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RE: Hive Openmic Week 131 - "La Casa - Caramelos De Cianuro" - Jared Khm Cover.

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

Wow, first of all, what a story, thank you for sharing it with us. The dedication to your mother, you did it very well. And you are right, a song can have two edges, as you are missing her but also as you can remember her while singing and playing this song. So nice entry!!!



:3 no dejes de compartir esas caminatas con esas fotografías tan buenas !! Haces mis días mejores 🫂😇🌻👌🏼@mipiano muchas gracias!!

De nada y gracias a ti 🌟🍀
Ya veremos que podemos hacer que las caminatas sigan 😉