Abraza la vida no somos eternos [esp-eng]

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Saludos y mucha paz tengan todos hace mucho que no paso por acá por este enorme ecosistema que es hive...

Realmente no se si estoy acordes con las normas de la comunidad aún se me hace un poco complicado esto en estos espacios...

Bueno solo paso por acá a compartirles algo de mi música...

El arte en general creo que es la manera en la cual nuestra esencia logra manifestarse, cuando logramos conectar con ella se hace imposible no drenar sentimiento, situaciónes o vivencias de las cuales somos partícipes ya sea directa o indirectamente...

En esta oportunidad tras algunos inconvenientes personales..cómo de costumbre, vuelvo a utilizar el Medio de la música para expresar todas esas emociones, aveces estamos tan colapsado de vivencias que es necesario drenarlas de alguna manera y como lo dije en algunas líneas arriba cuando conectamos con un medio para manifestarlas no hay vuelta atrás, se vuelve esencial encontrar un medio para drenar la mismas..

En fin está vez fluyó este escrito y esperó puedan disfrutarlo tanto como yo..

La vida suele darnos jugadas que no nos esperemos y al momento por necedades humanas o quizás por el mismo ego que poseemos como personas no logramos visualizar el mensaje que quiere dar la vivencia que experimentamos...

Ahí momentos donde es esencial callar la mente
Y darle prioridad a lo que nuestra esencia reclama...
Vivimos tan atados a cosas insignificante que somos ingenuos a contempla la magia en nuestro entorno...

Este tema va dedicado a mi compañera de vida la cual me a demostrado un amor incondicional y gigantesco que me a dado fuerzas para poder seguir adelante...

Y es que el amor tanto propio como familiar es el calor necesario para sobrellevar tormentas que nos derrumban ,
La familia es lo más importante al igual que las amistades reales...

Que el arte nos salves
Y el amor nos guíe..
Mucha luz en su caminar..

Gracias Por leerme.. paz 🤟

One love.


Greetings and peace to all of you, it's been a long time since I've been here in this huge ecosystem that is hive...

I really do not know if I am in accordance with the rules of the community still makes me a little complicated this in these spaces ...

Well I'm just dropping by to share some of my music...

Art in general I think it is the way in which our essence manages to manifest itself, when we connect with it is impossible not to drain feeling, situations or experiences of which we are participants either directly or indirectly ...

In this opportunity after some personal inconveniences..as usual, I use again the medium of music to express all those emotions, sometimes we are so collapsed of experiences that it is necessary to drain them somehow and as I said in some lines above when we connect with a medium to manifest them there is no turning back, it becomes essential to find a way to drain them...

Anyway this time this writing flowed and I hope you can enjoy it as much as I did...

Life often gives us plays that we do not expect and at the time by human follies or perhaps by the same ego that we have as people we can not visualize the message that wants to give the experience that we experience ....

There are moments where it is essential to silence the mind
And give priority to what our essence demands...
We live so attached to insignificant things that we are naive to contemplate the magic in our surroundings...

This theme is dedicated to my life partner who has shown me an unconditional and gigantic love that has given me the strength to move forward...

And the fact is that love, both self and family, is the necessary warmth to overcome storms that bring us down,
Family is the most important thing, as well as real friendships...

May art save us
And love guide us...
Much light on your walk...

Thank you for reading me... peace 🤟

One love.

▶️ 3Speak


You really have a very beautiful voice I must confess. It is really looking so melodius and sweet

Thank you for the energy brother...lots of peace...nice to know that you enjoyed it.

Sueeeeltale!! !DOOK !LUV !LOLZ

What’s Forest Gump’s password?

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of fonestreet



@geca.originario, I sent you an

Undermugre 🔥🔥

A master piece indeed!
I'm impressed with what I just saw now brother.

Thank you brother, that energy is very much appreciated...lots of light....