With excitement and great joy from my heart, I greet you and congratulate you on the fact that you came up with a beautiful idea of music.
This is such a beautiful and unique genre of music.
I hope you are feeling very well dear hiver?
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Hola, estimado amigo @obaro, nos encontramos bien, gracias a Dios. La música es nuestra forma de drenar tensiones, como dice nuestra amiga @hermaryrc "nuestros ensayos son nuestra terapia antiestress". Tenemos mucho qué agradecer al respecto a Hive Open Mic y a compañeros como usted que nos animan con sus visitas y comentarios a seguir haciendo música. Mil bendiciones y éxitos para usted.
Hello, dear friend @obaro, we are well, thanks God. Music is our way of draining tensions, as our friend @hermaryrc says "our rehearsals are our anti-stress therapy". We have a lot to thank in this regard to Hive Open Mic and colleagues like you who encourage us with your visits and comments to continue making music. A thousand blessings and successes for you
You are welcome dear Hiver.
Don't stop making music!!