Hive Open Mic Week 231 || A Cover of "Agu N'eche Mba" [Eng/Esp]

in Hive Open Mic6 months ago

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Afritunes. This is a theme that is very special and particualr to me because it centre's on my environment. It seems to be a very easy and interesting theme to deal with and so I am gracing this with all sense of joy and love. I hope that you would find my interpretation interesting.Hello friends of the hive Open mic community, my name is @jesus-son and I welcome you to my blog on this occasion of the week 231 of the community's weekly events and with the theme

First of all, I will like to give a hint on what Afritunes entails. On the hive blog chain there is a community referred to as @afri-tunes and in this community, members are made to produce covers of African songs or make original songs in African styles of music and share. It's a weekly challenge and it's very intersting.

From the above indication, afritunes refers to the African music, that is, the African style of doing music. The African style of music is diverse but it's lovely. First of all, Africans make use of different musical instruments for their musical production and which makes the production very lively. We have our local instruments like, the local drums such as gongo, Ida, etc, the shekere, the udu, the ekwe, the osu, and so many others.

However, we have also inculturated the western instruments into the African tunes and thus produce songs similar to the western style. The most popular style of the African music is the Afro-beat music. I am proud of African music and I pray it keeps going higher and higher in the world music industry.


Talking about the song I share with you today, I present a cover of the song Agu neche mba which means The Lion that guards the City. It is a song by the old Nigerian musician Evang. Nnamdi. It refers to God as the Lion that guards the city. This takes us to one of the titles that is addressed to God as the Lion of the tribe of Judah.

Here, the lion is used to represent a figure of power and strength. God is all powerful. He has the ability to do all things. He can keep us safe from all dangers and we wouldn't have to bother. But what is required of us is the trust and confidence. Dear friends, let us learn to rely so much on God. Let us place our hopes in Him and allow Him take care of the situations.

I bring you this with all passion and love for good music and I hope that you would love it. Thanks for showing up.


Afritunes. Este es un tema que es muy especial y particular para mí porque se centra en mi entorno. Parece ser un tema muy fácil e interesante de tratar y por eso lo adoro con todo sentido de alegría y amor. Espero que encuentres interesante mi interpretación.Hola amigos de la comunidad hive Open mic, mi nombre es @jesus-son y les doy la bienvenida a mi blog en esta ocasión de la semana 231 de eventos semanales de la comunidad y con el tema


En primer lugar, me gustaría dar una idea de lo que implica Afritunes. En la cadena de blogs de Hive hay una comunidad denominada @afri-tunes y en esta comunidad, los miembros deben producir versiones de canciones africanas o crear canciones originales en estilos musicales africanos y compartirlas. Es un desafío semanal y es muy interesante.

De la indicación anterior, afritunes se refiere a la música africana, es decir, el estilo africano de hacer música. El estilo de música africano es diverso pero encantador. En primer lugar, los africanos utilizan diferentes instrumentos musicales para su producción musical, lo que hace que la producción sea muy animada. Tenemos nuestros instrumentos locales como los tambores locales como gongo, Ida, etc, el shekere, el udu, el ekwe, el osu y muchos otros.


Sin embargo, también hemos inculturado los instrumentos occidentales en las melodías africanas y así producimos canciones similares al estilo occidental. El estilo más popular de la música africana es la música afro-beat. Estoy orgulloso de la música africana y rezo para que siga ascendiendo cada vez más en la industria musical mundial.

Hablando de la canción que hoy les comparto, les presento un cover de la canción Agu neche mba que significa El León que guarda la Ciudad. Es una canción del viejo músico nigeriano Evang. Nnamdi. Se refiere a Dios como el León que guarda la ciudad. Esto nos lleva a uno de los títulos que se dirige a Dios como el León de la tribu de Judá.

Aquí, el león se utiliza para representar una figura de poder y fuerza. Dios es todopoderoso. Tiene la capacidad de hacer todas las cosas. Él puede mantenernos a salvo de todos los peligros y no tendríamos que molestarnos. Pero lo que se requiere de nosotros es confianza y seguridad. Queridos amigos, aprendamos a confiar tanto en Dios. Pongamos nuestras esperanzas en Él y dejemos que Él se haga cargo de las situaciones.

Les traigo esto con toda pasión y amor por la buena música y espero que les guste. Gracias por aparecer

▶️ 3Speak


I enjoyed your entry oo
U will teach me this song sef

Bros You are back again wow are you lgbo?? If no it means you are trying keep going 👍

Tanchiu sir

Thanks my oga

What a heartfelt and insightful post, @jesus-son! Your introduction to the Afritunes theme beautifully highlights the significance of African music and its diversity. I love how you provided a glimpse into both traditional and modern African musical instruments, as well as the fusion of African and Western sounds.

Your interpretation of the song Agu Neche Mba is powerful, and the way you connect the symbolism of the lion to God’s strength and protection adds depth to your message. It's truly inspiring to be reminded of the importance of trusting and relying on God's power.

Your passion for music and your cultural roots shines through in every word. Thank you for sharing this beautiful reflection and performance with the community! Keep up the great work!

Wao! This comment just got me so excited this night. I am really grateful for the visit man. God bless you

Awesome performance by the boss again

You are doing well sir

Celebrate you sir 👏

Thanks man. You too much

Ogosko international 😊 I dey feel you. You don fresh up o, as I no see you for 2 days.

Hehe, this lady, u no wan forget dat name abi, hehe.
Thanks sha

You are really good in this boss.
Your presentation is the top one
I enjoyed listening to you. 🖤🖤

I am grateful man

You're welcome sir 🖤🫂

What a joy to have you here my brother, especially with this music that perfectly represents the idea of this week. There is something magical and enveloping in your style, you are a master with that keyboard, thank you for this gift to the community...

It is more to me a pleasure dear brother. This community is one of my roots here on hive and I do not take it for granted for any reason. Thanks a lot for the support bro, God bless you plenty

Wow, amazing presentation

woaw amazing performance❤️ I love the song

Thanks man

Hola amigo, tiempo sin pasar por aquí. Déjame decirte que tú trabajo musical estuvo excelente, ¡bien hecho!

Indeed long tike no see my friend. I am grateful that you appreciate this
Have a great time dear

Wow, amazing presentation bro. I love it

Wonderful presentation sir 👍👍