HIVE OPEN MIC WEEK 169 - ONE LOVE(Cover) @mayorkeys

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

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Hello everyone, its music time and this time around i am using this medium to greet all great musicians in the community and we are currently at week 169 and the theme for this week is titled WAR, When i first saw the theme of the week and the first thing that came to my mind was love and for war not to happen there must be love and the beginning of war is where there is no love. So the song which came to my mind immediately was one love by Bob Marley.


He has been a great reggae singer and have done a lot of song also in the reggae world , the first time i heard the song i fell in love automatically with it and this has made me to listen to more of his song which he had done and release for the world to hear. I was able do the video very early and was able to edit it later in the day so i hope with just little talk on the song you will enjoy the video. Glad i could play the keyboard for my entry this week, see you again next time.


One love! One heart!
Let's get together and feel alright
Hear the children crying (One love!)
Hear the children crying (One heart!)
Saying, "Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel alright."
Saying, "Let's get together and feel alright." Wo wo-wo wo-wo!

Let them all pass all their dirty remarks (One love!)
There is one question I'd really love to ask (One heart!)
Is there a place for the hopeless sinner
Who has hurt all mankind just to save his own beliefs?

One love! What about the one heart? One heart!
What about the—Let's get together and feel alright
As it was in the beginning (One love!)
So shall it be in the end (One heart!)
Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel alright
Let's get together and feel alright
One more thing!


Hola a todos, es hora de la música y esta vez estoy usando este medio para saludar a todos los grandes músicos de la comunidad y actualmente estamos en la semana 169 y el tema de esta semana se titula GUERRA, cuando vi el tema por primera vez de la semana y lo primero que me vino a la mente fue el amor y para que no haya guerra tiene que haber amor y el principio de la guerra es donde no hay amor. Así que la canción que me vino a la mente de inmediato fue un amor de Bob Marley.


Ha sido un gran cantante de reggae y ha hecho muchas canciones también en el mundo del reggae, la primera vez que escuché la canción me enamoré automáticamente y esto me hizo escuchar más de sus canciones que él había hecho. y suelte para que el mundo escuche. Pude hacer el video muy temprano y pude editarlo más tarde en el día, así que espero que con solo una pequeña charla sobre la canción disfruten el video. Me alegro de haber podido tocar el teclado para mi entrada esta semana, nos vemos la próxima vez.


¡Un amor! ¡Un corazón!
Vamos a estar juntos y sentirnos bien
Escucha a los niños llorar (¡Un amor!)
Escucha a los niños llorar (¡Un corazón!)
Diciendo: "Dad gracias y alabad al Señor y me sentiré bien".
Diciendo: "Reunámonos y sintámonos bien". ¡Ay, ay, ay, ay!

Deja que todos pasen todos sus comentarios sucios (¡Un amor!)
Hay una pregunta que realmente me encantaría hacer (¡Un corazón!)
¿Hay un lugar para el pecador sin esperanza?
¿Quién ha hecho daño a toda la humanidad sólo para salvar sus propias creencias?

¡Un amor! ¿Qué pasa con el corazón? ¡Un corazón!
¿Qué pasa con el—Reunámonos y sintámonos bien?
Como era en el principio (¡Un amor!)
Así será al final (¡Un corazón!)
¡Está bien!
Da gracias y alaba al Señor y me sentiré bien
Vamos a estar juntos y sentirnos bien
¡Una cosa más!

▶️ 3Speak


This is one of his songs I enjoy listening to and singing as well.
You played and sang well
Well-done 👏

Saludos hermano @mayorkeys

Tremenda canción con la que participas en ésta semana, me causaste mucha emoción al escucharte cantar! De verdad, una voz genuina y sincera! Te aplaudo y de pie, Gracias por traer esta hermosa canción.

Un abrazo fraternal

Greetings brother @mayorkeys

Tremendous song with which you participate this week, you caused me a lot of emotion to hear you sing! Truly, a genuine and sincere voice! I applaud you and standing, Thank you for bringing this beautiful song.

A fraternal embrace

Está es un na canción que respeto y admiro mucho. Bob Marley es un maestro. Te felicito por la entrada al reto de esta semana amigo 🤘 muy buen cover

Reggae is one of my favorite genres of music.
Especially Bob Marleys songs.
This is a lovely presentation.
Kudos to you.

Thank you so much for the nice comment, it really means a lot

Oh yeah, it's a pleasure to hear you carry this song by the legendary Bob Marley. Great response to this week's theme. Sounding solid! Peace.

I think the same as your dear friend, because only love can defeat war. I love seeing you play the keyboard again, that's how I met you and it's what I admire most about you. I know that you are a soldier who works to build peace through love. Thank you for being a part of this edition of the Hive Open Mic...

Thank you brother, one love keep us growing strong everyday and i cherish you

That song is one of my favorite and it a perfect song for this week’s theme. Well done @mayorkeys