Honestly, I miss meeting you here, sharing stories in song.Good night all. I am @resyiazhari from Indonesia who used to be part of our proud community. There are several reasons why I haven't been active here for a long time.
Now I'm back again, and I want to be consistent here with you guys. Hopefully you can accept me back.
The 251st open mic about high school, initially I wanted to sing the song "Love Story at School" by Obbie Messakh. After I found out, it turned out that dinda rahmadina had sung the song so beautifully. I don't want to repeat singing that song again, because my voice is not as beautiful as her voice
I'm thinking a little about what song I want to sing related to this theme. Because Indonesian songs rarely tell stories about high school. Only tells about adolescence and youth, without explaining about school. Until finally I found the song "Buku Ini Aku Pinjam (I Borrowed This Book)" by Iwan Fals.
The song " Buku Ini Aku Pinjam (I Borrowed This Book)" tells the story of high school romance. A man who waits for his woman every day, borrows her book and then writes poetry in the book. The song also tells the story that the man doesn't want to care what people think, because for him the love story belongs to him and the woman.
This Original Song:
Here are the lyrics and translation:
Dia tahu dia rasa
(She knows she feels)
Cinta ini milik kita
(This love is ours)
Di kantin depan kelasku
(In the cafeteria in front of my class)
Di sana kenal dirimu
(There i know you)
Yang kini tersimpan di hati
(Which is now stored in my heart)
Jalani kisah sembunyi
(Live a hidden story)
Di halte itu kutunggu
(I was waiting at the stop car)
Senyum manismu kekasih
(Your sweet smile, lover)
Usai dentang bel sekolah
(After the school bell rings)
Kita nikmati yang ada
(We enjoy what we have)
Seperti hari yang lain
(Like any other day)
Kau senyum tersipu malu
(You smiled shyly)
Ketika kusapa engkau
(When I greet you)
Genggamlah jari
(Hold my finger)
Genggamlah hati ini
(Hold this heart)
Memang usia kita muda
(Indeed, we are young)
Namun cinta soal hati
(But love is about the heart)
Biar mereka bicara
(Let them talk)
Telinga kita terkunci
(Our ears are locked)
Dia tahu dia rasa
(She knows she feels)
Maka tersenyumlah kasih
(So smile darling)
Tetap langkah jangan hentikan
(Keep going, don't stop)
Cinta ini milik kita
(This love is ours)
Buku ini aku pinjam
(I borrowed this book)
Kan kutulis sajak indah
(I'll write beautiful poetry)
Hanya untukmu seorang
(Just for you onlyone)
Tentang mimpi-mimpi malam
(About night dreams)
Dia tahu dia rasa
(She knows she feels)
Maka tersenyumlah kasih
(So smile darling)
Tetap langkah jangan hentikan
(Keep going, don't stop)
Cinta ini milik kita
(This love is ours)
Cinta ini milik kita
(This love is ours)
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Good performance, Bang Azhari. I haven't visited Lhouksemawe for a long time. I miss going back there.
Come visit, we will karaoke together. Where are you from?
Iwan Fals rasa Rhoma Irama.. khekhe
Kolaborasi dalam satu jiwa
Awesome presentation boss 😊❤️
Thanks brother..!!!
Much welcome