Es un grato placer vovler a compartir una vez más en este medio después de haber pasado un tiempo, he decidido retomar y sacar un poco de tiempo de la agenda para volver a donde soy feliz, escribiendo poemas, temas reflexivos, vivencias o haciendo música que es lo que más me aposiona, asi que, pues, aquí estamos de nuevo, esta vez siguiendo la temática de las semana número #252 que se llama "Truth", he interpretado con mi flauta una canción de la película de Disney, "Enredados" que lleva por nombre "I see the ligth".
It is a pleasant pleasure to share once again in this medium after having spent some time, I have decided to return and take a little time out of the agenda to return to where I am happy, writing poems, reflective themes, experiences or making music which is what I am most passionate about, so, well, here we are again, this time following the theme of week number #252 which is called "Truth", I have performed a song from the Disney movie with my flute, "Tangled" which is called "I see the light".
Enredados, narra la historia de la popular princesa Rapunzel, que había sido confinada a una torre durante toda su vida y es sacada de ahí gracias a Fynn Rayder, un ladrón y fugitivo del pueblo. Es una historia muy conmovedora y esta canción en específico, tiene un mensaje amplio que a mi personalmente me inspira más allá de una historia de romance.
Tangled, tells the story of the popular princess Rapunzel, who had been confined to a tower throughout her life and is freed from there thanks to Fynn Rayder, a thief and runaway from the town. It is a very moving story and this specific song has a broad message that personally inspires me beyond a romance story.
Espero les guste esta humilde interpretación, nos veremos en una próxima ocasión 😊🫂
I hope you like this humble interpretation, we will see you next time 😊🫂
Wow, how good I See In You The Light sounds on the flute. This music was for a movie and became a fundamental song for the public, especially for us musicians. Wow the Disney production gave us something good, and now you do it at the Hive Open mic, thanks for being here Maria, it's good to see you in the community 🙏
Hello! Thanks 😊...haha yes, Disney soundtracks never disappoint 🤭