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RE: 🎵 Hive Open Mic 160 - Worldwide Live Music Event

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

Debido al afecto y confianza que les tengo. De considerarles a ustedes mis hermanos con un lazo fuerte que nos entrelaza, el cual es la música. Con sus prosas, liricas, melodía y canto (son de orgullo y de encanto para mí). Quiero siempre desearles lo mejor. Que su vida este llena de bendiciones y que son tan valiosos ante los ojos de Dios. Todos ustedes son un hilo que forma parte de un esplendido lienzo que se tiñe de intereses en común, respeto y amor por el prójimo. ❤️

Due to the affection and trust that I have for them. To consider you my brothers with a strong bond that intertwines us, which is music. With its prose, lyrics, melody and singing (they are proud and charming for me). I always want to wish you the best. May your life be full of blessings and that you are so valuable in the eyes of God. All of you are a thread that is part of a splendid canvas that is colored by common interests, respect and love for your neighbor. ❤️