I loved what you said in your writing brother; love is respect for individual differences and being good people even with those who may be abysmally opposed to us, it is not an easy task but it is the task entrusted to us, therefore to love our neighbor, God puts us tests to first achieve self-love and thus bring our light to others 🙏❤️!!!!!
The difficult part of any human relationship is to keep love alive, because it must be fed daily, understanding that we are imperfect and that stress can change our moods... that person who loves us in the bad times, is a blessing 💖!!!!
Brother thanks for mentioning me, I just uploaded my participation this week and I hope you rock with me 🔥🔥🔥... I send you a big hug, you are great, I loved this song and how you gave it life in the voice and your keyboard.... God bless you always brother, I was glad to see and hear you again 🙌😀💛..... You Absolutely Rockkkkk!!! 👊😎🔥🎙️🎹🎶❤️🌟🍻💥💫💯
Thanks a lot deR brother for coming around. I hope that the world really make love alive so that we can all live in peace. God bless you