Hive Open Mic / Week 80 / Tema de Mozart en Trompeta

in Hive Open Mic3 years ago (edited)

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Tema de Mozart

Hola personitas bellas de #HiveOpenMic, en esta semana quiero presentar una obra que onterpreté con mis primeros compañeros de orquesta hace ya mucho tiempo. En el vídeo hago una pequeña (larga) introducción donde les comento una pequeña dinámica que espero puedan realizar.

Tema de Mozart es un dueto de trompeta basado en una una melodía del icónico compositor Wolfgang Amadeus, y arreglado por la leyenda de los instrumentos de Viento metal Jean-Baptiste Arban

que por si no lo sabían el nombre de nacimiento de Mozart es Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart

Pido disculpas por errores técnicos, es cierto que grabé con metrónomo, pero cuando hago la primera voz me dejo llevar por la melodía y olvida seguir el tiempo jejejejej. No es lo mismo tocar con un compañero que grabar un vídeo uno por uno.

Espero entonces tengan un bonito día y les haya gustado mucho mi interpretación. ♥



Hello beautiful people of #HiveOpenMic, this week I want to present a piece that I performed with my first orchestra partners a long time ago. In the video I make a short (long) introduction where I tell you a little dynamic that I hope you can perform.

Mozart's Theme is a trumpet duet based on a melody by the iconic composer Wolfgang Amadeus, and arranged by the brass legend Jean-Baptiste Arban.

which in case you didn't know Mozart's birth name is Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart

I apologize for technical errors, it is true that I recorded with metronome, but when I do the first voice I get carried away by the melody and forget to keep time jejejejej. It's not the same playing with a partner than recording a video one by one.

I hope then you have a nice day and you liked my performance very much. ♥


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¡Interesante pieza! Mozart es uno de mis compositores favoritos en cuánto a música clásica se refiere, entiendo lo de grabar uno por uno los vídeos, yo lo he hecho con flauta dulce y es algo tedioso grabarse uno mismo y grabar uno mismo todas la voces y luego unirlas pero a su vez es divertido y gratificante. Yo tengo un libro donde hay una pieza de Mozart que nunca había oído pero es un minué muy bonito que sería interesante escuchar en Trompeta.


Bueno amigo que estamos esperando para que me hagas conocer esa obra jejejejeje. Me alegra mucho que te haya gustado!!! Saludos igual!!!!

Jejeje no hay problema, aquí te dejo el link del post donde está la partitura:

This is really amazing I love the appergio move. What app did you use to merge the video

As you are my friend, it is a pleasure that you liked it. Well I used an editing program called Sony Vegas, version 11. But there are applications for cell phones where you can make the effect and easier as viva video or movie maker.

Okay I think I have viva video but don't understand how to use it well

Easy my friend, just choose the two videos, trim them so that they are of equal size, control the timeline so that both go at the same time and that's it my friend. There are many tutorials on youtube where they explain it better hehehehej, with words I find it hard to tell you. I hope I helped you

Okay I will check the tutorial out on YouTube but you still did a lot by telling me

Hahahha, did you just make a guessing game as I did a few days ago with my error?? hahah, cool!

My guess is 0:54

You have indeed guessed it hahahahaha. It's always good to have a little ingenuity with mistakes hehehehehej. Best regards teacher!!! ♥

your sounds sinks into my heart..
you played well friend, maybe I should try to duet some of my favorite songs, because this one really caught me💜💜

I can try my friend, you should tell me which are your favorite songs. By the way, don't flatter me so much or I'll believe it later, hahahahahah. Big hug!

Hahaha my friend trust me I can't flatter you...
I play trumpet too thou and would love to play better like you do 😊😊

I'm going to help you my friend, watch out for a video that I will make soon =)


Hola! Que divertido e impresionante este video. Se que no es fácil hacer este trabajo, te felicito. Ha sido muy entretenida tu participación y eres excelente trompetista.