HIVE OPEN MIC week 244 Together. El mundo se equivoca (cover) by @eudarcabello [ESP/ENG]

A pesar de apenas iniciar con las clases del postgrado el tener que leer libros para hacer la tarea de la unica materia que estoy viendo hasta ahora me tiene absorbido y estresado, esta finalizando las clases antes de entrar a las vacaciones por la navidad, seguramente este un poco mas ocupado el resto de la semana, asi que aproveche para descansar de clases y grabar para esta semana en esta comunidad.
In spite of just starting graduate classes, having to read books to do the homework of the only subject I'm seeing so far has me absorbed and stressed, I'm finishing classes before entering the vacations for Christmas, probably I'll be a little busier the rest of the week, so I took the opportunity to rest from classes and record for this week in this community.
Hello beautiful people of the HIVE OPEN MIC community here @eudarcabello and this time to participate in week 244 which is titled Together. For this week I didn't have much concentration to think of a song, I would like to have a story of how I ended up choosing this song, but I don't. I try not to repeat the same ones. I try not to repeat the same ones, I didn't do so much because I already did it a long time ago, I ended up doing it without more options in my head to do this week, I was surprised, the lyrics were easy for me, in my opinion it turned out well, I continue with the same dynamic of not practicing it as much as I should and less now with this task I have over, I think from what I saw on the internet this song is called "me muero", but that is not how I knew it, so I preferred to use the name of how I knew it and it is "El mundo se equivoca" (The world is wrong). When I was younger I liked it a lot and I found it romantic, I hope it still sounds good with my tired voice for those who listen to it. I certainly enjoyed making this song, there can't be a better song that I could think of for this theme and I respect if you don't think so.

Definitivamente si pudiera volver atras, si lo pensaria el hacer el postgrado y en esta area marina que no era para nada mi fuerte durante el pregrado, seguramente me cuesta mas que al resto de mis compañeros, lo bueno es que la maestria es si o si son dos años, o me graduo o se me cierra para siempre esa posiblilidad, lo que acortara lo que hasta ahora es una tortura. Lo bueno es que estoy conciendo cosas que ni sabia que existian y ayudaran con mi trabajo actual en la fundacion de acuicultura.
Definitely if I could go back, if I would think about doing a postgraduate degree and in this marine area that was not at all my forte during undergraduate, surely it costs me more than the rest of my classmates, the good thing is that the master is if or if they are two years, or I graduate or I am closed forever that possibility, which will shorten what so far is a torture. The good thing is that I am learning things that I didn't even know existed and that will help with my current work in the aquaculture foundation.
En cuanto a mi vida amorosa, si habia una posibilidad de tener algo con alguien antes de iniciar el postgrado, pero como que sospeche lo que me venia y dije que mejor no inventaria en esta etapa, que queria dedicarme a estos estudios, seguimos viendonos, pero seguimos solteros, creo que es lo mejor para ambos, si me dijo la ultima vez que nos vimos que nos vimos antes hace un mes, asi que el tiempo para mi transcurre super raro ultimamente. Espero de verdad pronto adaptarme a todo esto en lo cual decidi entrar y que logre disfrutar esta maestria tan interesante, que no termine siendo una tortura, es lo que en verdad deseo y que claro me abra monton de buenas oportunidades.

As for my love life, if there was a possibility of having something with someone before starting graduate school, but I kind of suspected what was coming and I said that I would better not invent at this stage, I wanted to dedicate myself to these studies, we continue seeing each other, but we are still single, I think it is best for both, if he told me the last time we saw each other that we saw each other before a month ago, so the time for me runs super weird lately. I really hope that soon I will be able to adapt to all this in which I decided to enter and that I will be able to enjoy this very interesting master's degree, that it does not end up being a torture, that is what I really want and that of course it will open a lot of good opportunities.
Intento dejar que todas las cosas en mi vida fluyan, capaz puede que intente forzar un poco las cosas, como con el postgrado de Biología Marina o el intentar ser constante en Hive, que estos dias han sido digamos que misión fallida por cosas fuera de mi control, pero lo que termine resultando, sé que sabré aceptarlo. Agradecido por todas las cosas buenas que me han pasado y de las malas que me he librado, por tu apoyo, espero tambien visites mis otros post, muchos éxitos con tu contenido y hasta la próxima semana.
I try to let all the things in my life flow, I might try to force things a little bit, like with the Marine Biology postgraduate course or trying to be constant in Hive, these days have been let's say mission failed because of things out of my control, but whatever ends up turning out, I know I will know how to accept it. Grateful for all the good things that have happened to me and the bad things that I have gotten rid of, for your support, I hope you also visit my other posts, many successes with your content and see you next week.

▶️ 3Speak
Saludos amigo, la verdad es que te quedo buena, la pista fue la que se oia un poquito distorsionada, pero entiendo porque a veces a uno le cuesta conseguir las pista, pero tu canto estuvo muy bien!
gracias vale, la verdad no soy muy hábil en eso de dar con pistas.
te quedo super cool
te envió un gran abrazo
gracias vale, otro para ti.
seguro! pendiente con la pista de fondo, a veces pudieras usar un programa de inteligencia artificial que le quite la voz al tema principal, tipo crear un karaoke, hay varias como o moises
espero te sea de ayuda