Hive Open Mic -253 | Buku Harian

in Hive Open Mic2 months ago (edited)

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Hi guys, welcome to the 253nd weeks of the Hive open mic.

This time I sang a song entitled "buku harian ini" which was popularized by DPaspor from Indonesia.

This song tells the story of someone who always writes his love story in his diary.

Every day he writes about his story with someone he loves. From the moment he met his love until they separated.

In the diary he told a lot of stories, his sad stories, his happiness with that person.

Currently, he is no longer in contact with that person, and he often opens the diary when he misses him.

Previously I didn't know this song, and I specially memorized and sang it for this contest. Thus, there are definitely a lot of flaws in this song. I also recorded it directly from the sound that came out of the speakers when I sang, without me fixing it.

I just improved the video quality and wrote the song lyrics with the Capcut application.
Hope you guys are enjoy.

Following are the lyrics and translation of the song:

Kenangan kasih bersamamu
(Loving memories with you)
Tak mungkin terlupakan
(Impossible to forget )
Tertulis dengan tinta biru
(Written in blue ink )
Didalam Buku harian
(In the diary )

Tiap lembar di buku itu
(Every page in the book)
Tersimpan kenangan cinta
(Saved memories of love)
Mula pertama berjumpa
(First time meeting)
Hingga Kita berpisah
(Until we end)

Didalam buku harian ini
(In this diary)
Ada tawa dan tangis
(There was laughter and tears)
Ada benci dan rindu
(There is hate and longing)
Berpadu jadi satu Dalam kenangan
(Combined into one in memories)

Bila ku rindu kan dirimu
(When I miss you)
Ku buka buku harian ini
(I opened this diary)
Terbayang lagi semua kenangan
(Imagine all the memories again)
Saat bersamamu Seperti Waktu dulu
(When I'm with you, it's like the old times)

Walaupun buku harian itu
(despite the diary)
Kini telah lapuk dan usang
(now it is rotten and obsolete)
tapi cintaku tak kan sirna Ditelan waktu
(but my love will not fade as time goes by)
tapi cintaku tak kan sirna Ditelan waktu
(but my love will not fade as time goes by)

Original Song:

▶️ 3Speak


Congratulations @resyiazhari nice job 👍 keep improving you will reach there ♥️👋👋👋👋👋

I am trying to be consistent with you

It's always so nice to listing to your songs /presentation bravo

Thanks very much

Nice melody @resyiazhari. You presented the song well. And thank you for the translation in each line of the song, I am able to understand what it is all about. Keep singing😇

Thanks sis, I will continue to share Indonesian music for you. In the future I will sing dangdut songs, which are special Indonesian music.

Thank you @resyiazhari . I will be looking out for them from you buddy😎