Hola, amigo @obaro, pasé por acá a escucharte, pero esta PC donde estoy encasa de una amiga no permite ver 3speak:
Hello, friend @obaro, I stopped by to listen to you, but this PC where I am at a friend's house does not allow to see 3speak:
Sentí no poderte escuchar, pero leí la letra de tu canción y está muy bonita. Dale mis saludos a tu madre, quien con su vida y enseñanzas te inspiró este tema. Mil bendiciones y éxito en el evento.
I was sorry I couldn't hear you, but I read the lyrics of your song and it's very beautiful. Give my regards to your mother, who with her life and teachings inspired you on this song. A thousand blessings and success in the event.
Oh, it seems you are using ecency!
Why not try peakd to view it.
However, I'm glad you so much love me my friend!
Yes, I'll send your regards to my mom and Also, I'll tell her I have a supportive friend and mother here on hive that cares!
Thanks a lot dear friend!(•‿•)