
:D awesome!

Yes in the post I put some Youtube videos with some examples about the Venezuelan / African drums músic. It's very hard to play. I'm guitar player but in Venezuela all the most qualify jazz and progrock Drummers take very serioulsy the art to play this kind of genre into drums because the folclorical performance it's about 9 músician playing differents kinds of drums, and the Drummer have to fusión that in one and with two hands play that complex polyrhytms very fast. I Made another post the last month of You wanna take a look be My guest, here and I put a Lot of examples in Youtube videos about Drummers from here that récord that kind of stuffs. In fact My guitar teacher (Aquiles Baez) develop a technique for brings the Drums sounds into guitar strings that I learn from him. Very curious and fast playing emulate drums in guitar playing. Blessings!