Mic I have seen in many days that I have been away and I feel it as a warm welcome home...

Thank you very much @jesuslnrs yes that's right I usually sing songs that are a bit light and slow in tempo, but because this week the theme is happiness, I think this song is suitable to be sung according to the theme

Greetings my dear friend, here all is well thank God.

What a beautiful story behind those lyrics, perfect for this week's theme.

Congratulations for that magnificent interpretation, it was a pleasure to have listened to you. Receive a big hug from me hoping you are well too.

Best regards my friend.

Thank you so much @yetxuni , I'm glad you like the song I sing, but for vocals, I have a lot to learn from you

I am very entertained by the song you sing, you are so good at playing the guitar, success for @donirosayandi..

Thank you very much @wien-art

waooww beurtoeh ivote y bg, sehat sabe bg

Your music never disappoints. Great music here.
Truly beautiful

Thank you very much @yhuddee111, I'm so glad you liked my performance, good luck to you

thank you very much @yhuddee111 I'm glad you like the song I sing and good luck to you

Hola amigo, gracias por la mención,Es un honor para mi 🙏❤️ este tema me ha causado también mucha felicidad,lo que comentas del autor es fascinante 🥰 Es importante y muy admirable llevar de esta manera nuestras vidas a pesar de las circunstancias adversas,me identifico mucho con esto!

Te felicito por tu interpretación muy profesional y el tema hermoso ❤️🥰 Dios te bendiga, agradezco el detalle 🎵🎶🙏🏻🌹

muchas gracias @lisbeth26 me alegro que te guste la cancion que canto y la interpretacion que escribo, mucha suerte

What is the groon..

Terimakasih bang @bobreza

Me gustó mucho la calidad del sonido y muy buena tu interpretación

muchas gracias @agustinlopez02 exitos para ti