Hive Open Mic Week #115. Cover Opening Slayers by @eudarcabello

Estos días que estuve medio desanimado me di cuenta que suelo ser el que animo a mis amigos. Recién conocidos dicen que siempre estoy muy sonriente así vean que me dicen algo negativo.
These days I've been a bit discouraged and I realized that I'm usually the one who cheers up my friends. New acquaintances say that I am always smiling, even if they say something negative to me.
La verdad me costó dar con un tema referente al trabajo que hago actualmente, simplemente estoy siendo reubicado y ni tengo claro aún de que se tratará mi nuevo trabajo.
The truth is that I had a hard time finding a topic related to my current job, I'm just being relocated and I'm not even sure what my new job will be about.
Hello people of Hive Open Mic here @eudarcabello and this time to participate in the week #115 with the Opening theme of the anime Slayers and I understand that the song also has the same title.

Recordé entonces este opening que creo va mucho con mi personalidad, ando medio ronco pero creo que era el mejor momento para hacerla.
Then I remembered this opening that I think goes a lot with my personality, I'm a little hoarse but I think it was the best time to do it.
Aunque el viento sople fuerte y trate de empujarme un hechizo tendré que recitar y si alguien siente envidia pues soy la maravilla yo me reire de su falsedad
Yo derroto a mis rivales con magia y destresa para que la justicia floresca y gaudi y sus amigos siempre viajan conmigo juntos lucharemos contra el mal
Cosas quiero hacer porque es mi deber
que nadie se oponga porque lo evitare ya veras que asi es mi poder de luchar contra el mal para su fin contemplar. Siempre voy a donde quiera con una sonrisa que logre encaminar a todos mis amigos a la batalla que se desarrolla entre el bien y el mal Siempre voy a donde quiera con una sonrisa que logre encaminar a todos mis amigos a la batalla que se desarrolla entre el bien y el mal
Con valor no nos venceran ya veras se arrepentiran.
Even if the wind blows hard and tries to push me a spell I will have to recite and if someone feels envy because I am the wonder I will laugh at his falsehood.
I defeat my rivals with magic and skill so that justice may flourish and Gaudi and his friends always travel with me together we will fight against evil.
Things I want to do because it is my duty that no one opposes because I will avoid it and you will see that this is my power to fight against evil for its end to contemplate. I always go wherever I want with a smile that manages to direct all my friends to the battle that takes place between good and evil I always go wherever I want with a smile that manages to direct all my friends to the battle that takes place between good and evil.
With courage we will not be defeated and you will see they will regret it.

También me ha pasado que gente tira mala vibra esperando como ver derrotado y terminan frustrados al ver que mantengo la sonrisa. Entonces el trabajo siempre es tener buenas vibras y apoyar a los amigos si estos las tienen bajas.
It has also happened to me that people throw bad vibes expecting to see me defeated and end up frustrated when they see that I keep smiling. So the job is always to have good vibes and support friends if they have low ones.
Gracias por su apoyo. Espero le gustara mi post tanto como a mí y la invitación es a que visiten mis futuros posts.
Thank you for your support. I hope you liked my post as much as I did and I invite you to visit my future posts.

▶️ 3Speak
Gracias por tu participación @eudarcabello
Gracias a ustedes por el apoyo
Nice voice bro
Sounds like the soundtrack for a movie or a cartoon
You did well
Thanks bro =D