I'm happy to participate again and include my entry on Hive Open Mic for this Week, with a very interesting theme, namely: "Refleja tu Espiritualidad." In English, this means, "Reflect Your Spirituality." This theme is chosen by our community's recent Spotlight Artist: @milasalazar. To follow this week's theme, I chose to cover a song by the famous band in Indonesia, NOAH. A song entitled "Tak Ada Yang Abadi" (in English means: "Nothing Lasts Forever".
This song is melodious and emotional. Can be categorized into songs with religious themes and advice songs. Because the lyrics of this song contain a lot of moral messages as material for reflection for us in living life. Various feelings are implied about changes in relationships, wealth, popularity, friendship, and even death. "Tak Ada Yang Abadi" is more suitable to be called a farewell song. Tells about nothing that lasts forever and there will always be changes in life. So I think this song is perfect for this week's theme.
Image Souce
This song was composed by Ariel (vocalist NOAH) in 2004 and later released in 2008 in Peterpan's album titled "A Name, A Story". This song also received a re-recording version of NOAH and was included in the Second Chance album which was published in 2014.
I tried to cover it with my version, hopefully it can entertain all of you. In this video I also include an English translation so you can understand the meaning of the lyrics of this song. Hope you like it, enjoy...
Takkan selamanya
Tanganku mendekapmu
Takkan selamanya
Raga ini menjagamu
Seperti alunan detak jantungku
Tak bertahan melawan waktu
Dan semua keindahan yang memudar
Atau cinta yang telah hilang
Tak ada yang abadi
Tak ada yang abadi
Tak ada yang abadi
Tak ada yang abadi
Oh... Biarkan
Ku bernafas sejenak
Sebelum hilang
Takkan selamanya
Tanganku mendekapmu
Takkan selamanya
Raga ini menjagamu
Jiwa yang lama segera pergi
Bersiaplah para pengganti
Tak ada yang abadi
Tak ada yang abadi
Tak ada yang abadi
Tak ada yang abadi
Original Version:
▶️ 3Speak
Lovely rendition dear friend 👍
Thank you so much my friend @mhizerbee
You're welcome
Hermosa y apasionada interpretación amigo @rialvocal posees una voz hermosa y muy afinada. Felicitaciones y que tengas un feliz fin d semana🥰👏👏👏🪔😊🎧🤗🎤❤️💚💕
Beautiful and passionate interpretation, friend @rialvocal, you have a beautiful and highly tuned voice. Congratulations and have a happy weekend 👏👏👏 😊🎧🤗🎤❤️💚
I'm just trying to give the best I have to entertain you allThank you so much @nellynohemi
Thank you @hiveopenmic