Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community working for world peace through a love of live music. Each week is a new invitation to express and connect.
🎵 Hive Open Mic 141
December 19-24, 2022
Global harmony is our mission. World peace is our vision. Our community's weekly live music celebration reaches musicians and listeners globally on a virtual stage, upholding the classic pattern of an open mic event. At the end of each week, we enjoy a community concert, highlighting a Spotlight Artist.
Our song circle is a place of belonging for anyone who appreciates live music. Our creative space offers a chance to build real relationships worldwide between music fans and musicians of every style and any skill level. Every contributor can be proud of the fact we are co-creating a more harmonious world by sharing the joys of music.
For the 141th week of Hive Open Mic, we will explore the following theme: "Winter." This theme is chosen by our community's recent Spotlight Artist: @purplesinger. Everyone is encouraged to express and connect through: Winter.
This week's Hive Open Mic theme is: “Winter” This is a pressure-free invitation, encouraging us to explore new territory together as artists, sharing common ground as a community. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment. Here's a timeline, for anyone wishing to look back, be present, or prepare future entries.
How To Play
1. Produce - Introduce your video by saying the words, “Hive Open Mic Week 140,” including your name. Perform a song.
2. Present - Post your video in the Hive Open Mic
3. Promote - Share your link in the comments section of Sunday's open mic invitation in order to ensure your entry is heard.
4. Prosper - Build relationships by engaging with fellow music lovers through uplifting comments. community. Include the tag #openmic.
Edekia (Original)
Surprise Yourself (Cover)
Anhelo / I Long (Original)
Sura (Original)
Esta Bella Noche / This Beautiful Night (Cover)
Donde Estará Mi Primavera / Where is My Spring (Cover)
Son Mis Deseos / It's My Wishes (Cóver)
Llegó el Momento / Time Has Come (Original)
Bringer of Dawn (Original) by @peaq by @auelitairene by @ebingo by @naradamoon by @osomeltrozo feat. @dealtokilate by @esteliopadilla by @musicandreview by @zorajr and @armandolnrs by @fernanblog by @cabelindsay
Show support by engaging with the musicians. The greatest gift we can give to an artist is our attention. For this reason, we humbly ask that everyone offer some friendly words. Reward musicians by offering applause as if we're in a pub, a coffee shop, or concert hall. Our comments might be the vital voice that gives a musician the wings to fly, or the gills to dive deep!
In the Hive Open Mic community, every week is an inspiring musical journey. Here, talented musicians bring their gifts to the virtual stage, reaching around the world. Listeners gain human connection on levels of heart and mind, including people of various cultures and languages. This is the harmonizing power of music.
Gratitude goes to the originators of Hive, who planted the seeds for us to grow and flourish here. Gratitude goes to the @OCD Incubation Program and other community cultivators, allowing newcomers to find their niches, and comfort zones. Gratitude goes to all the people who share their energy here, helping each other to thrive.
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @fernanblog ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at Hello community, at the suggestion of our Spotlight Artist @purplesinger, the theme this week 141 is "Winter", therefore, together with my friends, I bring you a Christmas song of the genre "Aguinaldo Venezolano" in which it is mentioned the Andes region the coldest in Venezuela and where it used to snow on the high peaks of its mountain range, but then this snow disappeared as a consequence of global warming, although I heard over there that it is starting to snow again. This song has a "new" stanza devised by our dear @hermaryrc:
Baby Jesus would grow up in the mountains

in winter or spring
and its first steps
It would give them in a walker
Vaya, qué presentación tan agradable, el niño Jesús estará muy feliz con su presentación. Feliz Navidad por adelantado.
I love this. What an incredible beat!
It's a good one put together
El Maestro siendo Maestro... Bravo!!!
Un saludo a Jesús, y deseos de bendición de nuestro amado Dios.
This is really cool
Saludos y bendiciones para todos, aquí les comparto mi entrada ✌🌟é tu participación amigo 😎☝️💯❤️🙌🎸🎙️
Muchas gracias ❤🤗
Extraordinario como siempre...
1000 gracias bro ❤✌
How beautiful. You sound like angels.
Buen día!!!☺️
Bendiciones para todos 😇🙏
Me encantaron las imágenes están hermosas 😍
Cabe Lindsay siempre se luce con sus ilustraciones, definitivamente 💕
Greetings dear Hive Open Mic community, I wish you much success in this week No. 141.
Te esperamos hermano. En la 140 fuiste el último participante, espero que esta vez llegues más temprano. Un abrazo para ti...
Gracias @jesuslnrs haré lo posible jejeje ¡Saludos a todos!
A great theme for this week. I hope to see awesome performances as always.
Una gran temática para esta semana. Espero ver increíbles presentaciones cómo siempre.
Ya yo vi una justo ahora, una tal Rosana con un Alumbrame el Zaguán 🤭🤭🤭
Saludos amigos de Hive Open Mic está semana también será de grandes presentaciones con esta gran temática Invierno, así que a prepararnos y les deseo éxitos. Dios los bendiga👏👏👏🤗🙏💜❤️🧡💚💞
Una semana muy acorde a la temporada. Espero todo sea genial como siempre...
Siii, ya vamos en esta semana 141, veremos qué trae la musa para compartir. Saludos familia.
Tu musa es una de las más divinas de la comunidad... Espero con ansias tu entrada querida Zully!.
Bendecido lunes y comienzo de semana para toda mi bella gente de Hive Open Mic, está semana les deseo éxitos para todos con esta temática como es Invierno, nuestras voces transmitirán con sus canto al mundo entero.. felicidades
Una temática interesante y muy original. Veamos qué cantos invernales sobresalen... Te esperamos!!!
Aqui vamos de nuevo, familia... Los veo en sus post, Dios los bendiga y que tengan una feliz Navidad!!! Por cierto, este tema esta genial!!
El tema es increíble hermano, veamos qué sorpresa nos trae la semana. Nos vemos entonces en los posts como tú dices...
Greetings, dear Hive Open Mic community. In this week 141 the theme proposed by our recent Spotlight Artist, @purplesinger, is "Winter". In Venezuela we do not have a winter as such since the four seasons are not marked here. We don't have spring or fall. We only have two seasons: a dry one (in which it can rain occasionally) and a rainy one (in which it is not uncommon for time to go by without rain). So we associate in our daily life the word "winter" with the cold or with the rain. If the rain is very heavy it is not uncommon to express it with a "Winter is falling!!!". For this reason, this song that I bring to you, original by the well-remembered Argentine singer, actor and filmmaker Leonardo Favio, with its repetitive "and it rained", is quite adjusted to what winter is here. I hope you like our version.
Que bueno verlos ya desde el lunes... Gracias por hacer tu entrada Maestra Sayury. Eso sí, traten de aparecer poco a poco para tener Venezuelan Power para toda la semana y no todos el mismo día 😘 Un abrazo para todos!!!.
Exelente tema, espero mejorar de la gripe para así poder traer mi participación, bendiciones para todos ❣️
No puede ser. No sabía que estabas enferma. Bueno, yo espero lo mismo. Te necesitamos aquí amiga. Dios te cuide 🙏
Amén, mi querido amigo, así es me la e visto muy malita con esta gripe pero confío en Dios que si participaré esta semana preparando algo muy especial para esta comunidad
Hola querida comunidad de Hive Open Mic😉👋, como están? Espero que muy bien... Por acá les dejo el enlace de mi participación en esta nueva semana #141 de este gran evento musical, espero les guste mucho! 🎶
Hello dear community of Hive Open Mic😉👋, how are you? I hope very well... Here I leave the link of my participation in this new week #141 of this great musical event, I hope you like it a lot! 🎶
Gracias por avisarnos a través de este comentario amiga, me muero por verlo, ya mismo voy para allá. Un abrazo...
Un saludo con mucho cariño a la bella familia de Hice Open Mic. Será un gusto poder escuchar y disfrutar de este nuevo concierto con la temática invierno. La temática pasada también fue estupenda. Lamento mucho no haber podido participar debido a que tengo mi computadora dañado y no he podido solucionar el problema. Mis mejores deseos de éxitos a todos los participantes y de antemano les deseo también una Feliz Navidad a toda la apreciada comunidad. Un fuerte abrazo cargado de mucho cariño!
Eres tan activa en nuestra comunidad que no me había dado cuenta que no habías podido participar en la edición pasada. Ojalá puedas resolver tu inconveniente pronto, ya todos se han encariñado contigo. Aquí estaremos con los brazos abiertos para ti Marifi...
I missed this engagement for couple of weeks now.
I will make effort to ensure that I drop an entry.
Me gustó mucho la temática para esta semana y aunque esté un poco ronco quise participar. Éxitos a todos.
I want to appreciate Hive openmic, especially @purplesinger for this week's theme "winter".
So I decided to do "Let it go" by Idina Menzel. Sang in Frozen.
Hola amigos de #openmic acá les comparto mi participación semanal.
Here in Venezuela we have only two seasons. One dry and one rainy and no snow falls. Some atmospheric changes like those described in the song would be winter for us.
We present to you "Canción de Otoño" (Autumn Son) by Spanish singer-songwriter José Luis Perales, who has 27 albums to his credit and 50 million copies sold worldwide. His style is very romantic and I hope you like this song in which the weather is already preparing to receive winter.
Hello, dear community of Hive Open Mic music lovers. We are "in the final stretch" towards Christmas, a time that many countries around the world spend in the midst of cold, snow, winter, graceful snowflakes that fill the air and provide a whitish change to the landscape. Our Spotlight Artist @purplesinger proposed that we unite musically through the theme "Winter". That is why I bring you this song about a season that already announces the very close winter. It's about autumn. In this season the wind blows, it rains...
Saludos querida comunidad, aquí dejo mi presentación de esta semana. Besos.
Aqui les dejo mi participación para esta semana, espero les guste
Saludos hermanos, por acá les dejo mi participación de la semana.. Un abrazo
A very lovely theme! I chose "California Dreamin' (on such a Winter's Day!)" by The Mamas and The Papas. It's a song about being somewhere cold and wishing you were somewhere warmer like California!
Hola a todos, muy apropiada para la temporada la temática propuesta por nuestra Arttsta Destacada @puprplesinger. Voy a participar con un tema del folklore venezolano, un tema navideño y que menciona la región de los Andes, única zona en Venezuela donde antes caía nieve (ahora ya no por lo del calentamiento global). Éxitos para todos.
Esta temática nos arropara de ternura estoy segura de eso. Bendiciones para todos en esta nueva semana. Besitos!!
This is hive Open Mic Week 141 with the theme WINTER. You will find me in the link below playing the Flute and Violin and also singing for you a song that is titled 'the first noel'. Enjoy! ☺
ONE LOVE 🎶 🎹 🎵 🎻 🎤 🥁 😘
¡saludos amigos y amigas! acá mi participación para esta semana 141, semana de "invierno" ¡espero que les guste!
This is my entry
I love the theme for this week, it is really very fitting for this season of Christmas. Weldone @hiveopenmic
The theme for this week greatly intruiges me....I am really happy to be a part of this platform.
I look forward to mind-blowing performances even more than the previous ones.
Hello hello hello #openmic family here I bring you my entry with a song from the band DREAD MAR I and their song ASI FUE I hope you all enjoy it as much as me and my kids!
Hola familia #openmic aquí os traigo mi entrada con una canción del grupo DREAD MAR I y su canción ASI FUE ¡Espero que la disfrutéis tanto como yo y mis hijos!
Hola hermosa comunidad está es mi primera entrada a la comunidad de openmic.
Espero sea de su agrado
Hello My family My entre 141 estas fechas decembrinas, como es normal... siempre aflora ese sentimiento de estar cerca de tus familiares y amigos. Estando en otro país esto se dificulta. La melancolía puede arroparnos en algunos momentos. Es allí la importancia de una plática o de un mensaje que nos acerque para pisotear la distancia. Y aunque no nos podamos ver o abrazar como anteriores navidades, el cariño sigue siendo el mismo.
In these December dates, as usual... that feeling of being close to your family and friends always emerges. Being in another country this is difficult. Melancholy can wrap us up at times. It is there the importance of a talk or a message that brings us closer to trample the distance. And even though we can't see or hug each other like previous Christmases, the love remains the same.
Thank you to everyone who has posted a song this week for the theme I chose. I really hope you had fun making your videos and that you found the theme to be easy to follow.
This is my offering.
I really had fun making my video and I love the song I chose for the theme too. Will be posting soon.
Besides, I just went through your presentation and I must say, you did amazing with the guitar too 😎
Here is my entry to the theme chosen by @purplesinger
Thanks for the opportunity in this amazing community.
Great people of hive open mic here is my entry for this week, hope you enjoy my entry
feliz tarde, les dejo por aquí mi participación de la semana, un gran pukuabrazo y feliz navidad
Greetings to the community. Below is the link to my entry.
Hola queridos amigos de Hive Open Mic. Después de una larga ausencia vuelvo a reunirme con ustedes. Por aquí mi entrada para semana Nro. 141 con un bello Aguinaldo Venezolano titula "A ti te cantamos" de Ricardo Pérez.
Hello dear friends of Hive Open Mic. After a long absence I meet you again. Here is my entry for week No. 141 with a beautiful Venezuelan Aguinaldo titled "We sing to you" by Ricardo Pérez.
Excelente tema para tomar inspiración, pese a que en Vzla no se viven las estaciones, es un tema especial sobretodo en Navidad
Tantas interpretaciones y significados propios de cada uno de ustedes he visto. Es infinito lo que puede representar esta temática. Lo que si se es que todos dejan su esencia y corazón en sus participaciones. Me encanta!
So many interpretations and meanings of each of you that you have seen. It is infinite what this theme can represent. What I do know is that everyone leaves their essence and heart in their participations. I'm lovin 'it!
Bendecido día amigos por aquí les dejo mi enlace espero les guste
¡Hola chicos! Aunque estas festividades en gran parte están llenas de excentricidades, banquetes de ensueño, cantidades de regalos de marcas conocidas y vestimentas que desbordan glamour. 😃😍 Otros viven una realidad diferente, que es todo lo contrario a lo comentado en el inicio de este párrafo. Donde están lejos de sus familiares, donde el subsistir es una lucha diaria, donde la salud empeora y nacen sentimientos tan melancólicos que no permiten ver la belleza del entorno, porque el invierno lo llevan por dentro (mente y corazón tan fríos como el mismo hielo).😕😔😟
Hi guys! Although these festivities are largely full of eccentricities, dream banquets, lots of gifts from well-known brands and clothing that overflows with glamour. 😃😍 Others live a different reality, which is the complete opposite of what was discussed at the beginning of this paragraph. Where they are far from their relatives, where subsistence is a daily struggle, where health worsens and such melancholic feelings are born that they do not allow them to see the beauty of the environment, because they carry winter inside (mind and heart as cold as ice itself ).😕😔😟 my entry for open mic 141