Hive Open Mic Week #159 || A Cover Of No Not One @jesus-son || [Eng/Esp]

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

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Hello Hive Open Mic Week #159, my name is @jesus-son and I bring you my participation for the weekly event of this community. It is a privilege for me to be the spotlight artiste of the week ilI am grateful to the community for this opportunity. I must say that I am loving what I am seeing from talented men and women here.


First of all I was inspired to choose this topic by a critical reflection on the relationships that I have engaged myself in life. Perhaps I may be the problem in those instances that there were failures. Personally I have principles and of which I expect my partner to respect and try to accommodate in as much as I try also to accommodate his or hers.

For me it is injustice that I respect your ideologies in life but you disregard mine.
I believe that a good relationship should be symbiotic and mutual in that both parties gain from each other and no one should take himself to be superior to the other.

A good friend is that who is able to make sacrifice for another selflessly. He is that person who can discomfort himself or herself for the sake of the other. It is really not easy to come by but even in the midst of my ugly experiences, I have had friends who stood by me despite my odds. I have had friends who thought me how to relate well. How to care and how to make sacrifices for another. Although once in a while, misunderstandings occur but they don't linger for long.

But above all I have one perfect friend who has not been counting my wrongs against me but has loved me beyond all telling to the point of shedding His own blood for me on the cross. He is Jesus and in this post I regard Him as a Good Friend. Perhaps the adjective may be inadequate to qualify Him because He is more than just a good friend but He is that one Friend who has stood with me in the test of time and led me to overcome.


It is in appreciation to this one perfect friend that I bring you a cover of the hymn "No Not One". In this song, Jesus is described as that friend like no other. I enjoyed myself singing this and playing my piano. I hope you will love it too. Thanks for visiting my blog. God bless you all


Jesus knows all about my struggles
He will guide till the day is done
There is not a friend like the lowly Jesus
No not one, no not not

Full lyrics here


hola Hive Open Mic Week #159, mi nombre es @jesus-son y les traigo mi participación para el evento semanal de esta comunidad. Es un privilegio para mí ser el artista destacado de la semana. Estoy agradecido con la comunidad por esta oportunidad. Debo decir que me encanta lo que veo de hombres y mujeres talentosos aquí.

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En primer lugar, me inspiré para elegir este tema por una reflexión crítica sobre las relaciones que me he comprometido en la vida. Tal vez yo pueda ser el problema en esos casos que hubo fallas. En lo personal tengo principios y de los cuales espero que mi pareja respete y trate de acomodarse en la medida en que yo trato de acomodarme también a los suyos.

Para mí es una injusticia que yo respete tus ideologías en la vida pero tú desprecies las mías.
Creo que una buena relación debe ser simbiótica y mutua en que ambas partes se benefician mutuamente y nadie debe considerarse superior al otro.

Un buen amigo es aquel que es capaz de sacrificarse por otro desinteresadamente. Es esa persona que puede incomodarse a sí misma por el bien del otro. Realmente no es fácil conseguirlo, pero incluso en medio de mis feas experiencias, he tenido amigos que me apoyaron a pesar de mis dificultades. He tenido amigos que me han enseñado a relacionarme bien. Cómo cuidar y cómo hacer sacrificios por otro. Aunque de vez en cuando ocurren malentendidos, pero no duran mucho.


Pero, sobre todo, tengo un amigo perfecto que no ha estado tomando en cuenta mis errores en mi contra, sino que me ha amado más allá de todo, hasta el punto de derramar Su propia sangre por mí en la cruz. Él es Jesús y en este post lo considero un Buen Amigo. Tal vez el adjetivo sea inadecuado para calificarlo porque Él es más que un buen amigo, es ese único Amigo que ha estado conmigo en la prueba del tiempo y me ha llevado a vencer.

Es en agradecimiento a este amigo perfecto que les traigo una versión del himno "No Not One". En esta canción, se describe a Jesús como ese amigo como ningún otro. Me divertí cantando esto y tocando mi piano. Espero que a ti también te encante. Gracias por visitar mi blog. Dios los bendiga a todos


Jesús sabe todo acerca de mis luchas
Él guiará hasta que termine el día.
No hay amigo como el humilde Jesús
No no uno, no no no

Letra completa aquí

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 2 years ago  

Our beloved Spotlight Artist of the Week. Thank you very much for making us vibrate with this Great Friend theme!.


It is a pleasure for me to be the artiste of the week. Thank you very much @hiveopenmic for such an opportunity

I share the idea that you have, respect in a relationship of any kind is a two-way street, ideologies must be respected without imposing anything in return.

As for friendship, I think it is important to have those people who despite adversity always accompany you and who better than Jesus who with his life taught us what it means to be a great friend. You have made a great cover, I congratulate you.

Thank you very much my good friend. You rock!!

This picture belongs to me

I follow you the sing oh coz u be the boss
Nice one bro i like the interpretation
Boss boss when i go come learn from u

Lolz, dis man
Thanks a lot bro for always showing up

Amazing! God bless you.
Jesus will always be the best friend

Thanks a lot. And may He bless you too

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Great work, I could really get into the spirit with this one.

Thanks a lot dear friend
Your constant visit is an encouragement to me

Spotlight Artist....

I dey hail ohh

First of all I have to appreciate you for picking this amazing theme for us this week..

And of course this wonderful hymn in the Nigerian way..

Good one dear..

Congratulations again and have a great week 😊😊👋

Thanks a lot my one time crush Benii 🙄
You too much

You are very welcome dear 😊

Awesome work, keep it up sir👍

Thanks bro

Wow that was beautiful sir
I like the way you played the keyboard as a matter of fact I'm also a keyboardist but it's like I will come and learn in your place
I'm a newbie here, still finding my way
Thanks for sharing

Thank you so much dear friend. Just take your time to relate with people here and grow your audience and with time you will boom.

Thank you with this words of encouragement

Wuao. You look great. Excellent work. We should do something together sometime. 😋

Thanks a lot friend

Mutual understanding and respect are important, it shouldn't be forced but rather, it should come naturally because you both have a mutual understanding.

Sadly, we see many relationships today where one tries to be superior for some reason instead of having a mutual understanding and regard for their partners.

Yeah, there's not a friend like our lowly Jesus, the one who died just so we can be saved.

I can't say that there is no good friend in this world. However, the fact remains that there is none like Jesus.

I don't expect humans to be perfect, but I know humans can put in the effort to be good as Jesus was.

Congratulations on being the spotlight artist Jesus-son, you have done.

Your dedication and commitment to the community is commendable.

Your performance was awesome as well.

Your interpretation of the theme is similar to mine. I have recorded my video, it's remaining to edit and publish it.

You are doing well


It is quite delightful to see a person of your caliber being in consensus with my interpretation.
Thank you very much for coming around. I look forward to your amazing entry

Yeah, it will be published soon.

El artista destacado de la semana!

Felicidades hermano!

Gran tema el que traes hoy, y gran interpretacion!


Thank you very much dear friend for the constant support. GOD BLESS YOU

Nice to finally see 3 harmonies going! Love it!!! 🙏 awesome man! I can tell you sing in church a lot?? and enjoy it even more :)
Great cover, you always have your own distinctive style with your covers and originals 👍
Very good

Yea, I really do sing in church a lot.
Thank you very much for your support Dan.

It’s a good place to practice!
No worries man, keep doing your thing ✌🏼

Bendiciones para el artista destacado de la semana!

Dios te siga bendiciendo!

Excelente presentacion!

Cantas con mucha pasion!

Thank you very much b dear friend for your presence. God bless you

Hello @jesus-son I am visiting your publication for the first time since aunt @nellynohemi expressed herself so nicely about you, I am intrigued to meet you and your wonderful presentation came to this, I loved every detail of your video and above all that where do you say from that wonderful friend, who gave his blood, to free us, I loved every detail of your video and I loved your voice, it was really worth going through here. God bless you greatly 🙏🏼🤗❤️

I am glad to meet someone of your caliber. With your words you made me very happy. Your aunt @nellynohemi is a very nice person and I am happy to know her. I am grateful for your visit. Have a nice day

Thank you for proposing this song this week, I loved the mix of voices and the dynamics of the happy song with the keyboard. congratulations. May friendship always be expressed in the best way.

Thanks a lot dear friend for always encouraging me with such good words.God bless you


Nice choice man.
Your edit is too perfect. So good to hear all those voices

Thanks a lot my friend. I am glad you like my work

This was an impressive entry from you. I love highlife style too, coupled with one of my favourite songs, you got me moving my body while singing along with you. This is indeed a beautiful song that reminds us that Jesus is the only true and real friend you can trust and rely on. When we give our all to him, He will do the same and definitely benefits from being a friend to Him.

Yes, relationships should be symbiotic and mutual wherein both partners benefit from each other. There would be trouble when a relationship is a one-sided one.

Congratulations on being the spotlight for this week´s theme. Nice hearing from you, too, @jesus-son

I am very glad that you agree with me on my interpretation and appreciate my work. You always make me smile with your fine fine words. Thanks dear. Much love 🥰

You are always welcome 😊

Excelente interpretación, elección del tema y canción amigo

@jesus-son, me encantan tus escritos porque son profundo y nos dejan una gran enseñanza. Dios te bendiga y éxitos 🙏🤗🎵🎵🎵🌷💖👏👏👏👏😌🥰💐🎤🧡💚❤️💞 Excellent interpretation, choice of theme and song friend @jesus-son, I love your writings because they are deep and they leave us a great lesson. God bless you and success

Thank you very much ma. God bless you too

It is a big commitment to stay true as a good friend but Jesus did it so freely.
Thanks for the theme of the week.
You made a very good presentation, with a great choice of song.
Big ups broh

Thanks a lot man. I am glad you appreciate my work with such beautiful entry

Very good presentation friend, many congratulations you did a beautiful job I loved it.

Thanks a lot Yuli. You rock!!!

Victor I liked your definition of friendship and is that we are not perfect, there are usually flaws but friends understand them and do not judge you for it, on the contrary they see it as something temporary and remain the same and respect you for it, it is very difficult to get people like that, but they still exist and are valuable; I have no doubt that you are a great friend with those who are close to you and I agree with you, a friend must accept you no matter what you believe or think, that should not be an obstacle to a genuine and real friendship, on the contrary, that should strengthen it!!!!

My brother, your musical works are amazing, what you do with your voice when you make harmonies and the way you play your keyboard while singing make you incredible, you well deserved the Spotlight Artist mention!!!!

I send you a big hug, truly your country is well represented in Hive, you guys are great brother and people like you and other fellows that share music here, make everything even cooler. Thanks for being light Victor 🙏❤️ thanks for showing us your so positive and charismatic vibe, because what you transmit makes you unique Bro, it has been a great pleasure to meet you here in Hive 🙌😀💛... no doubt.... You Rockkk!!! 👊😎🔥🎙️🎹🎶❤️🌟🍻💥💫💯

Your visit to my entries always leave smiles on my face. I am glad that you agree with my interpretation of friendship and contributed so insightfully.

Indeed my country is blessed with so many talents but the situation surrounding us make many people invalid* such that their talents are not properly utilised. I am glad to have discovered hive and being helped by peoole of your kind, I have been enjoying my stay here. God bless you brother for always showing up with fine words. You rock too

I understand very well what you mean my brother with respect to the talents of your country, that can be seen in several countries and the beauty of it all is that everyone in their own way makes an effort to present themselves and be in Hive, but I know that many on the outside must sometimes leave aside their dreams to struggle to survive in another way ....

Being here somehow helps us a lot and that is a blessing and more when we meet great human beings willing to reach out to us, I lived it and that is why my mission is to expand more that in the measure that God allows me to!

God bless you great my brother, you are a great musician and a great person 🙏❤️..... You Rockkkkkk!!!! 👊😎🔥🎙️🎹🎶❤️🌟🍻💥💫💯


Así es amigo Jesús es nuestro verdadero amigo y muy fiel🙏😊🤝🤠

Thanks for coming around

Excellent interpretation my friend... I congratulate you and good words, so it should be, seek to balance relationships with other people and respect the ideologies of each....


Yea, that's the point
Thanks a lot for coming around

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Beautiful 😍

Jesus is always our greatest help
Well-done guy

Thanks dear

You are great dear friend, how nice that you recognize your failures and still provide the opportunity to continue living and sharing with your friends, very nice and emotional your msnsaje, but you and I as you well described it we know which is that GOOD FRIEND, who gave his life for us and today still loves us. I send you a big hug and keep shining🤗😊

Thanks a lot my no. 1 fan here, you always put smiles on my face. God bless you

Oye hermano, felicidades por este grandioso video musical, disfrute mucho tu interpretación, transmites una energía muy buena, me gustó mucho que le hayas agregado voces te quedaron excelentes, sigue así, bendiciones

Muchas gracias amigo

There's no friend like a lowly Jesus. There's absolutely no one. This is one of the hymns I love. Nice piece you've got here 👍

Tanchu ma

Hello my dear friend. First of all, I want to congratulate you for being the Spotlight artist. You deserve it and many more.

Also I must commend you for choosing such an wonderful topic and the song choice you choose is simply amazing. There is no other friend that is more special and greater than our Lord Jesus Christ. Which friend can decide to die for our sins? None, only him.

The presentation is top notch just as always and your voice is amazing. Also, thank you for this song choice, it helped me decided which one to sing for the theme🥰🥰🥰.

Great presentation once again❤️❤️.

Thanks a lot Gloria. You made smile quietly with those words. You rock!!!

Wow, this song is really cool, friend. You add two more voices until it sounds like a chorus. that's very good my friend. I love it

Thanks a lot bro. You rock

Que buen ritmo y el coro es de especial significado. Que bonito tu cover @jesus-son 😃🙌

What a good rhythm and the chorus is of special significance. How beautiful your cover @jesus-son 😃🙌

Thanks a lot dear God bless you

Excelente trabajo amigo y me encantó tu post ya que en el nos dejas un buen aprendizaje.,.
Tu interpretación me fascinó y esas voces... Dios es un amigo verdadero el que nunca nos falla ni nos fallara... Bendiciones y éxitos amigo y felicidades por tener el honor de ser quien escogió está linda temática, te lo mereces ya que eres un artista bendecido por Dios Todopoderoso quien te dió este gran talento...

I am grateful dear friend for your words of encouragement which has left a lot of smiles on me. God bless you

Me gustan mucho estos ritmos, el sonido relajado que tienen. Por otro lado esa armonía que armaste con tres voces me ha fascinado.

Muchas gracias amigo

Kai, man, no caps, you did a great work here. The harmony gave me a new outlook on this very common song and I've come to reminisce it!

Your interpretation of your theme is also quite relevant and I share the same opinion!
Great work bro!
Looking forward for more great content from you!

My cap go laundry, hehe.
Thanks brother man for always showing up with some fine words. You too much baba

Siempre tan divertivo, y talentoso @jesus-son, pues si jesucristo es el único que sabe lo que nos conviene y el que siempre va a estar, y todo eso hace que sea el amigo perfecto, así como mencionas. Nuestros amigos en la tierra cada uno tiene un valor importante.

Always so funny, and talented @jesus-son, well yes jesus christ is the only one who knows what is good for us and the one who will always be there, and all that makes him the perfect friend, just as you mention. Our friends on earth each one has an important value.

Thank you very much my dear friend for this show of love by commenting on my post with such fine words.
God bless you

Amén 🙏

Hermano felicidades por ser el escogido de la semana.
Este tema nos deja muchas enseñanzas de verdad te felicito, el tema y sobretodo las voces son extraordinarias

Muchas gracias amigo

Thank you for choosing this wonderful theme.

Beautiful rendition as usual. Kudos to you

Tanchu ma
You too much

I love that you can have a clear definition of friendship. A few years ago I was not as clear as you, so I had several disappointments. Today things are different, I understand that acquaintances are many, friends are few and God is the only one who will never fail me!

I enjoyed once again your presentation, I'm glad you were the host of this week, you deserve it!

God bless you my friend.

Thanks a lot pretty friend. Actually in life, we learn and grow as we advance. God bless u

Wow, this is one of my best hymns how I wish am there to sing while you play the piano. welldone bro

Omo pls start coming I need someone to sing while I play. Thanks for your visit dear

Hmmm I hear you,I will come next time,

I agree, we build relationships by learning from each other and not feeling superior toward one another.
Loved your presentation👏👏

I agree with anything you say 🙌🙌🙌

I no understand. Why u go just dey read through comments just to spot my baby @meyateingi . Baba @ksam u are warned, lolz

Thanks u ma. You are so sweet

You're welcome Don Meon😉

Greetings, brother @jesus-son that song so good and so fluid, I like this rhythm, as to inspire me, what a good choice for this week with this theme of good friend, I always like your work with the songs you bring, thanks for sharing it I send you a big hug.

Thanks a lot bro. You are the best

Another banger💥 Congratulations my friend 🥰🤗❤, awesome theme, e don tey wey I sing for my friends.

Relationships are based on trust and mutual expectations. Like you, I've had my fair share of amazing friends, the best humans I've known. But, humans will always be flawed (makes us beautiful though), only Jesus is the perfect friend. Thanks for bringing that to mind once again. Well done my friend 🤗❤

Thanks a lot dear for showing up. You are the best

Wow, am happy to see you as the spotlight artist. well done on this great hymn.

Thanks a lot Gift. You too much

You are welcome

Although once in a while, misunderstandings occur but they don't linger for long.

Yeah, good friends may have issues bit their ability to resolve them is what keeps the friendship and make it stronger.

But above all I have one perfect friend who has not been counting my wrongs against me..

Oh yes, there is no better friend than our precious Lord Jesus. He is always there, He never leaves us nor forsake is for all eternity.

You chose the perfect theme dear friend. Thank you for singing and playing so passionately. God bless you 🙏

Thanks a lot sweetie🙄🙄
Your comment just dey make smile like mad man

Hahaha you're doing great my dear. Just keep those harmonies coming 😀

Tanchu baby

Wow, great high-life music. Thanks for the great theme and your cool rendition..... I also did this song (or at least a lil part of it) as it was the first song that came to mind when I saw "A good friend"

I will check it out as soon as possible.
Thanks man for coming around

Congratulations and blessings for your proposal and your presentation. Thank you for your great contributions.

Thanks a lot ma'am. Your sweet comment mean a lot to me. God bless you

Happy and blessed evening, I hope you can Sry

Baba eh, you opened the show and closed it yourself. I want to say it to you directly without blinking my eyes that you are a great musician and I'm so glad having you around. Cheers man.Hello @jesus-son,

Congrats on your week. Cheers 🥂 🎶 🎹 🎵 🎻 🎤 🥁

Thank you dear brother as I dey read this comment na so so smile full my heart

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