Merengue Opening bassline

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

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Hola amigos de Hive! Aquí les comparto una muestra de mi interpretación de una maqueta de merengue. Es un opening para el que se me ha solicitado crear mi propia línea de bajo, y aquí les presento el resultado.

Gracias por su reproducción.

Hello Hive friends! Here I share a sample of my interpretation of a merengue model. It is an opening for which I have been asked to create my own bass line, and here I present the result.

Thank you for your reproduction.

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Wow... This is absolutely beautiful man, what a skillful play and organization of notes. Your riffs are so captivating, I love the way you slide from the button to the neck of the guitar to produce those melodious lines. You amazed me more when the tempo gets faster but yet your finger picking and tune quality remained professional.. I love the bass guitar and you made me like it more.
Seems you're new here dear friend, there rules in posting in the Hiveopenmic community which you have to introduce yourself in the video by calling out the words (Hive Openmic) then the week number before you can present your song either cover or original, you will just have to indicate it in your title.
I will leave you with the link to the community's guideline👇👇

Grandiosa presentación mi hermanazo. Que buena linea de bajo te felicito