Hive Open Mic 204 "Asian Culture" Koes Plus - Kolam Susu cover by @donirosayandi

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Hive Open Mic 204 : "Asian Culture" Koes Plus - Kolam Susu cover by @donirosayandi

Hi Hivers, how are you all? I'm sure we're all fine. My name is @donirosayandi, I'm a singer and guitarist. On this occasion I will sing For Hive Open Mic 204, explore the following theme: "Asian Culture." This theme is chosen by our community's recent Spotlight Artist: @victoriakim21.

This week's theme presents an interesting theme, Culture in Asia is very diverse because of the many tribes in Asia, talking about tribes, my country Indonesia is the country with the most tribes, approximately 1340 ethnic groups followed by various languages too.

For this week's theme, I have prepared a good song, a song related to this theme, namely a song entitled "Silk Pool", which means Milk Pool, this song was popularized by Koes Plus.
This song sung by Koes Plus is very popular in Indonesia. The term milk pond then invites many questions. What does milk pool mean?

Milk ponds, or originally called Susuk Ponds, really exist, namely in Belu, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).
It is not known exactly when Susuk Pond was discovered, but the existence of this tourist attraction has existed since time immemorial, and many people use it for their daily needs by catching fish, shrimp and crabs.

This song describes the Koes Plus band's admiration for Indonesia's homeland which is rich in abundant natural resources. In fact, like the ocean in this country, it is refreshing milk, a source of stamina in carrying out activities. The source of stamina here means that the vast ocean is a source of activity for the Indonesian people to survive. If processed, it will become an item of high value. And if it is cared for, its sustainability will be maintained.

I hope you guys like it. Happy listening.

Below are the complete song lyrics.
Bukan lautan hanya kolam susu
Kail dan jalan cukup menghidupimu
Tiada badai tiada topan kau temui
Ikan dan udang menghampiri dirimu

Bukan lautan hanya kolam susu
Kail dan jala cukup menghidupmu
Tiada badai tiada topan kau temui
Ikan dan udang menghampiri dirimu

Orang bilang tanah kita tanah surga
Tongkat kayu dan batu jadi tanaman
Orang bilang tanah kita tanah surga
Tongkah kayu dan batu jadi tanaman

Original song :

Lyric sources

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Wow. You share a beautiful song and thanks for sharing

it seems to me you an Asian,am I right?
i loved the calmness of that song
the guitar accompaniment was awesome, thus making a great stuff
bravo man

Nice presentation friend. Greetings!!!!!☺️

Fue un gusto escucharte muy hermoso ❤️

Hermosa entrada de semana querida amiga. Avanza🥰

Good job bro. Cheers