Hive open mic week 258, a cover song of Nathaniel bassey titled "You areGod".

in Hive Open Mic7 days ago

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You are wellcome to hive open mic week 258, my name is Jonathan irimiya, I will be covering a song by Nathaniel bassey titled "you are God".
this is another week, and I'm excited to be here again for my entry in the hive open mic, indeed may God be praised. I want to acknowledge the effort and commitment of the leaders and also my greetings goes to all the participants I believe we are all doing well.
Actually, when i woke up in the morning today, I took my bath after that, I took my breakfast and I get ready for work, on my way going to work I began to think in my mind, and the first thing that came to my mind was, how people are dying everyday, some people travel for a short distance and they are no more, some slept and they could not wake up but I looked at my life that I even woke up and I took breakfast then I'm even going to work actually I took a deep breath and I lift up my eyes to the sky and I say God, if not for you where would I be?, your love towards my life is so precious not because I'm better than anybody but it is by his mercy that I am alive and also it is by his mercy that all of us are alive, therefore treat other people good do good to people show mercy to people and care for people around you for God also care for us, for this world is a small place if we all will be fair to one another the world will be a better place for us all, please do unto others what you want them to do unto you too.

The song;
Nathaniel bassey is one of the gospel artist that I so much love to hear his songs for his songs are touching and inspirational they are also spiritual and I choose this song purposely because I thought of what Jesus has done for mankind on the cross of Calvary, then I said if not for Gods love and mercy we wouldn't have been alive, but in his mercy he called us his own because both times and seasons are in his hand for in the beginning the Bible says God said let there be light and there was light, for the whole world lied In darkness . and in all this God never seek the concept of Man before he created the whole world he did it single handedly before creating a man therefore, God love us so much let us also love one another thank you I hope you enjoy my entry.

You are God from beginning to the end
There's no place for argument
You are God all by yourself
You are God from beginning to the end
There's no place for argument
You are God all by yourself

Uh uh uh uh oh yeah
You've got times and seasons in your hands
You called for light out of darkness
You don't need a man to be the God you are
But you have chosen to call me your own

Oh you are you are God from beginning to the end to the end
There's no place for argument
Oh you are God all by yourself
You are God from beginning to the end
There's no place for argument
You are God all by yourself

You've got times and seasons in your hands oh oh oh oh oh
You called for light out of darkness
You don't need a man to be the God you are you need no other man
But in your mercy in your mercy you've called us your own eh eh

You are God you are God from beginning to the end hallelujah
There's no place for argument oh
You are God all by yourself

Jesus you are God you are God you’re the Elshaddai the Elohi the alpha and omega from beginning to the end
There's no place for argument
You are God all by yourself

You are God you are God from beginning to the end
There's no place for argument death could not hold you in the grave
You are God all by yourself

Jehovah Shamma Jehovah Nissi you are God you are God all by yourself you’re the ancient of days from beginning to the end
There's no place for argument
You are God all by yourself

You are God from beginning to the end
There's no place for argument
You are God all by yourself

You are God from beginning to the end
There's no place for argument
You are God all by yourself
You are God from beginning to the end
There's no place for argument
You are God all by yourself.

Lyrics sauce;
You Are God

Video link;

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Yeah God called delight from darkness I love this word and you have a beautiful entry let's keep up the good work

Thank you very much I appreciate

You are always welcome

He is God all by Himself, lovely song choice bro. You did well

Thank you very much I appreciate

You always give us the best thanks for sharing.

My director I appreciate

This song is really inspirational. I enjoyed your rendition from start to finish. Blessings for you.
Great entry.

Thank you very much I'm grateful

This is an amazing performance bro.. He is God and there is no place for argument

Brother I really appreciate

I just followed you pls follow back so we can encourage each other on every post

Okay, I will! Nice meeting you

God is God none other,this sound is great Boss bravo sir 🙏.

Thank you very much I appreciate sir

My bro is on it again, a powerful worship song to God. Everything just too blend. I celebrate you brother more grace sir

Thank you very much sir

very cooool" GOD bless you!

Thank you very much @nahupuku


very cooool song!!! GOD bless you!

You are doing just so well my guy
Your dedication to quality is lovely. I loves this baba

Thank you very much @jesus-son