in Hive Open Mic3 years ago

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🎵 Music Lovers of Hive Open Mic community! 🎙


Hola! Mi Familia y comunidad de Hive Open Mic.
Bienvenido a Hive Open Mic Semana Ciento veintiuno. La tema de la semana es Amor de Familia, Elegido por @osmely.

Hello my Hive Open Mic Family and Community. You are welcome to Hive Open Mic week 121 and the Theme of this week is "Love of Family," chosen by @osmely.


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Family is the Cradle of LOVE ❤

It is where Love is Born, experienced, Nurtured and expressed. It unites couples and their offsprings, and makes them One Family in love.

It is clothed in sacrifice, understanding, trust and mutual respect. And when these qualities are meticulously adhered to, peace is bound to reign in the home.

However, frankly speaking, the 21st century world is drifting away from the ideals of a happy home. When you hear of marriage breakup stories, divorces and toxicity in marriages you wonder what the couples were doing during the dating or courtship stage.

Some relationships and marriages also make one to wonder if love has become transactional as if it were converting HIVE for LEO in Hive Engine or Leodex.

This is appalling!

Worst still, we are breeding a new generation that don't even know what love is. They mistake Love for Lust and build their relationships on Lust or wealth. Honestly, I wonder the fate of Family life and family love in the next 5 decades.

I think there is a need for World Wide reorientation on love in order to dilute the misconceptions and misconstrued identity of love. Infact, to eradicate it, if possible. This should be the first step towards achieving progress.

However, where the world wide reorientation is only an utopia, then we should make individual effort towards achieving the goal.

La familia es la cuna del AMOR ❤

Es donde el Amor nace, se experimenta, se nutre y se expresa. Une a las parejas y a sus descendientes, y los convierte en Una Familia en el amor.

Se reviste de sacrificio, comprensión, confianza y respeto mutuo. Y cuando estas cualidades se cumplen meticulosamente, la paz está destinada a reinar en el hogar.

Sin embargo, hablando con franqueza, el mundo del siglo XXI se está alejando de los ideales de un hogar feliz. Cuando se oyen historias de ruptura, divorcios y toxicidad en los matrimonios, uno se pregunta qué hacían las parejas durante la etapa de noviazgo.

Algunas relaciones y matrimonios también hacen que uno se pregunte si el amor se ha convertido en algo transaccional, como si se tratara de convertir el VIH en LEO en Hive Engine o Leodex.

Esto es espantoso.

Peor aún, estamos criando una nueva generación que ni siquiera sabe lo que es el amor. Confunden el Amor con la Lujuria y construyen sus relaciones sobre la Lujuria o la riqueza. Sinceramente, me pregunto cuál será el destino de la vida familiar y del amor familiar en las próximas 5 décadas.

Creo que es necesaria una reorientación mundial sobre el amor para diluir los conceptos erróneos y la identidad mal interpretada del amor. De hecho, para erradicarla, si es posible. Este debería ser el primer paso para lograr el progreso.

Sin embargo, si la reorientación mundial es sólo una utopía, entonces deberíamos hacer un esfuerzo individual para lograr el objetivo.


For this week, I selected Bob Marley's Evergreen Reggae song titled ONE LOVE.

Maybe it's an utopia, but then it'll be a great thing if the whole world upholds Love and jettison hate or Prejudice.

By the way, I played this piece with my electric guitar. I didn't want to use any external instrumental, so I tried replicating it somehow, although drums and keyboard sounds were lacking 🥺

I hope you enjoy this piece 😊

Para esta semana, he seleccionado la canción Reggae Evergreen de Bob Marley titulada ONE LOVE.

Tal vez sea una utopía, pero entonces será una gran cosa si el mundo entero defiende el Amor y desecha el odio o los Prejuicios.

Por cierto, esta pieza la toqué con mi guitarra eléctrica. No quise usar ningún instrumental externo, así que intenté replicarlo de alguna manera, aunque faltaban los sonidos de la batería y el teclado 🥺

Espero que disfruten de esta pieza 😊



One love, one heart
Let's get together and feel all right
Hear the children cryin' (one love)
Hear the children cryin' (one heart)
Sayin' give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right
Sayin' let's get together and feel all right

Let them all pass all their dirty remarks (one love)
There is one question I'd really love to ask (one heart)
Is there a place for the hopeless sinners
Who has hurt all mankind just to save his own beliefs?

One love, what about the one heart, one heart
What about, people, let's get together and feel all right
As it was in the beginning (one love)
So shall it be in the end (one heart)
All right! Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right
Let's get together and feel all right, one more thing

Source: LyricFind


  • Hive Open Mic Week 121 Banner, a property of Hive Open Mic Community.
  • Other images created by me using Canva and Power director
  • Translation via Deepl Traductor



Once again, I can't forget to appreciate the wonderful Admins and moderators of this wonderful community for creating and managing this great platform. For hosting this weekly event and making sure it is always successful.

I also appreciate all my friends on Hive and musical friends on Hive. It is nice knowing you all and being friends with you all. I'm grateful for your wonderful comments on my post always.



Kindly click C/AFRI-TUNES visit our community on Hive. You can participate, support us or stay glued and watch out for amazing African songs on Hive 🕺💃 (1).gif

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@ksam is a "uniquely creative" Hive lover who combines his musical, writing, linguistic, video and audio editing skills to promote creativity and ideas in the Hive Community. He is the founder of Afri-tunes alongside starstrings01 and obaro. Afri-tunes is a newly founded musical community on Hive that aims towards nourishing and enriching the Hive Musical Family (and the Hive Community at large) with African Tunes and Musical Genres. It is our sole aim to spread the love, the calmness, the smiles, the culture, the songs and the dance associated with African tunes.


You have given a an awesome reflection about this song, of course, love start from family, and then extend it to people around us.

if all families are doing everything will love, the world will be a better place.
and I must recommend your effort for your great performance. kudos!

True, the world can only be a better place if everyone plays their own part towards the realisation of a better world. But if no one wants to make a move or if a higher percentage is he'll bent on maintaining the status quo, then we will continue to wallow in the aqua of hatred and injustice as evident in this world today.

Thank you for your wonderful comment

And it's my pleasure for stopping by 😊😊😊😍😍

Excelente toque de guitarra amigo un abrazo y que la paz sea contigo 🤗

Muchas gracias amigo
Te agradezco tu comentario
La paz sea contigo también

De nada amigo un abrazo gigante y que tengas feliz domingo 🤗

un abrazo

Muchas gracias

Nice one dear. You have delivered well. Keep up the good work

Thank you so much dear
I'm grateful 🙏

You are welcome daddy. Nice listening to that piece

Daddy kwa

Thanks for your comment on my post 🥰

You are welcome

Hello my friend! Thank you very much for sharing such an excellent work with our community. You have proven to be an outstanding musician. This genre of music suits you very well. Happy Sunday brother!...

open mic eng.png

Thank you so much
I appreciate your wonderful comment on your post.
I wish you the very best today and more of God's blessings 🙏

This is just so beautiful to listen to, I love your smile too while you were playing, it was handsome to watch 😍.