Hive Open Mic Week 247 || An Original of "I will miss You" [Eng/Esp]

in Hive Open Mic3 months ago (edited)

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Hello friends of the hive Open mic community, my name is @jesus-son. I welcome you to my blog on this occasion that we mark the week 247 of the open mic events. This time around with the theme of "nostalgy".

This theme made me remember a song that I composed many years ago and which I had even forgotten I had something of this nature original to me. As I pondered on songs that reflect that feeling of nostalgia, my mind just went to this song and I scavated it from where it has been lying, hehe.


The song is titled "I will miss you". This is a song that I composed out of deep emotion because of a pathing which actually shook me. It's a song that makes me remember somebody I has really loved in my life and of whom her pathing from me affected me greatly.

It was an amazing love experience but we were incompatible by biology and so could not proceed further in the relationship. A time came for her to take that bold step to move on because there was another guy interested in her and they were compatible.

It was hard to let go but we had to let go. She was in tears and likewise I was. In fact, I have not been able to find another love in my life like that. Well I let go and I saw myself then singing this song in this broken form.

Now I still miss her but I am glad that she is at peace now. It was a good choice we made inorder not to bring many sufferings in our union. And since then I understand very much what it means to really be in love with someone and how hard to let go when it is very necessary.


But the fact is that at a certain point in life we just have to take decisions objectively and not just according to how we feel. Our emotions can lead us to great errors. Thus, we need apply reason and seek proper guide in our lives.

Dear friends, I make this original work with lots of passion and love and I wish you would get the message. Thanks for coming around.


*Can you promise me, promise me
Can you promise me
You will keep in touch
Can you promise me, promise me
That as you go oo,
You will keep in touch

I wish I could say don't go, don'go
Don't go now
I wish I could say don't go don't go now

Any time i think about the time
We spent together
I can wish only one thing
That we stay ever together
Never to path from ourselves

I wish I could say don't go, don't go
Don't go now
I wanna let you know I will miss you
Miss you, miss you moma
I wanna let you know I will miss you
Miss you, miss you moma*


Hola amigos de la comunidad Hive Open mic, mi nombre es @jesus-son. Les doy la bienvenida a mi blog en esta ocasión que marcamos la semana 247 de los eventos de micrófono abierto. Esta vez con el tema de la "nostalgia".

Este tema me hizo recordar una canción que compuse hace muchos años y que incluso había olvidado que tenía algo de esta naturaleza original para mí. Mientras reflexionaba sobre canciones que reflejan ese sentimiento de nostalgia, mi mente simplemente fue a esta canción y la saqué de donde estaba, jeje.

La canción se titula "Te extrañaré". Esta es una canción que compuse con una profunda emoción debido a un camino que realmente me sacudió. Es una canción que me hace recordar a alguien a quien realmente amé en mi vida y de quien su camino desde mí me afectó mucho.

Fue una experiencia de amor increíble, pero éramos incompatibles por biología y por eso no podíamos continuar con la relación. Llegó el momento de dar ese paso audaz para seguir adelante porque había otro chico interesado en ella y eran compatibles.


Fue difícil dejarlo ir, pero teníamos que dejarlo ir. Ella estaba llorando y yo también. De hecho, no he podido encontrar otro amor así en mi vida. Bueno, me solté y me vi cantando esta canción en esta forma rota.

Todavía la extraño, pero me alegro de que ahora esté en paz. Fue una buena elección que hicimos para no traer muchos sufrimientos a nuestra unión. Y desde entonces entiendo perfectamente lo que significa estar realmente enamorado de alguien y lo difícil que es dejarlo ir cuando es muy necesario.

Pero el hecho es que en un determinado momento de la vida simplemente tenemos que tomar decisiones de manera objetiva y no solo según cómo nos sentimos. Nuestras emociones pueden llevarnos a grandes errores. Por lo tanto, necesitamos aplicar la razón y buscar una guía adecuada en nuestras vidas.

Queridos amigos, hago este trabajo original con mucha pasión y amor y deseo que entiendan el mensaje. Gracias por venir

▶️ 3Speak


Es verdadera nostalgia la pieza... Feliz Año Nuevo.Hola @jesus-son,

Muchas gracias amigo

Great composition, a bit melancholic at the beginning but really beautiful. I like the keyboard accompaniment. Wonderful rendition my friend. Keep up the good work.
Happy new year.

Hello dear, noticed that beginning was a bit somehow but wanted to do it the way I composed it Long ago without too much criticality.
Thanks a lot for those words and your presence. Happy new year too

You promise me 😞😞😞😞😞..

I feel your vibes bro!
Its a Reggae stylay and am beginning to miss what I missed 😊😊😍😍..

Let's rock and roll man!

Oh yea, it's a regage jam, hehe
Thanks man for coming around. Happy new year

Thanks man, you know I'm Da Reggae Man 🤣🤣...

An original song, deep, powerful and in keeping with the theme of this week's Hive Open Mic. It's always a pleasure to receive you brother, thank you very much for giving the best in your publication. I wish a great 2025 to you, hugs!!!!!

Thanks so much brother for those words. They give me courage to keep doing my best.
Happy new year 2025 broo

Kaai my boss Is on it again see beautiful original song na, I celebrate your grace bro.

Omo make I no lie to you, I sincerely and genuinely enjoyed this song.🤗🎹

Happy New Year boss, your boi loyal.
Make I drop ...........for the New year 🤣🤣🤣

Haha, dis man and whining, wha make I just use dis one drink water, hehe

Thanks brooo
Happy new year to you too man


You see that simple yet calm melody that flows from your strings on the keys. OMG, it already set up the pace & calm mind to listen.

Weldon dear brother..this original is're style is awesome. I enjoyed it.

Weldon and many more brother @jesus-son


Thanks so much bro
See as I con dey blush, haha

You need am o


Comparto contigo lo que dices a veces tenemos que dejar ir bien sea por amor propio o por el inmenso amor que sentimos por esa persona para su bien. Fantástica interpretación y canción llena de nostalgia. Felicitaciones estimado amigo @jesus-son y Feliz año para ti.🤗😞👏👏👏❤️💜💕

I share with you what you say, sometimes we have to let go, whether out of self-love or the immense love we feel for that person for their good. Fantastic performance and song full of nostalgia. Congratulations dear friend @jesus-son and Happy New Year to you.🤗😞👏👏👏❤️💜💕

Hello mama, I am glad to read you here
It's been a while I saw you around, I hope you are keeping well ma
I agree with you on letting go sometimes
Thanks so much ma

Sí estuve apartada porque estaba ocupada por diligencias personales y también porque estuve enferma con un fuerte virus que me afectó a nivel respiratorio y la voz, espero volver ahorita en enero.

Yes, I was sidelined because I was busy with personal matters and also because I was sick with a strong virus that affected my respiratory system and voice. I hope to return now in January.

I am so sorry ma, for the situation. I hope you return soon, I have missed you around.
I pray for your perfect recovery mama