HIVE OPEN MIC WEEK 202| BLESSED ASSURANCE by @nathcy (Voice and Piano) | Eng/Esp

in Hive Open Miclast year (edited)

"Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine," is a hymn that resonates across generations. The story behind the hymn is interwoven with the life and faith of its composer, Fanny Crosby.

Though blinded at a young age (two months old), Fanny found solace in music and poetry. She is known to have written over 8,000 hymns including “To God be the Glory”, ”Jesus Keep me Near the Cross”, ”Pass me not O Gentle savior” and “I am thine O Lord”. Themes of faith, hope, and overcoming challenges often resonated through her work.

In the year 1873, Fanny was visiting her friend, composer Phoebe Knapp. A newly composed melody played by Phoebe sparked something within Fanny. "Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine," she declared, and with Phoebe's help, the rest of the hymn flowed.

Some believe the title drew inspiration from Hebrews 10:22, urging one to "draw near to God with a true heart in full assurance of faith." Whatever the specific spark, the hymn reflected Fanny's personal experience – finding strength and peace in her faith despite her circumstances.
But "Blessed Assurance" transcends individual stories. It speaks to the universal human desire for connection, purpose, and peace. Fanny, with her simple yet powerful language, managed to capture these desires, making the hymn resonate with countless individuals over generations.

I think understanding her life and the hymn's context helps deepen our appreciation of this hymn. "Blessed Assurance" continues to touch hearts and inspire.

I picked this song this week because I hope that “praising my saviour all the day long” as is said in the hymn will be my story at last. The composer as well happens to have a touching story.

Thanks for visiting my corner!


1 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
born of his Spirit, washed in his blood.
This is my story, this is my song,
praising my Savior all the day long.
This is my story, this is my song,
praising my Savior all the day long.
2 Perfect communion, perfect delight,
visions of rapture now burst on my sight.
Angels descending bring from above
echoes of mercy, whispers of love. [Refrain]
3 Perfect submission, all is at rest.
I in my Savior am happy and bless’d,
watching and waiting, looking above,
filled with his goodness, lost in his love. [Refrain]

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"Bendita Seguridad, Jesús es mío", es un himno que resuena a través de generaciones. La historia detrás del himno está entrelazada con la vida y la fe de su compositora, Fanny Crosby.

Aunque quedó ciega a una edad temprana (dos meses), Fanny encontró consuelo en la música y la poesía. Se sabe que escribió más de 8.000 himnos, entre ellos "A Dios sea la gloria", "Jesús, mantenme cerca de la cruz", "No me pases, oh gentil salvador" y "Yo soy tuyo, oh Señor". Temas de fe, esperanza y superación de desafíos a menudo resonaron en su trabajo.

En el año 1873, Fanny estaba visitando a su amiga, la compositora Phoebe Knapp. Una melodía recién compuesta interpretada por Phoebe provocó algo dentro de Fanny. "Bendita seguridad, Jesús es mío", declaró, y con la ayuda de Phoebe, el resto del himno fluyó.

Algunos creen que el título se inspiró en Hebreos 10:22, instando a "acercarse a Dios con un corazón sincero y con plena seguridad de fe". Cualquiera que sea la chispa específica, el himno refleja la experiencia personal de Fanny: encontrar fortaleza y paz en su fe a pesar de sus circunstancias.
Pero "Blessed Assurance" trasciende las historias individuales. Habla del deseo humano universal de conexión, propósito y paz. Fanny, con su lenguaje simple pero poderoso, logró capturar estos deseos, haciendo que el himno resonara en innumerables personas a lo largo de generaciones.

Creo que comprender su vida y el contexto del himno ayuda a profundizar nuestra apreciación de este himno. "Blessed Assurance" continúa tocando corazones e inspirando.

Elegí esta canción esta semana porque espero que “alabar a mi salvador todo el día”, como se dice en el himno, sea por fin mi historia. El compositor también tiene una historia conmovedora.

¡Gracias por visitar mi rincón!


1 ¡Bendita seguridad, Jesús es mío!
¡Oh, qué anticipo de la gloria divina!
Heredero de la salvación, compra de Dios,
nacido de su Espíritu, lavado en su sangre.

Esta es mi historia, esta es mi canción,
alabando a mi Salvador todo el día.
Esta es mi historia, esta es mi canción,
alabando a mi Salvador todo el día.

2 Comunión perfecta, deleite perfecto,
Visiones de éxtasis ahora estallan en mi vista.
Los ángeles que descienden traen desde arriba.
ecos de misericordia, susurros de amor.

3 Perfecta sumisión, todo está en reposo.
Yo en mi Salvador soy feliz y bendecido,
mirando y esperando, mirando hacia arriba,
lleno de su bondad, perdido en su amor.

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Bravo, bravo, bravo! I enjoyed it very much brother. This story is beautiful, but you have made all of us who listen to you connect faster with it. The place where you sing is very special and you transmit a lot of power through your video. Congratulations on a great job, standing ovation for you 😍

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project! Check out our Reading Suggestions posts!

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Thanks a lot @jesuslnrs I appreciate your kind gestures.

It has been a while I heard this song last, you sang so well with your melodious voice. Weldon sir.

Thanks a lot @adyma it is a wonderful song and I appreciate your compliments 🙏

What a wonderful performance. Love the story behind this Anthem. A few months ago I recorded a hymn by the same composer and it was a beautiful experience. Your piano performance is incredible and your singing has come from the heart.

@yisusth Thank you greatly! Truly, it's amazing how she was able to achieve such a great feat despite her challenges. Blessed be the Lord.