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RE: hive open mic week 194-hey friend(my original song)by:samuelstifen

Gratamente sorprendida por tu presentación amigo @samuelstifen posees una voz hermosa. Bendiciones y Feliz año Nuevo🙏🤗🎶🎶🎄🥂👏👏👏🎤💙🧡❤️💞 Pleasantly surprised by your presentation friend @samuelstifen, you have a beautiful voice. Blessings and Happy New Year🙏🤗🎶🎶🎄🥂👏👏👏🎤💙🧡❤️💞


Thank you sis for stopping by my channel, I hope the song I made doesn't fail for the musicians here, because this song is for all of us, I hope you have a nice day.and merry chrismas🥳🙏😇🎉✨