HIVE OPEN MIC 168 | Children Never Tell Lies to your Parents (Onos-f & Ksam)

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

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🎵 Music Lovers of Hive Open Mic community! 🎙



Hello my Hive Open Mic Family and Community. You are welcome to Hive Open Mic week One hundred and sixty-eight, and the Theme of this week is "Música para Niños," which is a Spanish theme that means "Music for Children" in English, and this theme was chosen by @aly.squid.


Hola mi Familia y Comunidad de Hive Open Mic. Sean bienvenidos a la semana ciento sesenta y ocho de Hive Open Mic, y el Tema de esta semana es "Música para Niños", que es un tema en español que significa "Música para Niños" en inglés, y este tema fue elegido por @aly.squid.


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This week's theme is a really beautiful one, although I would have missed it greatly owing to my prolonged illness. But it seems God actually wanted me to participate.

My brother and friend @onos-f came visiting, and when he asked if I've dropped an entry for Hive Open Mic, I told him I haven't played music for more than a week since I've been really weak. But, since I'm a bit better now I'll try. With his push and motivation we had to MAKE MUSIC.

The hardest part of our musical rendition process is when we have to choose a song (lol). I remember one day, when we stayed for 2 hours without knowing what to play. It was really disappointing, but songs magically fly away from our heads when it's time to remember them.

Although we faced something similar this time around, it didn't take much time before we figured out the best song to use for this rendition.

El tema de esta semana es realmente hermoso, aunque me lo habría perdido en gran medida debido a mi prolongada enfermedad. Pero parece que Dios quería que participara.

Mi hermano y amigo @onos-f vino de visita, y cuando me preguntó si había dejado una entrada para Hive Open Mic, le dije que hacía más de una semana que no ponía música porque he estado muy débil. Pero, como ahora estoy un poco mejor, lo intentaré. Con su empuje y motivación tuvimos que HACER MÚSICA.

La parte más difícil de nuestro proceso de interpretación musical es cuando tenemos que elegir una canción (lol). Recuerdo un día que estuvimos 2 horas sin saber qué tocar. Fue realmente decepcionante, pero las canciones vuelan mágicamente de nuestras cabezas cuando llega el momento de recordarlas.

Aunque esta vez nos enfrentamos a algo parecido, no tardamos mucho en averiguar cuál era la mejor canción para esta interpretación.


We chose a song that was really popular in 2008, and was performed by Destined Kids; a Musical Group of children. They performed multiple songs in a sequence, and the songs became popular at kid shows and occasions. These songs became popular not just because of their child-like tunes, but because of the messages they pass across urging children to be obedient, respectful and truthful.

Today, we will share one of the songs that encourage children to always say the truth to their parents. Truth is a great virtue, and it can earn our trust. Learning how to be truthful at our tender age can help us grow into a person of truth, who can always be trust worthy.

I created the instrumental with my guitar and guitar effect.

I hope you enjoy this piece from us.

Elegimos una canción muy popular en 2008, interpretada por Destined Kids, un grupo musical infantil. Interpretaron varias canciones seguidas, que se hicieron populares en espectáculos infantiles. Estas canciones se hicieron populares no sólo por sus melodías infantiles, sino también por los mensajes que transmiten, instando a sus compañeros a ser obedientes, respetuosos y sinceros.

Hoy compartiremos una de las canciones que animan a los niños a decir siempre la verdad a sus padres. La verdad es una gran virtud, y puede ganarse nuestra confianza. Aprender a ser sinceros a nuestra tierna edad puede ayudarnos a convertirnos en hombres de verdad, dignos de confianza.

He creado el instrumental con mi guitarra y un efecto de guitarra.

Espero que disfruten de esta pieza nuestra.


  • Hive Open Mic Banner, a property of Hive Open Mic Community.
  • Other images created and edited using Canva.
  • Translated via Deepl



ksam is a "uniquely creative" Hive lover who combines his musical, writing, linguistic, video and audio editing skills to promote creativity and ideas in the Hive Community. (1).gif


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Me encanta la forma tan natural como presentan su video y la química entre ustedes y el instrumento es hermosa Gracias felicidades y aplausos para ti

I love the natural way you present your video and the chemistry between you and the instrument is beautiful. Congratulations and applause for you.

Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.

Thank you so much. I'm glad you enjoyed it...

That's good, I really liked your presentation friend, congratulations 👍🏻😆

Thank you for your words,
I'm grateful

Uncle ksam in the building 😂😂😂
Beautiful presentation, destiny kids song,they will always draw our ear then anytime we listen to this song.
This week's topic really took us back to memory lane and I love it 🥰

Yes haunty 😅😅
As in eeehn, although... I didn't listen to them so much at that time sha...

Yea, it took us back memory lane

Una make me remember this song today, We sang it both in school and the church during my childhood. This is one of the songs that will always lead children to the right path.

Kudos to you both 💯👍

Hehehe haunty Childhood... lol
Thanks dearwe, you too much

Hello @ksam, this is beautiful bro. I never knew it would come out this good. Cheers 🥂

Get 'wella' soon dear brother. API SUNDAY FRIENDS 🙏

Thank you so much brother. I really appreciate the collaboration

 2 years ago  

Thanks for Joining in and Enjoying Hive Open Mic (Official).jpg

Thank you so much

I totally agree with you that truth is a virtue and it is necessary that everyone have such virtue. My parents always teach me to say the truth at all times no matter what and it has helped me right from childhood.

Little wonder the bible says "Train up a child in the way he should grow and when he is old, it won't depart from him"

Nice presentation @ksam

Hermosa presentación amigo @ksam , me encantó también tu escrito con este gran mensaje "La verdad es una gran virtud, y puede ganarse nuestra confianza. Aprender a ser sinceros a nuestra tierna edad puede ayudarnos a convertirnos en hombres de verdad, dignos de confianza." Tu y @onos-f hacen un buen equipo 🥰, que tengan un fin de semana excelente y muchas bendiciones para ambos 😃👏👏👏🌹🤗🤗🎤💚💜❤️💞

Beautiful presentation friend @ksam, I also loved your writing with this great message "Truth is a great virtue, and it can earn our trust. Learning to be honest at our tender age can help us become real, trustworthy men." You and @onos-f make a good team , have an excellent weekend and many blessings to both of you 😃👏👏👏🌹🤗🤗🎤💚💜❤️💞

When will i be a producer like you bayi, you are doing well and i remember i have lied so well when i was young for my parent which they believed 😂

Excelente unión amigos, felicidades 💐 para ambos 👏👏👏😃