[ESP/ENG] HIVE OPEN MIC WEEK #170 || Duo para saxofones Nro 2 H. Klose by @edgardsaxo

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago (edited)

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hello to all my friends who live in the hive blogchain ecosystem, especially those who make up the HiveOpenMic community, this week 170 with the theme "Cacao" I didn't think of anything 😞, actually I got some topics at the mind like: caramel and chocolate from Sexteto Juventud but I didn't feel comfortable with that theme, so I decided to do something different this time.

pienso que no deberiamos subir temas por subirlos, la idea es trasmitir ideas, sentimientos, paz, tranquilidad, calma con la musica sin no tenemos ese lazo con la musica que tocamos pienso que no deveriamos tocar; tal como el tema que escribi al principio quedaria genial para esta semana pero no me sentiria a gusto tocandolo.

I think we shouldn't upload songs just for the sake of uploading them, the idea is to convey ideas, feelings, peace, tranquility, and calm with the music, if we don't have that bond with the music we play, I think we shouldn't play it; Just like the song I wrote at the beginning, it would be great for this week, but I wouldn't feel comfortable playing it.

metodo H klose


Fuente de Imagen

en fin si pienso participar esta semana pero con un duo para saxofon del metodo H. KLOSE; este metodo tiene muchos ejercicios para dominar el instrumento y esta diseñado para todos los saxofones (Soprano,Alto,Tenor y Baritono) este tiene diferentes niveles, y ejercicios, en la segunada parte del metodo esta el duo que les presento hoy es el numero 2, aunque no es una cancion tiene una melodia llamativa y con un final intenso que podria describirse casi que como explosivo y va poco a poco terminando en calma y una de las dificultades de este duo es la segunda voz por tener un registro grave que el ejecutante de saxo alto no es comun tocar notas tan graves.

In short, I plan to participate this week but with a duet for saxophone of the H. KLOSE method; This method has many exercises to master the instrument and is designed for all saxophones (Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Baritone) this has different levels, and exercises, in the second part of the method is the duo that I present to you today is number 2 Although it is not a song, it has a striking melody and an intense ending that could almost be described as explosive and gradually ends calmly and one of the difficulties of this duo is the second voice because it has a serious register that the performer it is not common for alto sax to play such low notes.

para mi es un honor esta otra vez con ustedes compartiendo buena musica, espero que mi presentacion haya sido de su agrado.

For me it is an honor to be with you again sharing good music, I hope you liked my presentation.


cada dia es una oportunidad para crear, expresarnos y crecer
Every day is an opportunity to create, express ourselves and grow.

hola a todos mis amigos que hacen vida en el ecosistema blogchain de hive muy especialmente a los que conforman la comunidad de HiveOpenMic, esta semana 170 con la tematica "Cacao" no se me ocurrio nada 😞, en realidad se me vinieron algunos temas a la mente como: caramelo y chocolate del Sexteto Juventud pero no me senti a gusto con ese tema, asi que decidir hacer algo diferente esta vez.

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Hello there
This was so amazing
Kudos to you

Thank you very much for listening, watching and commenting.

You're welcome 😊

@edgardsaxo you're right my friend we must bond with the music we play.

This is a really wonderful presentation. Kudos

Thank you very much friend for your comment

You're welcome

See the ups and downs on your piece...so lovely

Weldon @edgardsaxo and.many more from you


Thanks my friend in the image source you will find the complete method in case you need it there you can download it in PDF

I've followed you on IGO wow...thanks brother @edgardsaxo

Weldon sir

#cheers 🥂

Hola querido señor, realmente disfruté su presentación ❤️. Tú Molas🌹

muchas gracias amiga

Es cierto que se propone una temática para la semana pero en realidad podemos compartir cualquier canción que nos salga de corazón, como bien dices, no deberíamos subir canciones solo por subirlas.

Tu presentación con dos capas estuvo genial, eres muy talentoso en lo que haces. Nuestras mas sinceras felicitaciones, gracias por participar. Saludos!

si no es facil conseguier el tema perfecto semana tras semana y que ese tema nos salga del corazon no es sencillo, pero ayer tenia un poco de tiempo libre y que se compartir la musica

Wonderful presentation you've got here.

I enjoyed your presentation
Well-done 👏

Thank you very much I'm glad you enjoyed it

Bonita melodía @edgarsaxo te luciste con ese instrumento. Aplausos 👏🏽👏🏽🎉

muchas gracias amiga

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