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RE: 🎵 Hive Open Mic 166 - Worldwide Live Music Event

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

Que nobleza de espíritu el de aquellas personas que prosiguen de forma genuina en avanzar y mejorar con cada paso que dan. Son ejemplo de grandeza, entrega y fortaleza. Sembradores de su propio destino y con voluntad inquebrantable por cumplir sus sueños o metas. Es realmente admirable verles y celebrarles. Yo, por mi parte soy un ser humano que se equivoca (como todos), pero que aprende de sus errores... Que lucha por forjar su camino, por compartir de lo aprendido cuando he caído, para luego levantarme con más fuerza y seguir adelante con la fe puesta en Dios de que todo marchara bien.

What a nobility of spirit that of those people who genuinely continue to advance and improve with each step they take. They are an example of greatness, delivery and strength. Sowers of their own destiny and with an unbreakable will to fulfill their dreams or goals. It is really admirable to see them and celebrate them. I, for my part, am a human being who makes mistakes (like everyone else), but who learns from his mistakes... Who struggles to forge his path, to share what I have learned when I have fallen, to then get up stronger and continue Go ahead with faith in God that everything will go well.