"FLYING".Hello beautiful people @Hiveopenmic community, this is @fab-tay and i am glad to be here for this Hive Open Mic 240. The @Hiveopenmic community has been supportive and advancing the course of music, creativity, originality and i will like to appreciate the administrators of the community and others for this initiative and greatwork been done here. I celebrate everyone here aswell. The theme for this Hive Open Mic 240 is
"FLYING".Hola gente hermosa comunidad @Hiveopenmic, soy @fab-tay y estoy feliz de estar aquí para este Hive Open Mic 240. La comunidad @Hiveopenmic ha apoyado y avanzado el curso de la música, la creatividad, la originalidad y me gustaría agradecer A los administradores de la comunidad y a otros por esta iniciativa y el gran trabajo realizado aquí. Celebro a todos aquí también. El tema de este Hive Open Mic 240 es
"Flying" signifies motion or movement exhibited by some peculiar creatures like birds. One of the remarkable thing about the flying is the ability to soar altitudes, mountains which is what we humans beings leveraged on to develop an aircraft. Flying involves moving against gravity which is a natural force that hinders going up. Therefore, flying signifies progress, remarkable progress even amidst all challenges or barriers to such. Flying is a much desired speed as compared to crawling or walking and we as humans use flying synonymously to speed or moving higher than the widest imagination even though we can't fly.
"Volar" significa movimiento o movimiento exhibido por algunas criaturas peculiares como los pájaros. Una de las cosas más destacables de volar es la capacidad de elevarse a gran altura y montañas, que es lo que los seres humanos aprovechamos para desarrollar un avión. Volar implica moverse contra la gravedad, que es una fuerza natural que dificulta el ascenso. Por lo tanto, volar significa progreso, un progreso notable incluso en medio de todos los desafíos o barreras para ello. Volar es una velocidad muy deseada en comparación con gatear o caminar y nosotros, como humanos, usamos volar como sinónimo de velocidad o movernos más alto de lo que imaginamos, aunque no podamos volar.
For this week Hive Open Mic, i will be doing this spontaneous original freestyle composition titled "I FLY" acknowledging the beauty of moving higher, making progress to the desired height and peak of whatsoever we desired using the flying bird as an analogy. The song acknowledges the fact that there are mountains i.e. heights, peak, levels which are attainable through the help of the divine bearing us up on the eagle's wing (with eagles been used here as an analogy of a high flying bird).
Para esta semana Hive Open Mic, haré esta composición espontánea original de estilo libre titulada "I FLY" reconociendo la belleza de movernos más alto, progresando hasta la altura deseada y el pico de lo que deseábamos usando el pájaro volador como analogía. La canción reconoce el hecho de que hay montañas, es decir, alturas, picos, niveles que se pueden alcanzar con la ayuda de lo divino que nos lleva en el ala del águila (aquí se usan las águilas como una analogía de un pájaro que vuela alto).
I chose this song for this week because it aligns with the theme for this week unto the appreciation of moving up and going higher as humans despite all hurdles and challenges we may encounter. It also brings us to the reality of the divine to assist and help us reach our desired peak and height by bearing us up even on an eagle's wing. As we go this week and even the remaining part of this year, i pray we enjoy divine help to reach desired height flying up in quick succession with ease just like a bird does easily. I did this cover involving both the vocal and the instrumentals extracted through the moises app . Do enjoy this composition.
Elegí esta canción para esta semana porque se alinea con el tema de esta semana: la apreciación de ascender y llegar más alto como seres humanos a pesar de todos los obstáculos y desafíos que podamos encontrar. También nos lleva a la realidad de lo divino para asistirnos y ayudarnos a alcanzar la cima y la altura deseadas sosteniéndonos incluso sobre el ala de un águila. A medida que avanzamos esta semana e incluso el resto de este año, oro para que disfrutemos de la ayuda divina para alcanzar la altura deseada volando en rápida sucesión con facilidad, tal como lo hace fácilmente un pájaro. Este cover lo hice involucrando tanto la parte vocal como la instrumental extraída a través de la aplicación moises. Disfruta esta composición.
Higher higher
I'm going everyday
I soar on the eagles wings
To the highest mountain
I fly
I fly
To the highest mountain
I soar on the eagles wings
To the highest mountain
más alto más alto
voy todos los dias
Me elevo sobre las alas de las águilas
A la montaña más alta
yo vuelo
yo vuelo
A la montaña más alta
Me elevo sobre las alas de las águilas
A la montaña más alta
It is really good for one to go higher because,it is at that point you can share in your happiness with other, l like that one bro.
Exactly 💯
Well said 👌
Thanks so much sir for your comments
It is impossible not to enjoy your participation this week my brother, you have done very well, congratulations. Your smile is the perfect invitation to spend a nice time reading and listening to your song and the lyrics of the song are perfect to enhance the idea that we want to project this week as a community.
I would still like to make a couple of suggestions, the most important is that you say it is an original song, but you are using a musical track, it would be ideal if you could share the link of that track in case you are not the one who elaborated it, remember that all the material we borrow must be credited. My other suggestion is very personal and it's up to you if you change it or not, your last videos are in vertical format, I feel that in Hive, especially in communities like this one everyone should record in horizontal, so that it is attractive both in phones and PC; it's up to you, but as a blog I feel it's more elegant as you always recorded in horizontal.
Anyway you have done a great job, thanks for sharing it in the Hive Open Mic, I send you a hug and I hope to see you soon in other communities where we always coincide...
It's a delight to have your review and I say a big thanks as this really helped to be make the most of every opportunity and to be the best as much as possible.
It is an original song composition which is spontaneous in line with this week's theme, however as I mentioned in the post, I extracted the instrumental I used through the Moises app. I'm so sorry for not referencing the owner of the instrumental which I have now corrected in my post and it has reflected. The instrumental rhythm aligns with the composition so well and that's why I made use of it.
You are very right in the use of landscape instead of portrait in the video recording, it is unusual for me though as a result of issues with phone which I believe will be resolved soon, so I just have to make do with that.
I accept this review, both compliments and corrections with a high sense of humility and responsibility. Thanks so much. 🙏
Wonderful my friend, that's what it's all about, just naming Moises App in your post is enough, as many of us know how that app works. Regarding the video, it's just a suggestion that I think might work, but whatever is most comfortable for you is the priority. Thanks for the feedback! 🙏
You are most welcomed sir
I really appreciates
I admire people who are original. It shows how creative you are and I appreciate your efforts.
Well-done 💖
Thanks so much for the admiration and compliments ma
I really appreciates it alot 🙏
You're welcome
Beautiful performance bro, I loved the song💪🏾
Thanks so much boss🙏
I really appreciates 🙇♂️
This week's theme is very impressive, after seeing your performance I am very impressed, you make songs so beautiful, it's amazing my friend, I enjoy this, keep up the good work
Indeed, the theme is a great one and a desire of many unto going high place, soaring to greater heights like an eagle.
Thanks so much for the compliments and this review, I really appreciates it alot. I'm glad you enjoyed it and is a spur/encouragement to better things ahead.
I celebrate you 👏
okay bro,have a nice day🤗
Same here 🤗