Es una magnífica pieza, wow tiempo sin escucharte y que alegría poder disfrutar de las obras que traes porque sin duda son interesantes, me mantuve muy atenta escuchandote porque la música tiene suspenso y mucha nostalgia.
Excelente 👌
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I mean violin always sound different from others.
I think I understand. Indeed the violin sounds a little different, this is because of the sound effects I usually use, mostly I usually put some echo, but I've been trying different presets, I'm sure that's why you have the feeling that the violin sounds different. Between this video and the ones I will continue uploading the sound preset will remain the same, maybe you will not notice that difference, and also add that I use a cornet next to the phone that is the one that makes me the accompaniment, the type of track I use sometimes also influences how the final set is heard. You pay a lot of attention to changes in timbre and color, as a musician that's very good. Thanks for letting me know
Saludos Mirel, gracias por escuchar y dejarme tu apreciación. Sin duda tiene un toque nostálgico y misterioso tal cual mencionas, en lo particular suelen ser el tipo de piezas que me gusta escuchar cuando se trata únicamente de instrumentales o en su defecto piano solo. También es un gusto para mí leerte nuevamente.