For this occasion, in the 123rd week of #hiveopenmic, with the wonderful theme of "a better world for all", I decided to bring a song that I had a long time without singing, an original piece of the Venezuelan reggae band Papashanty saund system. Truth be told, this is the only song I know of theirs, but it is one of those unique songs that move you by demonstrating the realistic and reflective messages they have.
The lyrics of the song are a bombardment of rhymes and verses full of criticisms and truths that lie in the wanderings of humanity. The truth is that the song talks about many things at the same time, it goes from one topic to another in a very continuous way, but I will try to summarize everything it tells us: We start with a message that refers to communication, which is a key that opens the doors to the good development of relationships. It continues talking about the capacity that the human being has to remedy the mistakes of his past ancestors, since we ourselves are the manifestation of the path of our ancestors, we are the step where they stayed.
Para esta ocasión, en la semana número 123 de #hiveopenmic, con la maravillosa temática de "un mundo mejor para todos", he decidido traer una canción la cual tenía mucho tiempo sin cantar, una pieza original de la banda de reggae venezolano Papashanty saund system. La verdad, esta es la única canción que me se de ellos, pero es de esas canciones únicas que te emocionan al demostrar los mensajes realistas y reflexivos que tienen.
La letra de la canción es un bombardeo de rimas y versos llenos de críticas y verdades que yacen en los andares de la humanidad. La verdad es que la canción habla de muchas cosas a la vez, pasan de un tema al otro de forma muy continua, pero trataré de hablar de forma resumida de todo lo que nos dice: Empezamos con un mensaje que hace referencia a la comunicación, la cual es una llave que abre las puertas del buen desenvolvimiento de las relaciones. Continúa hablando de la capacidad que tiene el ser humano de remediar los errores de sus ante pasados, ya que nosotros mismos somos la manifestación del camino de nuestros ancestros, somos el paso en donde ellos se quedaron.
The song goes on to talk about the degradation of humanity, which stems from the false belief that we are on a path of evolution, which is true, we are not evolving, but rather, we are in a process of degradation, taking a planet and an entire ecosystem with us. It is true that this world is full of arrogance, tyranny and injustice. We as a race have been losing qualities over the millennia, why do you think there are so many ancient architectural monuments that were supposedly impossible for their times? Because before human beings had superior capabilities, we were stronger, smarter, nobler, and if you do not believe me, then do a little research on Sumerian or Indian histories and see how they described their kings and populations. It was not because aliens came, well, that also happened, but we humans were also superior.
In this era, there are too many negative qualities, too much filth, which will inevitably destroy us and our world. However, light still lies in many places. Goodness is still prevalent for now, and we have the opportunity to heal and be happy for as long as we have left on this plane. A better world would be for all of us as a civilization to awaken from the arrogance and ego, from the darkness in which we are immersed. A better world would be one where the values of conscience and respect are predominant, where freedom is a reality and not a lie as we live today, where we are slaves of those who think they are superior because they "have" more than others. As a people and as a mass we have the power to eradicate all this evil, but unfortunately that is impossible, many mentalities and points of view would have to be radically changed, which are in agreement with the misery and conformity of seeing how the world is destroyed while they feel happy with a phone or record a tik tok.
La canción continúa hablando de la degradación de la humanidad, la cual nace de la falsa creencia de que estamos en un camino de evolución, cosa que es cierta, nosotros no estamos evolucionando, si no más bien, estamos en un proceso de degradación, llevándonos por el medio a un planeta y un ecosistema completo. Es cierto que este mundo está lleno de arrogancia, tiranía e injusticia. Nosotros como raza hemos ido perdiendo cualidades a lo largo de los milenios, ¿por que crees que hay tantos monumentos arquitectónicos antiguos que supuestamente eran imposibles para sus épocas? Porque antes los seres humanos teníamos capacidades superiores, éramos más fuertes, más inteligentes, más nobles, y si no me crees, pues investiga un poco sobre las historias sumerias o indúes y ve como describían a sus reyes y poblaciones. No fue porque vinieron aliens, bueno, eso también sucedió, pero también los seres humanos éramos superiores.
En esta era, hay muchas cualidades negativas, demasiada porquería, cosa que inevitablemente nos destruirá a nosotros y a nuestro mundo. Sin embargo, la luz aún yace en muchos sitios. La bondad sigue prevaleciente por ahora, y tenemos la oportunidad de sanar y ser felices el tiempo que nos quede en este plano. Un mundo mejor sería que todos como civilización despertemos de la arrogancia y el ego, de la oscuridad en la que estamos sumergidos. Un mundo mejor sería aquel donde los valores de conciencia y respeto sean los predominantes, donde la libertad fuera una realidad y no una mentira como lo que vivimos actualmente, donde somos esclavos del que se cree superior por "tener" más que otros. Como pueblo y como masa tenemos el poder de erradicar todo ese mal, pero eso lastimosamente es imposible, tendrían que cambiarse radicalmente muchas mentalidades y puntos de vista, las cuales están de acuerdo con la miseria y la conformidad de ver como el mundo se destruye mientras se sientan felices con un teléfono o grabar un tik tok.
The people who have little are the ones who will die, while those who stole from those who have little will prevail in their lies and ego, which sooner or later will lead them to a worse fate. This world is full of injustices even in the most seemingly perfect scenarios. The pigs that rule make mankind go through misery out of vanity and folly. I think we have to learn that a person is worth for what he does and for what he is as a caring human being and not for what he has or what he is at the level of social reputation. The sad thing is that almost all of humanity worships those who have a supposedly higher position socially speaking, they lick the floor as if they have no dignity, as if those arrogant zeros have something special. We must support our neighbor! We must support the brother or sister who is in our position, because if we don't, we will only be miserable cattle belonging to beings who are simply categorized as swill. For that and more reasons is that I do not support any damn politician or any idiot who thinks he owns or creates something.
Forgive my strong statements, but well, censorship is not supposed to be an issue here. I don't do it with bad intentions, on the contrary, I just want to defend and support my brothers and sisters, who fight and work day by day with their light to get ahead. Thanks to everyone in this community and in all hive! I love you all infinitely, I adore enjoying every artist, every song, every walk, every word and every experience. I hope you enjoyed the song, I send you a huge hug! Dear reader.
Las personas que tienen poco son las que morirán , mientas los que les robaron a los que tiene poco prevalecerán en su mentira y su ego, lo cual tarde o temprano los llevará a un destino peor. Este mundo está lleno de injusticias hasta en los panoramas que parecen más perfectos. Los cerdos que gobiernan hacen pasar miseria a la humanidad por vanidad y locura. Creo que tenemos que aprende que una persona vale por lo que hace y por lo que es como ser humano bondadoso y no por lo que tiene o lo que es a nivel de reputación social. Lo triste es que casi toda la humanidad le rinde culto a aquellos que poseen una posición supuestamente más elevada socialmente hablando, les lamen el piso como si no tuvieran dignidad, como si esos ceros arrogantes tuvieran algo de especial. Debemos apoyar a nuestro prójimo! Debemos apoyar al hermano o hermana que esté en nuestra posición, porque si no lo hacemos, solo seremos un miserable ganado que pertenece a seres que simplemente se catalogan como bazofia. Por esa y más razones es que no apto a ningún maldito político ni a ningún idiota que se crea dueño o creador de algo.
Perdonen mis fuertes declaraciones, pero bueno, se supone que aquí la censura no es un problema. No lo hago de mala intención, todo lo contrario, solo quiero defender y apoyar a mis hermanos y hermanas, quienes luchan y trabajan día a día con su luz para salir adelante. ¡Gracias a todos en esta comunidad y en todo hive! Los amo infinitamente, adoro disfrutar de cada artista, de cada canto, de cada paseo, de cada palabra y de cada experiencia. Espero que hayas disfrutado de la canción. ¡Te envío un abrazo enorme! Querido lector.
Music of Peace
Song by Papashanty Saund System
Music of Peace
Music of Love
Music focused on projecting good intention
Music and essence to stimulate the value of consciousness
Criticizing evil and ego
Rejecting always the false attachment (encore)
Communicating is the fundamental
That is the basis
To always focus on the good outcome
And the power that people have when they are born
To correct the mistakes that others make
I remember that once upon a time it made no sense
To try to make amends for bad deeds done
Whether out of ignorance or because we never had
A good spiritual education that has instructed
To the essence of the path that the human being has lost
By wanting to use a false course directed to the
Materialization by cutting off the relationship
Between spiritual importance and illusion
Little by little we are all falling into perdition
By the consequence of a false evolution
If we do not wake up we will never learn that
The reason is in the heart
Personally I see no sense in having to be
Living repressed in a dirty and corrupted system.
The cities are no longer a fine place but rather
They are the cradle of thugs and bandits
That make us live with anguish and paranoia
Making the fright disturb us in our memory
With fear, euphoria and scum
But you know what?
They will advance
All those who have spiritual strength
Will be saved
All those who never stop fighting
Will be reborn
The values of a true essence
That will touch our conscience
And so shall come
New times full of love and peace
That will populate
This world in order to harmonize
And will found a school of favorite energies
That to the hearts connects
Music of Peace
Music of love
Music focused on projecting good intention
Music and essence to stimulate the value of consciousness
Criticizing evil and ego
Always rejecting false attachment
The struggle is very flagrant
For evil is sprinkled throughout the sphere
And it is a shrink that takes possession of the good vibrations
That the natural world proposes
Because this artificial world breaks it down
Barbarities full of evil and outrages come and go
Affecting those who have very little money
It is a game that is not convenient for any of us
Because it will affect those who will come in the future.
I refer to our descendants
Who are the ones that one day will suffer the consequences
Of a false inheritance full of unconsciousness
For the negligence that left our existence
Life has no price
But the human being consumes it with contempt and egocentrism
Looking for the easy way out
Thinking of himself
But without knowing that he is living on the edge of the abyss.
One day not too far away they will have to realize
That living in peace and harmony has to be the goal
To make this world a world free of masks
And of wrong attitudes.
And they will advance
All those who have spiritual strength
Will be saved
All those who never stop fighting
Will be reborn
The values of a true essence
That will touch our conscience
And so shall come
New times full of love and peace
That will populate
This world in order to harmonize
And will found a school of favorite energies
That to the hearts connects
Music of Peace
Music of love
Music focused on projecting good intention
Music and essence to stimulate the value of consciousness
Criticizing the evil and ego
Always rejecting false attachment
Music of Peace
Music of love
Music focused on projecting good intention
Music and essence to stimulate the value of consciousness
Criticizing evil and ego
Always rejecting false attachment
▶️ 3Speak
Hello @naradamoon . I really enjoyed your presentation. Although I can't hear your language, I see how you sing with so much passion and I really enjoy the rythm. You did well my friend. Keep it up
Thank you very much for your support my friend! I'm glad you enjoy the music beyond the language. Blessings! 😃👊🙌🎵🎶🙏
Human civilization is already too advanced that it is making "our" thinking and attitudes degrade. I've heard the term "bubble" (e.g. dotcom bubble, housing bubble) and it seems our civilization is also heading that way.
Anyways, you sing great as always.
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My friend, human civilization is not too advanced. Thinking and attitudes are degrading. That is the belief in a false evolution.
Anyway. Thanks for the support!
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Waoooo que buen estilo jejejejej es buna cancion y la letra queda bien. Gracias por traerla aqui. Felicidades y aplausos para ti 🙂
Por alguna razón se me hace conocida la canción, no escucho mucho reggae pero creo que la he escuchado antes, si dices que es legendaria entonces debe ser así. Interesante la letra y la crítica que hace. Tu interpretación es muy buena, no me acuerdo escucharte antes en este género pero te queda muy bien! Lo disfruté bastante. Saludos bro!!
Hermano! Saludos, yo sí he tocado reggae antes pero muy poco, esa banda ha sonado bastante así que seguro habrás escuchado alguna canción. Gracias por pasarte por aquí mi Bro! Bendiciones. 🙏🎶🎵🙌👊😃
El gran Gopal, super talentoso! y de paso traes este gran tema hermano que nos trae recuerdos de jodas chéveres. Por su puesto un letra poderosa como tú dices, el reggae es un arte musical que todos deberíamos amar sin duda. Gracias por esta super joya y ser un ejemplo para todos hermano. Abrazos
Saludos hermanos! Muchas gracias por el apoyo y las bellas palabras. Na guara, joder con esta canción es tener clase jajaja. Me alegra de que hayan apreciado esta música y estas palabras . Bendiciones. 😃👊🙌🎵🙏🎶🎵
Brother, your guitar playing and singing style is a little different than usual. I really liked have a rhythm and a great singing style bravo🎼🔥♥️🎼🎸🎙️
Brother! How are you? Yes, what happens is that this is a musical genre that I don't usually approach so often, I decided to bring this song because I hadn't played it for a long time. Thank you very much for your support! 🎵🎶🙏🤗
Thanks brother, I'm fine, It was nice watching and listening to you.It's always fun for me Take care of yourself.😇🙏♥️🎶👏
Una canción con un buen mensaje, que agradable es disfrutar de tu talento.
Saludos hermana! Muchas gracias por tus palabras y tu apreciación.
it's a very cool song bro. you sing it with full appreciation
This is such a passionate singing and playing. Your music is rockable and really full of lessons for all. You would do well on a live show.. great one.
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