Hive Open Mic Week 255 || A Cover of "The Steadfast Love of the Lord [Eng/Esp]

in Hive Open Mic2 days ago

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Hello friends of the hive open mic community, my name is @jesus-son and I welcome you to my blog on this occasion of the week 255 of our musical events here. This week with the theme of "Good luck" I wish to share with you my interpretation and I wish you would love it.

When I was in the higher institution, we often debated about the phenomena of miracle, coincidence, luck and the likes. Some who were core rationalists were of the opinion that in life, there is nothing like miracle, or luck, but that for everything that happens there is always a corresponding cause.

Well, the arguments were always heated and with every side trying to justify their claims with points.


Indeed following from the law of causality, for every effect, there is a corresponding cause and by implication, there is nothing like luck or chance occurrence. It is possible that one does not know the cause but there is.

But then every theory would always have exceptions and situations where they cannot be applied. Let's take for instance that there are three closed spaces and one of them is containing a very precious treasure and three persons are asked to open them and whatever they see becomes theirs.

That person who opens the space with the precious treasure is lucky. There is no merit for that, it's just a matter of fortunes that he or she got the open the space containing the treasure.

Well, on this many philosophers would still disagree but that then disagreement does not cancel a reality eventhoug the whole world does not agree.

Nature itself is wired in a way to provide luck to people at times. There are times that we just depend on luck to get some favors because really we do not deserve them.

For this theme I present a cover of the song, "The steadfast Love of the Lord". I relate luck in life to be the handwork of God. Being that there is nothing that concerns us that God does not know about.

Many a time, God allows certain goods to come to us even while we are not worthy to get them. It is because of His steadfast Love for us. Dear friends, I present this with Love. I hope that you love my cover. Thanks for coming around and supporting.


Hola amigos de la comunidad Hive Open Mic, mi nombre es @Jesus-Son y les doy la bienvenida a mi blog sobre esta ocasión de la semana 255 de nuestros eventos musicales aquí. Esta semana con el tema de "Buena suerte", deseo compartir con ustedes mi interpretación y desearía que le encante.

Cuando estaba en la institución superior, a menudo debatimos sobre los fenómenos del milagro, la coincidencia, la suerte y los gustos. Algunos que eran racionalistas centrales fueron de la opinión de que en la vida, no hay nada como milagro o suerte, pero que para todo lo que sucede siempre hay una causa correspondiente.

Bueno, los argumentos siempre se calentaron y con cada lado tratando de justificar sus afirmaciones con puntos.

De hecho, después de la ley de causalidad, para cada efecto, existe una causa correspondiente y por implicación, no hay nada como la suerte o el hecho de que ocurran. Es posible que uno no sepa la causa, pero hay.


Pero entonces cada teoría siempre tendría excepciones y situaciones en las que no se pueden aplicar. Tomemos, por ejemplo, que hay tres espacios cerrados y uno de ellos contiene un tesoro muy precioso y se les pide a tres personas que los abran y lo que sea que vean se convierte en ellos.

Esa persona que abre el espacio con el precioso tesoro tiene suerte. No hay mérito por eso, es solo una cuestión de fortuna que él o ella obtuviera el espacio abierto que contiene el tesoro.

Bueno, en esto, muchos filósofos aún estarían en desacuerdo, pero ese desacuerdo no cancela una realidad, aunque todo el mundo no está de acuerdo.

La naturaleza misma está conectada para proporcionar suerte a las personas a veces. Hay momentos en que solo dependemos de la suerte para obtener algunos favores porque realmente no los merecemos.

Para este tema presento una versión de la canción, "El amor firme del Señor". Relato la suerte en la vida para ser el trabajo manual de Dios. Siendo que no hay nada que nos preocupe que Dios no sepa.

Muchas veces, Dios permite que ciertos bienes vengan a nosotros, incluso mientras no somos dignos de conseguirlos. Es por su firme amor por nosotros. Queridos amigos, presento esto con amor. Espero que ames mi portada. Gracias por venir y apoyar.

▶️ 3Speak


I think there is a reason for me seeing this video first, just like the boss you are, the playing was cool dual with the recorder, video quality was top notch, you brought in a nice entry again our able boss

I think say na only me know am as boss o, lolz

No be only you o

Thank God I no see this conversation sha, haha

What this man saying? Haha

See my oga dey whine me o, lolz
Tanchiu boss. U too much

Whine ke na fact

Indeed the steadfast of the Lord never ceaseth, this is lovely. You are mylti talented. Thanks for sharing

Indeed my dear
Thanks so much for coming around

I like that recorder sound you added to it. It gave it a quality sound. I hail you boss

Thanks so much my guy
You na baba

You na multi-talented boss o. You play everything na dancing remain. 😁. That was a beautiful piece 👍.

I just dey try b like you na, heheethanks dear

Guy you are always good keep up the good work

Thanks man. You too much baba

You are always welcome

Amigo @jesis-hijo tienes un gran talento eres un artista completo... Muy buena presentación te felicito... Gracias por compartir , éxitos y grandes bendiciones...

Muchas gracoas amiga

This week has been very interesting regarding this topic, I think that definitely many of us are lucky to be seen by God, I don't think we deserve it but somehow we see his goodness in our daily lives.
You always bring in your style great songs that inspire us.

I like that part where you said we are lucky to be seen by God. It is indeed so
Thanks so much for coming around dear

Amigo @jesus-son es interesantes tu punto de vista de esta temática, tu canción e interpretación como siempre maravillosa. Éxitos🥰💚🩵💕

Friend @jesus-son, your point of view on this topic is interesting, your song and interpretation, as always, wonderful. Successes🥰💚🩵💕

Thanks so much Ma
God bless you always