Hive Open Mic Week214 I Wandered Far Away From God Hymn Cover //by @Julti1985(Eng/Esp)

in Hive Open Mic10 months ago (edited)

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Hello Music Lovers,

Welcome to another week in Hive Open Mic Week 214.

The theme for this week is "Take Me Home " by our spotlight artist @starstrings01.


This week I will be singing a hymn titled " I Wandered Far Away From God"

There is a difference between a home and a house. A house is a structure erected for shelter and the safety of our body.

A home is established from a house but it's more stronger and solid than a house. It's more protective and conducive. It is a place of rest and peace.

Home never collapses but the house can collapse.

I love singing this song anytime am feeling weak in my spirit because it makes me restrain my steps and look deep into my life and see those years that have been wasted

The song talks about children of God going far away from their father which is God.
Many of them have been lost in the world of sin and sin is a torment to whoever has been captured by it.
The eyes of God are too holy to behold sin so the more one goes into sin the more one leaves God's presence and his presence is our home and our comfort soon.

Just like the prodigal son who realises that he has left his home and makes a decision to go back home to his loved ones. (Luke 15:11-32)

God is always ready to embrace us once we genuinely repent from our hearts like the prodigal son.


I’ve wandered far away from God,
Now I’m coming home;
The paths of sin too long I’ve
Lord, I’m coming home.

Coming home, coming home,
Nevermore to roam;
Open wide Thine arms of love;
Lord, I’m coming home.

I’ve wasted many precious years,
Now I’m coming home;
I now repent with bitter tears,
Lord, I’m coming home.

Lyrics source

Thanks for listening!!


Hola amantes de la música,

Bienvenidos a otra semana en Hive Open Mic Semana 214.

El tema de esta semana es "Take Me Home " por nuestro artista spotlight @starstrings01.

Esta semana cantaré un himno titulado "Vagué lejos de Dios".

Hay una diferencia entre un hogar y una casa. Una casa es una estructura erigida para refugio y seguridad de nuestro cuerpo.

Un hogar se establece a partir de una casa, pero es más fuerte y sólido que una casa. Es más protector y propicio. Es un lugar de descanso y paz.

El hogar nunca se derrumba pero la casa puede derrumbarse.

Me encanta cantar esta canción cada vez que me siento débil de espíritu porque me hace refrenar mis pasos y mirar en lo profundo de mi vida y ver esos años que se han desperdiciado

La canción habla de los hijos de Dios que se alejan de su padre, que es Dios.
Muchos de ellos se han perdido en el mundo del pecado y el pecado es un tormento para quien ha sido capturado por él.
Los ojos de Dios son demasiado santos para contemplar el pecado, así que cuanto más se peca, más se abandona la presencia de Dios, y su presencia es nuestro hogar y nuestro consuelo.

Como el hijo pródigo que se da cuenta de que ha abandonado su hogar y toma la decisión de volver a casa con sus seres queridos. (Lucas 15:11-32)

Dios siempre está dispuesto a abrazarnos una vez que nos arrepintamos de corazón como el hijo pródigo.


He vagado lejos de Dios,
Ahora vuelvo a casa;
Los caminos del pecado demasiado tiempo he
Señor, vuelvo a casa.

Vuelvo a casa, vuelvo a casa,
Nunca más vagaré;
Abre tus brazos de amor;
Señor, vuelvo a casa.

He desperdiciado muchos años preciosos,
Ahora vuelvo a casa;
Ahora me arrepiento con lágrimas amargas,
Señor, vuelvo a casa.

Fuente de la letra

¡¡Gracias por escuchar!!


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God is the best and His love makes us feel at home.

It's good to have you back ma

God's love towards us is unmeasurable.
Am back for good.
Thanks for your encouragement

You are welcome ma

I remember my childhood days before Sunday school lessons, the children choir sings this as am anthem more like.
You just dug out old memories.

It is a spirit lifting hymn. Thanks for your comment

God will always receive us with open arms, his love is infinite and therefore we must be faithful to his teaching 🙏❤️; my dear friend, you sang very beautifully, I have always liked your voice and your positivism when you present your songs, that is light for this great musical family 🙌😀💛

I send you a warm hug and thank you for joining us once again 🌹💖.... You Absolutely Rockkk!!! 👍😉🔥🎙️🎸🎶❤️🌟🥂💥💫💯

He is our God and our maker, always ready to embrace us whenever we have realised our mistakes and run back to him.
I appreciate your word of encouragement,I receive the hug.

Thanks for stopping by

It is definitely a hunt with a powerful meaning. God loves us and wants us back in his home, in his ways.😊

God's love for us cannot be quantify.
Thanks for stopping by