Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community working for world peace through a love of live music. Each week is a new invitation to express and connect.
Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) es una comunidad global que trabaja por la paz mundial a través del amor por la música en vivo. Cada semana es una nueva invitación a expresar y conectarnos.
🎵 Hive Open Mic 111
May 22-28, 2022
Global harmony is our mission. World peace is our vision. Our community's weekly open mic event attracts musicians and listeners across the world. Our virtual song circle reaches internationally, while still upholding the classic pattern of a traditional open mic event. At the end of each week, we celebrate the music with a Community Concert, featuring a Spotlight Artist.
Armonía Global es nuestra misión. La paz mundial es nuestra visión. El evento semanal de micrófono abierto de nuestra comunidad atrae a músicos y oyentes de todo el mundo. Nuestro círculo de canciones virtuales llega internacionalmente, manteniendo el patrón clásico de un evento tradicional de micrófono abierto. Al final de cada semana, celebramos la música con un concierto comunitario, con un artista destacado.
Special Announcement / Anuncio Especial
For the 111th week of Hive Open Mic, we invite all musicians to sing and play the same song: "This Little Town," by Dr. Ebingo Kigigha. He wrote this song specifically for our community, just a few weeks ago, in order to illuminate a tragic incident in Nigeria, involving a violent crime and cover-up. See the original post: This Little Town. The song is one that we can all experience on the levels of heart and mind.
Para la semana 111 de Hive Open Mic, invitamos a todos los músicos a cantar y tocar la misma canción: "This Little Town", de Dr. Ebingo Kigigha. Escribió esta canción específicamente para nuestra comunidad, hace solo unas semanas, para iluminar un trágico incidente en Nigeria, que involucró un crimen violento y un encubrimiento. Ver el post original: This Little Town. La canción es una que todos podemos experimentar en los niveles del corazón y la mente.
Our goal is to combine all of our live music recordings into a singular expression that represents Global Harmony. We will create a music mash-up, much like we've done in the examples given below. During the recording process, we urge all musicians to use one of our downloadable "scratch tracks," listening with headphones, to make sure all recordings are in the same tempo and the same music key. You will find the scratch tracks in the "Resources" section of this post.
Nuestro objetivo es combinar todas nuestras grabaciones de música en vivo en una expresión singular que represente la Armonía Global. Crearemos una mezcla de música, como lo hemos hecho en los ejemplos que se dan a continuación. Durante el proceso de grabación, instamos a todos los músicos a usar una de nuestras "scratch tracks" descargables, escuchando con auriculares, para asegurarse de que todas las grabaciones tengan el mismo tempo y la misma clave musical. Encontrará las pistas de scratch en la sección "Recursos" de esta publicación.
Examples / Ejemplos
This Little Town
by Dr. Ebingo Kigigha
English | Spanish |
I can’t keep holding on | No puedo aferrarme ya |
To this small town | A esta pequeña ciudad |
I’ve got to keep moving on | No queda más que avanzar |
Before it all falls down | Antes de que caiga todo |
Now | Ya |
Chords / Acordes
Details / Detalles
Tuning: Standard
Key: G
Resources / Recursos
Scratch Track #2 [Spanish] - courtesy of @rosana6
Scratch Track #3 [Instrumental] - courtesy of @rosana6
“This Little Town”
This week's Hive Open Mic theme is: “This Little Town.” This is a pressure-free invitation, encouraging us to explore new territory together as artists, sharing common ground as a community. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment. Here's a timeline, for anyone wishing to look back, be present, or prepare future entries.
El tema de Hive Open Mic de esta semana es: "This Little Town". Esta es una invitación sin presiones, que nos anima a explorar nuevos territorios juntos como artistas, compartiendo puntos en común como comunidad. Los músicos siempre tienen total libertad para traer cualquier música que se sienta inspirada en el momento. Aquí hay una línea de tiempo, para cualquiera que desee mirar hacia atrás, estar presente o preparar entradas futuras.
How To Play
1. Produce - Introduce your video by saying the words, “Hive Open Mic Week 111,” including your name. Perform a song.
2. Present - Post your video in the Hive Open Mic
3. Promote - Share your link in the comments section of Sunday's open mic invitation in order to ensure your entry is heard.
4. Prosper - Build relationships by engaging with fellow music lovers through uplifting comments. community. Include the tag #openmic.
1. Producir: presente su video diciendo las palabras "Hive Open Mic Week 111", incluido su nombre. Interpretar una canción.
2. Presente: publique su video en la comunidad Hive Open Mic
3. Promocionar: comparta su enlace en la sección de comentarios de la invitación de micrófono abierto del domingo para asegurarse de que se escuche su participación.
4. Prosper - Construya relaciones interactuando con otros amantes de la música a través de comentarios edificantes.. Incluye la etiqueta #openmic.
Examples / Ejemplos
Edekia (Original)
Surprise Yourself (Cover)
Anhelo / I Long (Original)
Sura (Original)
Esta Bella Noche / This Beautiful Night (Cover)
Donde Estará Mi Primavera / Where is My Spring (Cover)
Son Mis Deseos / It's My Wishes (Cóver)
Llegó el Momento / Time Has Come (Original)
Bringer of Dawn (Original) by @peaq by @auelitairene by @ebingo by @naradamoon by @osomeltrozo feat. @dealtokilate by @esteliopadilla by @musicandreview by @zorajr and @armandolnrs by @fernanblog by @cabelindsay
Requests / Peticiones
Show support by engaging with the musicians. The greatest gift we can give to an artist is our attention. For this reason, we humbly ask that everyone offer some friendly words. Reward musicians by offering applause as if we're in a pub, a coffee shop, or concert hall. Our comments might be the vital voice that gives a musician the wings to fly, or the gills to dive deep!
Muestre apoyo interactuando con los músicos. El mejor regalo que podemos darle a un artista es nuestra atención. Por eso, humildemente les pedimos a todos que brinden unas palabras amistosas. Recompense a los músicos ofreciendo aplausos como si estuviéramos en un pub, una cafetería o una sala de conciertos. ¡Nuestros comentarios pueden ser la voz vital que le da a un músico las alas para volar, o las branquias para sumergirse profundamente!
Acknowledgments / Expresiones de Gratitud
see his Original PostThis week, we are delighted by several community members, who stepped up with special contributions. First, we credit @ebingo for inspiring this entire initiative, through his song and the story behind it. Next, we recognize @donirosayandi, who created a great scratch track, to keep our recordings in sync (). And similarly, we celebrate @rosana6, who created a beautiful scratch track, and also an excellent Spanish translation to guide us. Thank you!
ver su Original PostEsta semana, estamos encantados con varios miembros de la comunidad, quienes dieron un paso al frente con contribuciones especiales. Primero, le damos crédito a @ebingo por inspirar toda esta iniciativa, a través de su canción y la historia detrás de ella. A continuación, reconocemos a @donirosayandi, quien creó una gran pista de scratch para mantener nuestras grabaciones sincronizadas (). Y de manera similar, celebramos a @rosana6, quien creó una hermosa pista de scratch y también una excelente traducción al español para guiarnos. ¡Gracias!
Gratitude goes to the originators of Hive, who planted the seeds for us to grow and flourish here. Gratitude goes to the @OCD Incubation Program and other community cultivators, allowing newcomers to find their niches, and comfort zones. Gratitude goes to all the people who share their energy here, helping each other to thrive.
Agradecemos a los creadores de Hive, quienes plantaron las semillas para que crezcamos y florezcamos aquí. Se agradece al Programa de incubación @OCD y a otros cultivadores de la comunidad, que permiten a los recién llegados encontrar sus nichos y zonas de confort. La gratitud va para todas las personas que comparten su energía aquí, ayudándose mutuamente a prosperar.
It's an honor to make a small contribution to this cause. This song touches my heartstrings. I can't imagine the difficult situation that the residents of this town must face. My thoughts and my heart are with them and their families.
We are all united in this community, supporting each other in the search for a long awaited global harmony.
You've already made a big contribution, really. You created a model music recording that will support us all in this initiative, giving us a metronome and a key, so we can all be in harmony and in rhythm. You also gave us an excellent Spanish translation for this song, which will make the experience that much more meaningful for our Spanish-speaking members. These are huge gifts you've given us. Thank you. And thanks for the condolences you show here. Yes, these tragedies have a far-reaching effect, just as our global harmonizing has its own far-reaching effect.
Ya has hecho una gran contribución, de verdad. Creaste una grabación musical modelo que nos apoyará a todos en esta iniciativa, dándonos un metrónomo y una clave, para que todos podamos estar en armonía y en ritmo. También nos dieron una excelente traducción al español de esta canción, lo que hará que la experiencia sea mucho más significativa para nuestros miembros de habla hispana. Estos son grandes regalos que nos has dado. Gracias. Y gracias por las condolencias que muestras aquí. Sí, estas tragedias tienen un efecto de gran alcance, al igual que nuestra armonización global tiene su propio efecto de gran alcance.
Muchisimas gracias por tu aporte mi estimada @rosana6. Tambien se me estremecio el alma cuando grabe mi participación y aun mas cuando vi el motivo por el cual fueron escritas esas lineas!!! Un abrazo!
Lo hice con mucho cariño, es necesario unirnos todos por esta causa. 🤗
Grandioso. Mi canción es dedicada a mi pueblito de origen. Temática bella la del pueblito.
Maestro EXCELENTE, lo esperamos con mucho gusto, bendiciones para usted 🙌😀💛
Hello hive open mic family, this is my entry to this week, thank you.
Your entry here is excellent! Thank you for jumping in, being one of the first to participate in this week's special occasion.
Thank you so much, I couldn't wait to participate, this song is soul-touching.
excellent participation great contribution, blessings
Thank you so much, I appreciate it.
I'm happy to be able to make a small contribution to this great song from @ebingo, the song is very touching, I hope music can unite us in love and peace
Thank you very much again @donirosayandi...and I hope so too!!
Es cierto que la vida tiene un enlace que nos une como seres humanos , y la música es la línea universal que une a este mundo, y hace aflorar la expresión 😍 más inmensa de nuestro interior para decir lo que se siente Con un canto , el dolor no es ajeno cuando el más pequeño es el que sufre. Nos unimos a este sentimiento de pena , que se hagan sentir con nuestras voces a favor del que llora en silencio por la impotencia de no poder hacer nada. Que esté canto haga reflexionar a muchos. Bendiciones.
Los esperamos querida amiga, gracias por unirte a esta noble causa! un abrazo!
Si , gracias me da gusto 😏 volver a saber de ustedes, estamos trabajando en eso , esperamos hacer un buen enlace. BENDICIONES
I was very moved by the lyrics of this piece of music composed by @ebingo, and the most impressive thing was its background. I join your feelings through my participation and wish once again that everything gets better. Greetings to all and thanks for the opportunity to continue allowing us to make music. Hugs.
You have sweet and beautiful voice. I really like to hear you singing. Keep it up. 👏👏
Thank you for the support @godslove123. God bless you.
You're welcome 😊😊
nos encantó tienes una voz muy hermosa Dios te bendiga
This my entry for special Hive open mic week 111 @ebingo
excelente aporte, se siente mucha paz en tu interpretación, felicidades amigo👏👏👏 Dios te bendiga
Esta semana será grandiosa, mando un saludo especial a mi hermano @ebingo por ser alguien ejemplar y hacer notar este tipo de situaciones que ocurren actualmente en su país y que se refleja también en muchos lugares del mundo, ¡¡You Rockkkk Bro 🙌😀💛!!
Por otro lado felicito a nuestros amigos y grandes artistas de la plataforma: @donirosayandi y @rosana6 por el aporte tan inmenso que han hecho... You Rockkk Chicos 👍😉!!!
Nos vemos en las presentaciones amigos, BENDICIONES PARA TODOS, que tengan una feliz semana 🙏💖!!
PD: @cabelindsay la ilustración de la temática quedó hermosa 👏👏👏👏.. You Rockkkk 😊!!!!
This week will be great, I send a special greeting to our Brother @ebingo for being someone exemplary and make notice this kind of situations that currently occur in his country and that is also reflected in many places in the world, You Rockkkk Bro 🙌😀💛!!!!
On the other hand I congratulate our friends and great artists of the platform: @donirosayandi and @rosana6 for the immense contribution they have made... You Rockkk Guys 👍😉!!!
See you in the presentations friends, BLESSINGS TO ALL, have a nice week!!! 🙏💖
PS: @cabelindsay the theming illustration turned out beautiful 👏👏👏👏... You Rockkkkkk 😊!!!!
Thank you very much @fernanblog , This week is going to be a really special week
Did Cabe draw them? 😮
Annaaaa nice to see you around, yes he did, in fact all the weekly illustrations of the Hive Open Mic are made by him 🙌😀💛
OMG! He's so talented!!! Love them all! 😍
Con mucho gusto amigo! Ya estoy ansiosa de ver las presentaciones de esta semana, sé desde ya que serán muy emotivas.
Buenas tardes más fino a prepararme se ha dicho
GENIAL!!! Ruth te esperamos 🙌😀💛
Saludos a mis hermanos y amigos de esta comunidad en la cual me siento totalmente contento de estar con ustedes en el tiempo y la constancia. Manejaré dos opciones, la de hacerle un tema a esta triste tragedia o unirme a ustedes en este canto. Haré el intento. Un abrazo enorme para todos.
Maestro cualquier opción es válida y viniendo de usted sabemos que lo hará con mucho amor 🙌😀💛
Muchas gracias apreciado amigo. Siempre cuenten con mi aporte.
This song is one that connects us in a reverence, I feel. My hope is that the music we make will be a life-affirming experience for all of us, honoring the fact that everything changes. Whether we're dealing with ups, downs, or in-betweens, this too shall pass. Peace be with us.
Here's my version of this week's song: This Little Town.
nice good job, congratulations👏👏👏
So it is dear Brother, everything is temporary, nothing is eternal and we must honor those who fight for a better life and recognize that their actions are part of the changes that must take place in the world, we do not need more violence, we need to continue to connect with love and Global Harmony, we are one big family 🙏🌍🌎🌏💞
What a nice theme for this week... I have an idea what song I want to sing. 😊😊
buenos dias amigos de esta comunidad, aca esta nuestra participación en esta semana 111 gracias al dr @ebingo por dar a conocer lo que esta pasando en su ciudad y por esta hermosa canción
Ok I promise that I'll be here being part of this.
Con toda mi Bro 🙌😀💛
Great initiative, let's do it (;
Hola queridos amigos de Open Mic, les dejo mi entrada:
So sad as we are facing crisis everyday in Nigeria. Thanks to God for life till today.
I'm glad we can always meet in #openmic community to share music and and affection. Thanks so much for the theme and collaboration for all members.
I'll be glad to have you have my entry soon. One 💕💕 ✌️
Desde ya, lista para compartir con todos esta armonía global de este hermoso tema de nuestro amigo @ebingo !
I'm so glad that it made the impact it did....I hope what we are doing is seen
Thank you for connecting through the music, and sharing the love so it ripples out. 💛🌟
Glad I got to do a cover of my brother's song. Here's my entry
nice job congrats
Hi everybody, this is my entry..I hope you enjoy it
nice job my friend congrats
Greetings, community, for multiple technological problems we cannot prepare the material requested in the special announcement, but from here we sympathize with the terrible problem that our brothers and sisters in Nigeria are experiencing. We pray to God to change the situation in their country, that they may be assisted by governments that authentically seek the well-being of their people and that Nigerian children may grow up in an environment of freedom, justice, peace, respect for human rights. and that to improve their quality of life it is not necessary for them to cross their borders.
nos encanta su espiritu, gran trabajo felicidades
Hello hive singers, how are you all? here's my entry for this week
Hello singers, come and join me singing this filipino love song. I hope you will like it. 😊😊
we love your voice ♥️♥️
Thank you..
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
Estamos agradecidos por la super aportación que tuvo @rosana6 y también el gran @donirosayandi, gracias chicos! nos han iluminado con su talento.
No podemos esperar mas para ver el aporte de cada uno, super emocionados que todos se sumen y ver muy pronto el resultado final, gracias por su compromiso, se que será formidable la experiencia como veces pasadas!😇
We are grateful for the super contribution of @rosana6 and also the great @donirosayandi, thanks guys! you have enlightened us with your talent.
We can't wait to see everyone's contribution, super excited for everyone to join in and see the final result very soon, thank you for your commitment, I know it will be a great experience as in the past! 😇
This is my presentation for Hive Open Mic Week #111 "This Little Town" and Special Thanks to @hiveopenmic teams to choosing this amazing song from Dr.@ebingo. I really enjoy this beautiful songs and lets unity in melody guys 🤗
Thissss theme
I can't wait to leave this country bro.
I'm done
Buenos días esta es mi participación para Hive open mic semana 111
Hola bella familia pago por aquí a compartirles mi propuesta musical de esta semana espero sea de su agrado.
Hello beautiful family, I'm here to share with you my musical proposal for this week, I hope you like it.
Hola querida comunidad. Por aquí dejo mi participación de esta semana.
hola queridos amigos de la comunidad Hive, paso a dejar mi participacion en esta semana de Canto Común.
I made a trumpet cover of The song This Little Town 👇👇
Hi guys,this is my entry for this week
Una gran temática, emotiva y admirable. Desde ya voy preparando mi entrada para contribuir con mi mejor empeño en esta honorable ocasión. Bendiciones infinitas
A great theme, emotional and admirable. From now on I am preparing my entry to contribute with my best efforts on this honorable cause. infinite blessings
I am here:
Saludos a todos los amigos de esta comunidad extraordinaria. Esta es mi entrada.
We express our solidarity with the suffering Nigerian people and we hope that this Hive Open Mic Week 111 activity in their support will help them achieve a joyful, dignified life, marked by freedom, justice and rulers who seek the real well-being of their people. .The song that I sing armed with my notebook, with big letters and each stanza occupying a page, is "History and Tradition" original by "Los Turpiales de Aragua" a Villacurano Christmas party group that has been named "Cultural Heritage of the Aragua state" years ago. I dedicate it to my town Villa de Cura, which today, May 25, 2022, celebrates 300 years of having been founded by Don Juan de Villegas, grandfather of our Liberator Simón Bolívar.
Saludos amigo! Aquí dejó mi entrada, Vamos por más...
This is my entry
Here's my part for this week. Thank you @hiveopenmic ❤️
Hello everyone
Here is my entry to week 111
Hello, what's up #openmic family here I bring you a very Caribbean original song titled "PERFECT LOVE" I hope you like it. Hola que tal familia de #openmic por aqui les traigo un canción original muy caribeña titulada "AMOR PERFECTO" espero y les guste.
Greetings everyone!'s my rendition of "This Little Town"
This is my entry for this week
I shared mine here
Let me know what you feel about the rap ..hehe.
I love this Community.
Hello guys, here's my entry for the week
hola amigos una gran alegria acompañarlosesta semana 111 saludos y bendiciones a todos, community, the song "This little town" composed by Dr. Ebingo Kigigha (@ebingo) gives a little insight into the tragedy that the Nigerian people are currently experiencing.We join the voices that are raised to make known the reality of their situation and that call for positive change and the possibility that Nigerians can have a dignified life, as they deserve. We do not have the minimum technological resources necessary to participate in this way, but they have our prayer and desire that justice be done.
Hello community. When in week 110 I saw that this week the theme was "This little town" I looked for an allusive song.I liked this song "Pueblos tristes" (Sad Towns) by the Venezuelan composer Otilio Galindez.From this post with this song that speaks of sad peoples, I join the mourning that seizes the lives of our Nigerian brothers. Their situation touches me deeply because I am of African descent and that my original continent has always been a suffering people. I raise my voice against all injustice that the people of Nigeria are experiencing, I raise my hands with yours to ask God that justice, peace, prosperity be manifested there and that the whole world finds out what your Nigerian people are really experiencing. people and how unfair and painful it is to have to leave their country in order to seek a better future. And that many times that search ends in death...To my Nigerian brothers, I wish that your people stop being a sad people... that they live the joy in freedom and peace that they deserve.