Hello everyone 🤗
Welcome to HiveOpenmic WEEK 223. I am @mhizerbee and this week, I'll be doing a song cover titled Amanam by Chris Morgan and Mercy Chinwo
It is one of the good songs in my dialect (Ibibio) which means You've done well I hope you enjoy and have fun 😊
As Christians we're expected to appreciate the goodness of God in our lives and even the Bible says; Praises move God
I'm not thanking and appreciating God for anything in particular but I just want to show him how grateful I am. If not for anything, for the gift of life.
People die everyday and people encounter several problems but God has been good to me. This is why I'm very grateful to him for everything.
The lyrics of the song is very simple and easy to understand. Here's it 👇
Verse 1
Call: Oh Heaven is open over me
Resp: Heaven is open over me
Call: Countless blessings
Resp: Countless blessings over flowing
Call: Countless miracles
Resp: Countless miracles
Call: Countless testimonies
(How can I describe what You’ve done for me)
Amanamo…, Amanamo…
Eyen Abasi Amanamo…
Amanamo…, Amanamo…
Eyen Abasi Amanamo…
▶️ 3Speak
I love this song, you sang beautifully as always @mhizerbee
Indeed God deserves the praise for all He has done and what He is about to do..
He sure does
Thank you 🙏
I loved the song you chose. I have always considered that the song of the heart is a prayer for the Lord. I congratulate you, friend, for such a beautiful interpretation. You're wonderful. Thank you for joining this beautiful initiative.
I'm excited to hear from you 😊
Thank you so much
Good job
I love your voice
keep it up 👍👍
Thank you 😊