Oh My Love, piano cover for Hive Open Mic week 99

in Hive Open Mic3 years ago (edited)


This modest photo by me, playing the piano can not compete with a beautiful image that the admin of the Hive Open Mic community made. No, it absolutely can not compete with it. My one is not a grand piano...either it is outside, in nature. A lady playing a red piano in a blue dress while the moon is the company in the sky. Hmm, well, I will not try to compete then and just let myself participate this week, as there is a great reason for it. Special week! Week 99 of Hive Open Mic is here with a special topic, oneness, which is represented by the song Oh My Love by John Lennon. A good reason to come back to the scene, right? Oh, and the other reason, of course, the aforementioned image that @cabelindsay prepared for us. Was it a coincidence, Cabe?


source of this artwork

About the topic. Oneness. As similar we did in week 72 with the song Simple Melody, playing all the same song, now we perform on our instruments or with our voices the song Oh My Love. The aim? Global harmony, respect, understanding. All we need so much these days.

The sog Oh My Love was composed by John Lennon and Yoko Ono. Originally, it had different lyrics and was recorded in 1968. However, in 1971 it appears as the last song in the album Imagine, by Lennon. Interestingly, a few days ago I was playing that song, Imagine. I recorded it and sent it to the person who asked me to participate in one collaboration, which will come soon, but no more details I can say now. Today, the song Oh My Love is the important one, and what we are going to do with the participations.

As you know, week 72 with the song Simple Melody had huge success as later, Cabe made a joint song from all participants. It was hard work, editing and blending so many voices and instruments into one video, but it was a victory. We hope that this time it will be as good as the Simple Melody one, and listening to the entries until now, we can conclude that the outcome will be positive. A great number of participants entered with the Spanish version of it which was elaborated by my hardworking colleague, @jesuslnrs. The English and Spanish versions, together with the instrumental covers will be put together.

In case you have not participated but would like to add your contribution, you are still not late. A few hours more, maybe even a whole day that you can submit your participation. For more details check out this post. Well, I am also here, overcoming my block of several weeks (months? :/ ). Well, the reasons to make my entry, as I mentioned, were too strong to ignore them. The topic and that image with the grand piano (that I still think was made on purpose :D). I hope this small piano cover will fit the song as an accompaniment to all those great voices that will be united in the joint song!

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I really !LUV Piano and this song choice is absolutely lovely!


😇 I appreciate your listening and comment and thank you for hivebits and luv :)))

Yay! Smiling so big as I see you and listen to you play piano. What beautiful timing of you to offer your wonderful musical expression. I'm so happy you're here, you know. You play the song AMAZINGLY well, by the way. Your sound itself is enough to carry this entire community-wide co-creation. Thank you so much, with tears in my eyes.

Thank you so much Cabe for your appreciation. I know you are happy I am here. I am happy too, it just took me some time to step again to the stage, being just audience for a while. Well, this was a week with a special topic and aim, and for sure I didn't want to miss it out. :)) And thank you for the additional trigger creating that piano image 🎶

So beautiful! Wish I could play like that, but alas I'm running out of life time.. 😄

Hi there
thank you for stopping by and listening, I am glad you liked it.
I see a guitar in your hand in your profile pic. so I suppose each of us has its forte. :)
Looking forward to seeing you and welcome to hive!!

Such a wonderful one again. Just one day for participation? Now we passed two already so I'm too late to create a contribution. Owww, thinking of it, first need to learn to play some instrument to be able to participate. Not gonna happen :)

Oneness. Such a great topic. Not sure what John was thinking when writing and playing, but one thing that I think of immediately when talking about oneness is the oneness between my 2 brain cells (all I have left) and music. When that happens, it makes me feel so good. And as you know, I usually have that with not so happy-sounding music which makes it even more interesting in my view. Being happy whilst listening and having the oneness feeling with sad-sounding music. Interestingly, John's music you played, is to the more sad side as well :)

Yes, Sunday was the last day to submit your participation, but maybe we could extend it a bit for those who saw it late? Not even working machine music that you could play on or with the help of aiva? No, well you have participated then as the audience :) Thank you!

The topic was chosen several weeks ago. We had picked the song, Oh My Love as it could be performed both in English or Spanish, one of the members of the team made the Spanish adaptation. So the aim was to bring this same song through different voices, languages (ok, just two) instruments and make a big mash-up out of the entries that match the tempo, key, etc (there was a given backing track). So, oneness because of that, making harmony around the world through music. Until now more than 100 entries with this song came, so it can take a bit of time this week to be finished the edition of that huge video. I played here a modest accompany kind of cover, adapted the key and pace to serve in the mash-up as background (well, with hopes it can be blended into it :D )

I don't know either what John was thinking writing and playing it, but he would be surprised this week so many musicians performed his song (I hope positively surprised :)) )

Yes, luckily I know that being united with music means happiness for you and the type of more sad-ish music is what kicks in you. But is it always the case? Just asking, if you hear a super upbeat track - song - musical piece, it doesn't bring the same feeling?
(unrelated, but listened to all remix versions of Fernweh album yesterday) I can not determine if it has a sad or not sound. The tracks express deeper layer thoughts and emotions that the listener has to feel (though yes, if we just try to determine where it belongs, then it tends to be more sad-sounding music bringing the opposite reaction - something like being amazed and wanting to listen to more of that :)) )

a super upbeat track - song - musical piece, it doesn't bring the same feeling?

Not really. I usually don't like the more positive sounding music.

more than 100 entries with this song

WOW! Thats a LOT! John would love the royalties as well 😂

Fernweh album

I would think at least not happy-sounding 🌻

I knew it :D but at least I tried and asked :)

Hahhaha, maybe he would love the royalties too 😂

I know, I know, it is not happy-sounding, but either sad-sounding.
It is just a completely different approach where sad or happy sounding is not anymore in the foreground. :))

It is just a completely different approach where sad or happy sounding is not anymore in the foreground. :))

Once upon a time not too long ago, by far most people in the world would not regard an Album like Fernweh as music 😱


He/She: we can decide on an 'it' maybe?

How was it received then? When it was and what changes happened to be accepted ( who knows, maybe still not accepted by everyone)

metronome topic here? hahahahaha

saw the other comment , I know it had to go there :D

how was it received? depends on the person, but mostly as 'thats not music', 'no melodies', 'boomboomboom only', 'all tracks are the same', and more of that :)

Dear friend, how great you are. Thank you so much for being part of this 99th week movement, not only as a curator, but as part of this great family. Your contribution is beautiful, sublime and very elegant. The words you have written have touched my heart with this musical background that transmits so much magic and good energy. I am proud to know you and feel your friendship that despite the distance is stronger and more real than many that surround me in my day to day life. I love you and admire you very much as a person and artist, may God continue to bless you!...

Openmic in English.jfif

It was the time that I come back somehow, and this was one of those weeks that can not be missed. I just hope Cabe will be able to do some magic and integrate somehow this piano part. I tried not to bring too much of the melody, (although I did) and concentrate to bring an accompaniment version. :D
You are a great friend to all people here Jesus. Glad to meet you through this community and see how hardworking you are! 🙌

Ayeeeeeeeeee Mi ♥️
She gives us a beautiful smile at first and proceeds to give a soulful performance, what more can I ask for?

This was truly beautiful to listen to with my eyes close.
Thank you for blessing me with your gift 😊😊😊

Oh, thank you so much for your words, this kind of reception means a lot!!

Good, I can still give some smiles, and soulful performances too. (thank you for this description 🤗 )

Let's see how this mush-up song will come out and if this piano thing can fit in. I tried to keep it as an accompanying version, though there were parts I emphasized more :)) my favourite parts when it has the E minor chord!

Let's see how this mush-up song will come out and if this piano thing can fit in.

It has to ohhh
We need it in the mashup 😊🙏🏼

Plus the E minor chord was a pure highlight in the performance ♥️

we are waiting for the mashup, it is not easy to put it all together, time is needed. The admin works on it already!! 🎶

I look forward to it!😊😊😊

Yay, and it was finished

You were SHINING in the video, opening it with your vibe!!!! ❤️

Thank you my love ♥️♥️♥️

Excellent performance, delicate and subtle, really beautiful. You can see the careful work in each of the notes of this beautiful version. As I would like to have time to add the @cuatrovenezolano. Unfortunately, the week is already over, but sure, if you bring something like that, once again, I'd like to add a hint to it. Congratulations and Blessings to you.

Coming from you, a top-notch level colleague it is an honour to receive this comment. ANd yes, the week is over but many weeks are ahead so we never know :) Maybe I will come back in some of the weeks again with a performance! Thank you and greetings to you too 😇

You really play the piano masterfully, it is so relaxing and comes very well for this beautiful project what a pride it is to be part of this great project where great musicians like you participate!!!! Blessings!

Realmente tocas el piano magistralmente, es tan relajante y viene muy bien para este hermoso proyecto que orgullo es ser parte de este gran proyecto donde grandes musicos como tu participan!! Bendiciones!

Hey, I am glad to see you @elmusiquito and even more that you liked this entry. Yes, the project is on its way, we all hope it will come out very well! Thank you for stopping by :)

😍😍 wow muy hermoso, me encanta como tocas esa pianola ,
Y muy agradable esa melodía 💕

Gracias Ruth, espero se pueda agregar bien al canto de todos vosotros :)

I agree with you, it's a special week, so there's no reason to miss this theme... ✌🏻I think you are the representation of the character in the image @mipiano ^_^ one of my favorite pianist on hive... glad you're back!

And as always, the tune that you play is so beautiful~ I love it ^_^

Hey friend, @ipul27

I am one of your favourite pianists on hive? Good to know that. Thanks ;)

Yes, if not this week, then when would be a better opportunity to join again? But this is just a small contribution through my piano playing, the important thing is the whole community bringing the same harmony through the voices. ^_^

You're very welcome ^_^ sure, you are great at playing the piano~ I love it...

Thanks thanks and again thanks @ipul27 😇

An amazing performance. It was a really nice interpretation with the piano. Congratulations... 👏👏👏

Thank you @okayozdemiroglu, as I am not a singer I just brought here a piano part :)

Will you still join week 99 with this song? Thank you so much for listening to my entry 😇

I want to participate in the 99th week event. I've been trying for 2 days, but it's a little difficult to play the music of some songs with bağlama. That's why I'm undecided. Maybe I can just make a presentation of chords. 🤗

Or you can try to bring your improvised version of the song, or yes, maybe chords. Baglama would bring an exotic sound to it, I am sure. :))

Una vez más, la delicada sutileza y la firme precisión de la ejecución por parte de nuestra queridísima dama del piano ha logrado conmoverme y maravillarme, ¡Todos estamos muy felices de ver y escuchar esta participación, sin duda! Hermosa la interpretación y hermosa tú @mipiano ¡Un gran saludo! ¡Gracias por traer tu participación y deleitarnos con estos 3 minutos de magia!

Pues, tu pregunta de ayer también hizo su efecto :)
Sé que es mucho tiempo sin mis presentaciones, la dama del piano tenía su tiempo de estar en los camerinos en vez de estar en la escena. Me ha sorprendido muchísimo la recepción de todos vosotros, significa mucho. Y me alegro que esta versión de la canción ha logrado conmoverte, que sería la música si no podría hacer esto? Gracias por tu apreciación, muchísimas gracias... y ya sabes, un gran saludo al pequeño hombre y a toda la familia :))

That's a very beautiful song. Good choice for the topic.

Global harmony, respect, understanding. All we need so much these days.

You are definitely right about that.

Yes, the song was chosen some time ago for this week, we were working on it to bring the good version to Spanish speakers too and the theme is indeed a good one, trying to bring always unity and harmony. As I dont sing, my piano had to do the job :))

Thank you @leaky20 for listening to my video 🙌 🎶

As I dont sing, my piano had to do the job

you and the piano did an excellent job!


I love this, always wished I could play the piano or a guitar.

I sang along as you played and totally enjoyed it.

The guitar would not be a problem for you, I am sure you would be a good learner if almostsober would teach you :))

And for piano, you would have to come with Peaq to Spain so I teach you!
Without a metronome hehehe :D

Thank you for listening to my entry, means a lot to know I am a lost soul here in the big scene 😇

almostsober started teaching me but he is in school so it is a bit hard but I'll maybe start online classes.

I always love to come to Spain, learn Spanish alongside the piano, that would be great.

Your entry was amazing, I was blessed to listen to it.

Online lessons can work good for someone, but not suitable for everybody. It has its good and weak sides. Well, maybe you can try and see does it work well with you.
Spain and piano :) good combination, right? 😇☀️

I'll try and see if it works but if it doesn't I'll move on.
Also, Spain and pianos are a perfect combination, eating some sweets while playing with the keys.

Eating in Spain. oh, you could not stop :)
So much tasty food around in our region!

I know, I am a foodie so I watch a lot of foods around the world.

I think that is one of the reasons I would want to leave my country, been tired of eating the same things.

Beautiful! Thank you for bringing us these peaceful tunes when they are needed more than ever

A hug from Portugal!

Well, thank You for stopping by and listening to this peaceful song, indeed. The timing could not be better for such a topic... Hugs going back from Spain 😇

Wow, you leave me speechless dear friend @mipiano! Listening to you play, fills my heart with peace and tranquility, you can't imagine the mix of positive feelings it gives me.

I'm happy to share with such a talented woman like you, this musical showcase as the Open Mic. I can't wait to hear all those voices, all those talents united.

Oh @maitt87 , I am just so glad I did this entry. It was a battle with myself but finally this piano version is here, to add a small contribution. You say it is peaceful? So glad to hear this, thank you 😊

You all are doing so well from week to week, so I am the happy one being around here ✌️
The final result will be super, I am sure all your voices will achieve the harmony !!

They say "Waiting brings its rewards" and with so much desire to hear you for a long time, it is really satisfying to hear this song played by your hands and your soul. You are great @mipiano and it is very nice that you join this Global Harmony. Congratulations for an impeccable job, I hope to see you more often. ❤️

Dicen "Esperar trae sus recompensas" y con tantas ganas de oírte desde hace un buen tiempo, es realmente satisfactorio escuchar esta canción tocada por tus manos y tu alma. Eres grande @mipiano y es muy bonito que te sumes a esta Armonía Global. Felicitaciones por un trabajo impecable, espero verte más seguido. ❤️

Yes, I know, it has been a while since my last participation. I dont even remember when was my last week of Hive Open Mic entry. I am here every single day, but not me playing. But the piano came back today, and I am honestly very surprised that people didn't forget I used to play :))
Thank you dear @jhoxiris, your appreciation feels very well! 😌

This sounds so beautiful and full of peace!

You made a beautiful musical arrangement, I feel the wind passing through the trees of a large forest.

Thank you for these beautiful notes :) <3

It is an honour to receive a comment from you @eugelys

The piano brought the sound and you added the imagination with your words...wind passing the trees of a large forest? Well, this is so nice and very appropriate for this song and its lyrics. Thank You so much for your support, for your kind words and work around hive. Gracias y un abrazo 🤗

But what a wonder our eyes can see! What a surprise and what a joy to see you participate in this special week. This is a magical gift, the way you bring this song is unique, you have made it your own. This piece will be indispensable in the final compilation in which we will all be together. Thank you for sharing!!!

haha, what a wonder and what a surprise, right? I am surprised by myself too, that I made an entry. I know, it has been a while...but this topic and that piano image won, so my digital piano screamed for playing. I just brought it here :D Thank you so much Omar and Dina for your words of support, it means a lot! 🤗

Certainly the image of the piano can look irresistible, from our point of view perfect for you. We send you a hug!

It was irresistible indeed. Abrazos :))

Wow... Very amazing and mind blowing
Your hand movement on the piano was so cool, I love the way you gently strike your chords and notes softly piercing into the heart..
You played very well @mipiano, you really did well..💞💞🙏💞💞🙌🎻🎻🎸🎤🎤💞💞🥰🎷💜💜💜

Hey there @ovey10

The hands just follow what the music wants to say and how the heart dictates. Well, and many years of playing made me have that style. Is it good or not, I dont know. I suppose natural for me, and I am glad you liked it too.

So, what a reception here in this scene, huh, is it always like this among the musical family of Hive Open Mic? Haha, jokes aside, I really appreciate your words and the time you dedicated to listening to my participation and writing this comment of encouragement. Thank you!!

The hands just follow what the music wants to say and how the heart dictates. Well, and many years of playing made me have that style. Is it good or not, I dont know. I suppose natural for me, and I am glad you liked it too

To be frank with you, the last time I saw someone played the piano with such hand movement was last 4years during a Christmas classical music concert, I was opportune to sit close to him(the pianist) with my trumpet.
I noticed alot of stuffs while he was playing, his tune was extremely great and he had this same hand movement too thou it wasn't really obvious like how I watched you play, he played differently at some point actually.
I am not really a pianist, I don't really know if that was a piano skill in approaching some certain genres of music but if it is, then I can say apart from Him (the concert pianist) it's you so far I've witnessed this hand movement on the piano. But if it isn't a skill for the piano then this is a perfect creativity because it gives a directional movement to as how the song was sang, and it looks professional, yeah. Novice pianist could find this a bit challenging specially splitting the chords while approaching different notes harmoniously has you did above playing very gently and calmly..
Once again it's my pleasure listening to you creatively and professionally playing the piano my teacher 🥰💞🥰🎷🎷💜💜🎸🎻🎻🙌🙏

Absolutely makes sense the other pianist had similar hand movements. Not all classical pianists have the same style, we are different but I suppose there are some types of us. I feel this is the way for me. My very very good friend who is a concert pianist has totally different hand movements. And that is a great thing, that we are so different and we can bring our style. And yes, I think it has to do with classical music and all the detailed approach we have to our performances. :))

This is super sweet 😁. A lot of professionalism here.

I wanna come to your post, but having a backlog in comments hahaha, and at the same time responding to comments in this post :DThank you thank you thank you @starstrings01 😇

Well, soon I am coming to listen to you, just 23 tabs more to go with replies :D

Smiles, you have seen my entry 😁. You really do have a lot of comments to reply.

By the way, can we switch skills or talents.. I really love the way you play the Piano 🎹🤗

Hahah, switch? Let's say switching the whole life for one day? I think you would ask me to switch back lol, work, family, practising, household, hive and more of it :D

But talents and skills, yeah, it would be cool I could play the guitar like you. Pro sound in your participation!👌

Lol 😂😂😂. I can't switch whole life that's too much na 😅😂.

Thanks so much for the appreciation on my participation.

haha, yes, that is too much sometimes 🤣
so far, I am still alive and can cope with things :)

I feel so so emotional. I can't control my feelings! Tears filled my eyes.🥺🙏

This is yummy!
You are so amazing!❤Oh @mipiano

Oh no, tears!! I am sorry, but I hope tears of joy :))
Thank you a lot for listening to my entry and for your kindness @obaro

Tears of heart felt melody!
Yeah you are welcome my friend.

I already dropped a scheduled post on the "tips to switching to headvoice" it should be ready in the early hours of Sunday!

By the way, can we switch musical talents?
You play the piano well.
You indeed are @mipiano

Oh, nice, looking forward to seeing your post. Although I will not be able to check it immediately but will check it out for sure at some point during the day!

Thank you for remembering to make it!

Oh, @starstrings01 also wants to switch talents. What to do now? Too much switching would drive us crazy 🤣

Hehehe this is serious 🤣
Talent switching galore!

You got us tripping for your piano skills!

So good to check your content mi amigo!

hahaha, this is serious fun or funny seriousness.
The result is the same : many LOL-s 😆

Lol 😅😂😂😅... When someone is too good at what she does, others would want to be like the person.

That's exactly what is happening 😅😂

I dont know who has the combination of words star and strings in his username. I can maybe be good at what I am doing but you are the star 🌟

Smiles :D
so much laughter here today 😄

😂😂😂😅... I would attain that height some day. 😅😁😁.

so much laughter here today

Yeah there is 😅😂

Listening to you play is really soothing! Thanks for posting, the written part was great too!

I hope to see more music videos from you (you said you had a block for months, I'm hoping it's better now).


Hey there, thank you for listening and checking out this post :)

Music videos- I do record here and there not so often as I have been doing in the past, and only my hands or just the audio part. In the Hive Open Mic community, I haven't posted for a long time, I was not so confident appearing on the screen. Curation takes much time so no time for some serious practising either :)
This week was a special one, as from the entries one huge mush-up will be created, to celebrate the harmony and oneness among people from around the globe :)
Not promising anything for the next weeks, but I have already some pieces in my mind to record, will see in which form :D

Even if you weren't confident the video was great! And I completely understand not having time while curating XD

I will be on lookout for the mashup

Good luck with the recordings! Hope to see more videos from you soon.


Thank you!

Soon already arrived :)

Y para mayor sorpresa cuando abrí la página te veooo😍😍✨
Qué alegría me dio, muy hermoso mi querida, me encantoooooo😍 eres increíble Dios bendiga tu vida❤️❣️✨Yo me pregunté será que @mipiano hará está presentación como quisiera verla jajjj,

Jajaja, sí, ha pasado que mipiano ha participado esta semana :))
Me alegro que esta presentación te ha traído alegría, yo también estoy más tranquila después de esta recepción por parte de toda la comunidad. 😊

Si querida sin duda alguna!.
Es agradable verte 🥰✨❣️

gracias una vez más.
que tengas una buena semana que viene :)

Igualmente para ti preciosa 🌹✨


So beautiful so peacefull such love much love

Much love is what I am sending you for stopping by in my participation!! Thank you @karancd 😇

My pleasure @mipiano 🥰


 3 years ago (edited) 

Ohhhhhh my friend this was majestic 👑, beautiful 💖, your virtuosity is out of this world, I loved how the choruses were heard, with power and walking in those scales in an unstoppable way.... I think words are superfluous,without lying to you I got a lump in my throat... 👏👏👏👏👏 BRAVO!!! I always love listening to you play, You Rockkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!! 🙏😀🔥🎹🎶❤️🌟🥂💥💫💯☮️

PS: I think the illustration was a subliminal and direct message at the same time, for you to join us 😁, your participation made me sentimental... I loved it!!!

Now I have a lump in my throat :D I hope those scales and broken chords will find a way to the joint without breaking the calmness of the song. Is my virtuosity out of the world... hahaha, am I an alien? Just a joke thank you for your encouragement @fernanblog 🌟🌟

 3 years ago (edited) 

Hahahaha well I feel that the calm is maintained, it had its moments of euphoria that fall back to calm, I really congratulate you, I felt for a moment when I went from the clean sound to the distortion of the guitar, it is a necessary moment to then return to the essence of the song, and what you did sounds like the ecstasy of love, you didn't break the calm and it will be the perfect piano background for the video, our video, it will be incredible, what I have heard has been very nice. You made me laugh with the alien thing by the way hahahaha, you are incredible, there are talents that go beyond our comprehension 🎹🔥🎶❤️🥂💯👑🚀🌌

Let's wait and see how will the mash-up song turn out :)
more than 100 entries with this song :))

Wowww Amazing, enough entries, how beautiful that video will be, we will make history again 🙌😀🔥🎙️🎸🎶❤️🌟🥂💥💫💯☮️

Yes, I think history will be made again!
You know, it is not easy to put together all the entries, we have to wait patiently :)

I know my friend, we have to wait, in fact the best is waiting, it is a great task and I know it will be amazing without a doubt cheers for that 🥂💥💫💯☮️🎶❤️🌟

Simply so beautiful <3

∫∫ !hivebits ∫∫

thank you @beatzchain :)

No problem (:

I have been impressed with how beautiful this has sounded.
A feeling of melancholy and tenderness permeated my heart.

I loved how this turned out for you.
My admiration and respect to you.

Yes, a bit of melancholy can be heard, must be the broken chords in the left hand.
I appreciate the time you listened to my entry and writing me this comment. Gracias :))

Sooo Beautiful @mipiano 😊

you see, John Lennon and Yoko Ono are here, you just mentioned them yesterday ( or two days ago :D )thank you @littlebee4

Yes, I read… they were married in Gibraltar too. I saw many photographs of just that moment in bars and restaurants. 😎

And will we see many photographs of another, recent wedding? ;)))

Was planning to post something about our Gibraltar stay and our wedding.
We had professional photographers… I hope the photographs are ready in 2 weeks. So We have to wait a little 😎😁 toem tie Toem… normally I’m very patient.

But this is a longgggggg wait lol

Hope they are finished sooner hahahaha

oh, patience then.

Professional photographs for your wedding sounds cool. I know the photos will be great, but yes, you will have to wait a bit. Hmm, two weeks...I would call them every single day asking (like Donkey in Shrek are we there yet? ) them: Are the photos done?

So they will want to finish it as soon as possible hahahaha

It was a husband and wife couple, was really great to meet them and see them work together. Trying to loosen us up hahaha Russell and I are both NOT photogenic lol and I rather stay behind the camera.

Hahahaha “Are they done yet?” Yep sounds like a plan hahaha 🤣🤣🤣 Will do ask end of the week. Who knows maybe they are 😇🤓

We have to wait a little… I think.
Just to bad we had to keep the masks on during the ceremony, just quickly down for a kiss 😔 but outside we could walk around without. (Were most of the photoshoot was)

Maravilloso acompañamiento mi querida y estimada @mipiano. Hiciste que me gustara la canción que en realidad me cuesta escuchar, porque la original de Lennon Me gusta mucho y esta versión que recibimos está falta de algunos acordes de la versión del maestro. Mil bendiciones, siempre he sido un admirador de tu sensibilidad en las teclas y en verdad me enamoras con cada sonido que logras en el piano. Saludos desde el Oriente venezolano.

Que bueno que he hecho que te gustara la canción, de hecho ya he visto tu participación con tu guitarra trayendo una versión elegante y fina. Me alegro poder recibirte en mi publicación, saludos desde España y gracias por tu apoyo!

Que hermoso trabajo..impecable, elegante, profesional, bonito, melancolico, inspirativo. Excelente! Saludos y Bendiciones

Muchas gracias por tus palabras Alejandro. Uno se puede motivar de verdad con tanto positivismo y apoyo. Os lo agradezco muchísimo!!

Bravo👏👏👏 que maravillosa es escucharla y ver cómo le da vida a cada nota al tocar está hermosa canción transmite una paz y frescura, gracias por su participación es usted un ejemplo a seguir, Dios la bendiga💐🌟

Muchas gracias Nelly por tus palabras, ha sido un placer participar, aunque me costó un poco a volver. Parece que la canción ha sido una de las buenas que nos ha motivado a todos!

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oh, thank you a lot for the support from the music community 🙌

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thank you :))

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you are better than the best ;))thank you @stickupcurator 😎


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cheers 🥂 for the curator :))


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🍕 🙌 thanks

muy lindo amiga la felicito por sus manos mágicas y por su excelente participación

Muchas gracias @lois2021 :)))

I couldn't help listening to this over and over again so I had to leave a comment.

@mipiano your hands are blessed and gifted. I got lost trying to follow every notes you played yet I feel deeply in love.

Awesome song interpretation. You've gat my heart.

Much love😍

Oh, thank you so much @chosenfingers

Seems that my fingers still have some sounds to bring. I was indeed happy to participate and also appear in the mashup video!

This week collaborations, so many great ones already, your one too!!!😇

Demasiado hermoso, hubiese sido espectacular grabar con su interpretación de fondo. Eres muy detallista, realmente pare coincidencia la imagen de Open mic, con la suya.. Solo le faltaria el mismo cabello. Un abrazo enorme, Dios la bendiga!!!!

Espera, qué pasa con mi cabello y open mic ? jajaj :D

Nada, acabo de entender que estamos hablando en mi publicación de de la semana 99 donde hay esta imagen de la chica pianista 😂

Es por mi demorra de responder a los comentarios, necesitaba uno-dos días poner el freno, y dejar algunos comentarios sin respusta, aquí voy ahora...

Gracias @jorge234nv por tus palabras, y bendiciones igualmente a ti 👋

De todos los comentarios en Hive, los suyos son los mejores!

Jajaja, gracias @jorge234nv, me alegro si pueden traer un poco de diversión también :))