Hive Open Mic Week 217 // Like a stone (Bass Cover) By @musicandreview

in Hive Open Mic10 months ago

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Brothers of the Hive Open Mic community, it is an honor and a great pleasure for me to post in this community after a while. A lot has happened since the last time we shared a presentation here, but in no way does it mean that we are leaving this musical home. Some things have changed for the better and in that sense we have been rethinking the way we generate content, and well, this bass cover is perhaps an example of that. We believe that changes are necessary even if we have to leave the place we like, but time ends up putting everything in its place.

For week 217, whose theme proposed by @ashiru is called “Always grateful”, I want to share with you a bass cover of the famous Audioslave song “Like a stone”, I think most of you here have heard it once in your life and this may bring back memories of the late Chris Cornell, his characteristic voice will always be remembered. I chose this song because I love to play it on bass, it has a speed that allows you to feel it and enjoy it, it has very nice variations that although it seems to be simple, at the level of composition have their complexity.

To make this cover I took the song from the band's official Youtube channel and edited it to make it shorter, at the same time, I removed the original bass line from the song with the Moises application. Then, I recorded the bass line through Cubase 5, a very effective audio editing program. I applied a pluggin called “Evil Bass” from the EZMix2 preset tool to give the bass a distinctive sound. As a curious fact, I had to change the tuning of the fourth string of the bass from E to D, that was fundamental to record the song correctly. I hope my entry is to everyone's liking, best regards!


Hermanos de la comunidad Hive Open Mic, es todo un honor y un gran placer para mi postear en ésta comunidad luego de un tiempo. Mucho ha pasado desde la última vez que compartimos alguna presentación aquí, pero de ninguna manera ha querido decir eso que abandonamos éste hogar musical. Algunas cosas han cambiado para mejor y ese sentido hemos ido replanteando la forma en la generamos contenido, y bueno, éste cover de bajo es quizá un ejemplo de eso. Creemos que los cambios son necesarios incluso aunque tengamos que ausentarnos del lugar que nos gusta, pero el tiempo termina poniendo todo en su lugar.

Para la semana 217, cuya temática propuesta por @ashiru lleva por nombre "Siempre agradecido", quiero compartir con ustedes un cover de bajo de la famosa canción de Audioslave "Like a stone", creo que la mayoría acá la ha escuchado alguna vez en su vida y ésta quizá les traiga recuerdos del fallecido Chris Cornell, su voz característica siempre será recordada. Elegí ésta canción ya que me encanta tocarla en el bajo, tiene una velocidad que te permita sentirla y disfrutarla, tiene variantes muy agradables que aunque parezcan ser simples, a nivel de composición tienen su complejidad.

Para realizar éste cover tomé la canción del canal oficial de Youtube de la banda y la edité para que fue más corta, a su vez, eliminé el bajo original de la canción con la aplicación Moises. Luego, grabé la línea de bajo a través del Cubase 5, un programa de edición de audio bastante efectivo. Apliqué un pluggin llamado "Evil Bass" de la herramienta de presets EZMix2 para darle un sonido distintivo al bajo. Como dato curioso, tuve que cambiar la afinación de la cuarta cuerda del bajo de E a D, eso fue fundamental para grabar la canción de manera correcta. Espero que mi entrada sea del agrado de todos. ¡Un fuerte abrazo!


Art By Cabe Lindsay



- Singer: Audioslave
- Composer: Brad Wilk / Chris Cornell / Timothy Commerford / Tom Morello
- Track

-Used tools/Herramientas usadas:

- Video recorded with: Samsung Galaxy A32
- Video edited with: CapCut
- Main image edited with: PowerPoint 2016
- Translator: DeepL Translate


▶️ 3Speak


The sounds are so cleannnn
And your bass line is giving

I'm glad you are back
Same here with me
I have been gone for a while and I'm back as well

We thank God for the Better

The sound is pretty clean as fortunately I can record it with an audio interface, and yes, it's good to be back. Cheers! See you soon!

Saludos amigo, wow allí el bajo tiene bastante trabajo, te felicito

No tiene tanto trabajo como quizás parezca, pero la buena composición hace que el sonido sea inevitablemente bueno. Mil gracias por tu apoyo!

What a lovely performance, sir! I appreciate you for sharing this with us, you did a great job sir and I congratulate you sir for this.

It was a pleasure for me to share this presentation with the community. Thank you very much for your support!

Woooo if I were to rate this presentation from 1-100 I would definitely give it 200, this is awesome sir
I love you groves
Thanks for sharing

Wow, that's a good score from you, thank you very much for the compliment. Be well!

What a great song, who hasn't heard this song at some point in his life, I love the way your bass sounds. Excellent.
Have a great dayHow are you dear friend @musicandreview good morning

Yes, it's a historic song, but overall a very good one. Thank you very much for your support, have a great day!

Hola estimado amigo Omar veo que disfrutaste tu presentación y de eso se trata tocar con el corazón y disfrutarlo y deleitarse en cada nota musical. Que bueno que te volviste activar en esta familia. Saludos a Dina🤗🎤❤️❤️💕

Es una canción que se disfruta mientra se toca, así que sin dudas es de las buenas. Siempre será un honor postear aquí, fue todo un gusto compartir. !Saludos para usted también!

A pleasure to listen to this great cover, my dear, you are getting better and better and yes, sometimes changes are necessary to keep growing and improving in what we like to do and discover other variations of what we are capable of achieving 💪

Blessings 🙏

You described very well what changes produce, growth and self-discovery, we will always find things we didn't know we could venture into. Thank you so much for your support!

welcome back brother, it's been a long time since you presented your work, and what you said with the initial presentation really agrees with me, for me no matter how busy we are, we don't have to leave music here or leave our talents, and this is an extraordinary performance, I also use moises apk to cover lead guitar, that apk was really extraordinary and I was very entertained by your performance, thank you my brother

The Moses app is quite useful for those of us who like to do this type of work, too bad that the free version limits us with the number of songs per month. Thank you very much for your support, see you soon!

You are admirable how you play the instrument, the truth is that the bass sounds very goodHello @musicandreview

I'm glad you liked my presentation. Best regards!

Nice cover dear friend, you played so well. I really enjoyed the vibes in the music.

Comments like yours make me feel that what I did was worth it. I really appreciate your support!

Tenía tiempo sin visitarlos, ya que por muchas circunstancias me he alejado de la plataforma, espero volver a estar más presente, aunque sea en las visitas por sus publicaciones y darle como siempre mi apoyo. Me encantó tu publicación, aunque es raro verte sin Dina. Dios los bendiga 🙏🏼

Hola! Cuanto tiempo. Ojalá puedas regresar para que sigas compartiendo tus experiencias, espero que estés bien. Un fuerte abrazo!

Yo también espero volver, gracias, y el abrazo es recibido y retornado, cargado de grandes bendiciones para ustedes🫂

Grandioso hermano 👏👏👏👏, que gran tema has traído, espectacular, es una de mis fav de Audioslave, en especial por Chris. Bendiciones hermano👏🙌

Sabía que es una canción que conectaría con muchos, esta también es mi canción favorita de esta banda. Mil gracias por tu apoyo +

Amazing,love the sound of the Bass.
Wonderful 😊 presentation!!!
Fantastic 😍
Well done 👍

wow, that's cool. This is one of my favorite songs from audioslave. I love your bass cover sir.

Super super me encantó tu interpretación en el bajo 💯💯💙👍🏻🔥
Está canción es de mis favoritas 🤗

Te felicito querido amigo
